Ben Rhodes’ book ‘The World As It Is’ dishes on 8 acrimonious years of US-Israel ties, when the PM, he says, proved adept at turning Jewish leaders against the president
ed note–several important takeaways from this piece–
1. If indeed, for the 8 years of the Obama administration, Netanyahu worked behind the scenes in ‘skillfully turning the American Jewish establishment against the American president’ over the issue of a ‘peace deal’ with the Palestinians, can all reasonable persons assume then that indeed the same thing is being done right now with Trump?
Please note the following–
‘Netanyahu was remarkably shrewd at galvanizing the kind of pressure on Obama that made it politically unfeasible for the president to push forward on his peace plan and it was far too painful to wade into these waters with no prospect of success, thus the administration’s reluctance to make the Israeli-Palestinian conflict even more of a central focus…Netanyahu had mastered a certain kind of leverage: Using political pressure within the United States to demoralize any meaningful push for peace, just as he used settlements as a means of demoralizing the Palestinians.’
So, how do we reconcile what Rhodes writes concerning the behind-the-scenes acrimony that existed between Obama and Nutty Netty over the issue of a peace deal with the Palestinians with all the nice, lofty, flowery language that Netanyahu uses about the new US President?
You mean it might be entirely possible that Netanyahu actually views Trump as an adversary–as he did with Obama–due to Trump’s stated plan to come to some sort of resolution over the Palestinian question–as did Obama–and that in reality, Netanyahu is pulling the levers behind the scenes in causing Trump as much grief as possible vis a vis the ‘Russia’ probe?
Next–Note how Obama was never more ‘annoyed’ during his 8 years in office than he was just prior to his address to AIPAC in 2012, a generalized way of saying what we have said here all along, which is that in front of the cameras and the mics, US politicians will say nice things about Israel but in their heart of hearts, they can’t stand the Jews and are just itching for the opportunity to free themselves of any and all continued exposure/contact with the parasitical eternal menace, and that one of the main reasons for what is the generalized (and at times over-the-top) Judaic opposition to Trump is rooted in the innate understanding on the part of Judea, Inc that given the right circumstances and the right parameters, Trump’s actions with Israel could open the floodgates of a full scale revolt within a US political establishment that has grown weary with having a knife held to its throat and a gun held to its head.
Wonder if PBO’s personnel letter for PDT went something like this; “Mr President, first I must tell you about that obnoxious, self-aggrandizing Jew, Nutty-Netty……………………..”
Huge. Read and re-read the TUT ed. comments. Some times it is important to re-look into political power struggles. Otherwise you “think” you “know”.
A comment left by an Edward Huguenin below the Times of Israel article:
“It is a sad and bitter irony indeed that perhaps the most dangerous, vicious, evil and vile criminal leader in the Middle East wasn’t from Iraq, or Libya, but in fact from Israel. Clearly so much of the violence and hatred and terrorism is a direct result of the crimes and atrocities committed by Israel. It would have been far better to have removed the nuclear weapons from Israel in 2001 and forced Israel back to the Pre1967 borders as mandated by international law instead of destroying 2/3’s of the entire Middle East killing millions, turning 10’s of millions into refugees, reducing entire cities to rubble, spending more than 7 Trillion dollars. The world in general and America in particular would have become a far better place than it is today.”
fly maggot magnet obummer must have been annoyed by this