Museum says ‘Holocaust was the unprecedented genocide of 6 million Jews,’ after statement from US president omitted reference to Jews’
ed note–As much as careful watchers of all things dealing with Judea, Inc will assume with a certain amount of accuracy that the constant ringing of the Hollerco$t bell is done to make Gentiles feel guilty and thus give organized Jewish interests the blank check they demand in inflicting all sorts of murder and mayhem throughout the world, what people fail to consider is that it is primarily directed more at the psychological conditioning of Jews themselves than it is of of their non-chosenoid counterparts.
The effect that the entire Hollerco$t trauma-based-mind-control operation, while indeed designed to beat down and weaken Gentiledom–is by design meant to empower Judea, Inc. It is the proverbial sword of Damocles held over the heads of each and every Judaic, the only escape from which is aggressive, rapacious, violent, militant behavior both on the individual and collective level. This–more than anything else–is the reason that the Hollerco$t has to be a ‘Jewish thing’, because to generalize it and include non-Jews in the mix would weaken its effectiveness on the Judaic mind, similar in some respects to any ‘act of God’ that is indiscriminate such as a hurricane or tornado.
Besides, when we consider what the term ‘Holocaust’ means in a biblical sense, it is the act of sacrificing an innocent, blameless victim for the ‘sins’ of others, and since–in the Judaic paradigm–Gentiles are inferior, wicked creatures that ‘descend’ from one of the ‘Satanic spheres’, according to the ‘good rebbe’ Schneerson, Gentiles cannot be an intrinsic part of a true ‘Holocaust’ per se, due to their inherently inferior and eeeeevil nature.
And, finally, once again the question must be posed towards all those ‘experts’ out here who think they have Trump all ‘figured out’ as yet another ‘stooge’ for Israel, Jews, and Zionism–why did he make the statement that he did in the fashion that he did, and furthermore, why is he continuing to stand by his original statement in the face of a tsunami of Judaic screeching and hollering, if in fact, as some claim, he is ‘their boy’?
Hard to believe the jews are still so shameless in alleging the “Holocaust”. Despite decades of revisionist scholastics that have brought so much Truth as well as Lies to light, proven & documented, often even officially accepted, jews haven’t changed the story, which in turn begets fresh hearsay lies. The Talmudic number “6 Million”, was used hundreds of times before WW2 by the Zionist brass, appealing for funds to help that many jews somewhere under some threat. “Holocaust” & “6 Million” are always included together in the first sentence of any memorial or educational presentation (Spiel).
The Trump Administration mentioned neither; they refuse to back up the “6 Million” lie and made a point of preserving their own credibility. No lay-down for jew lies and power grabbing. 70 years is enough, thanks.
The Jew Bolshevik Soviet leadership needed a distraction from their own very real Holocaust of 60 Million against Soviet Gentiles from the Rothschild-funded Revolution to the end of the war and the Zionist brass was also using the lie to support their call for a homeland. They, and the jews of the USG held the IMT – Nuremberg, which the US had to be goaded into by Zionist leadership and their benefactors.
Most people believe the Holohoax because they assume that Nuremberg was legit; it wasn’t. It was a gross jew-run Kangaroo Court, condemned at the time by the Chief of the US Supreme Court.
The intent of the “Nazis” was purely eugenic, it was to exclude ‘sub-humans from the ‘Aryan’ gene pool. “Eugenics research in Germany before and during the Nazi period was similar to that in the United States (particularly California), by which it had been partly inspired.”
They rated many groups of people ‘sub-human’ or genetically damaged. About 10% of those people happened to be included because of their ‘Jewishness’.
“Those humans targeted for destruction under Nazi eugenics policies were largely living in private and state-operated institutions, identified as “life unworthy of life” , including prisoners, degenerate, dissident, people with congenital cognitive and physical disabilities (including feebleminded, epileptic, schizophrenic, manic-depressive, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, deaf, blind), homosexual, idle, insane, and the weak, for elimination from the chain of heredity. More than 400,000 people were sterilised against their will.”
Of course, people incapable of simple arithmetic, had by definition cognitive disability. (As in 2million + 4Million = 6million, but then 2million + 2million = 6million, and later 2million + 60,000 = 6million ).
It is hardly surprising that a proud people would not want such disabilities to be handed on.
As a side note, simply look at what has happened in California as a result of not implementing a eugenic program, a totally schizophrenic, manic-depressive state.