The Prime Minister’s Office published a photo of the golden pager that the Prime Minister presented to the American President.
ed note–as always, a mountain range of important info that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to understand about all of this.
Firsto, ladies and Gentile-men, no one, and ESPECIALLY those whose claim to fame is their self-declared ‘expertcy’ on all things related to Zionism, Israel, Judah-ism, and the dangerous influence that all the aforementioned wield over human affairs, should underestimate or otherwise confuse the message which the lizard-faced warlord Netanyahu was attempting to convey with this ‘gift’ to POTUS DJT of a golden pager representing the state-sponsored terrorist attacks taking place mid-Septemeber in Lebanon that murdered and maimed thousands of innocent Gentiles.
The gold-painted pager, possibly made to appear so as a veiled threat to the US economy and to a possible repeat of Israel’s failed false flag attack taking place in 2008 that caused the money markets of the US to collapse in just 2 short hours, mounted on what appears to be a piece of Cedar (Lebanon’s national symbol) was nothing short of the same veiled threats for which Netanyahu is famous for making, including his ‘bomb’ cartoon at the UN in 2012 and his giving then-VP Biden shards of broken glass when he was on an official visit to Israel in 2010 to convey personally POTUS Obama’s warnings to Netanyahu to cease building Jewish settlements in the West Bank, warning him in veiled gangsterese as he handed him the broken glass, ‘don’t cut yourself’.
The ‘gift’ from Netanyahu and the Jypsy State that he leads to POTUS DJT is exactly the same thing–The warning to POTUS DJT that the Pirates of Judea have plenty of dirty tricks up their sleeves that they are ready, willing, and able to employ against him personally and against the US in general if any substantive plans are put into motion aimed at reining in Judea, Inc and her 3,000 years old plan for stealing every last millimeter of land between the Nile and Euphrates rivers as Judah-ism commands be done.
Israel National News
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented US President Donald Trump with a golden pager during their meeting at the White House this week.
The gift hints at the operation last summer in which Israel detonated the pagers of thousands of Hezbollah terrorists.
Trump smiled when he received the gift and told Netanyahu: ‘That was a brilliant operation.’
Netanyahu’s office stated that ‘the pager symbolizes the Prime Minister’s decision that led to a turning point in the war and the beginning of the breaking of Hezbollah’s spirit. This strategic operation personifies the State of Israel’s might, technological superiority, and finesse against its enemies.’
Talk about rubbing crap into the faces of the pager victims! Actually, the whole world. Trump better have that pager checked really good!
This reminds me of a small scene in The Godfather Part 2, where Hyman Roth (the ‘Jew from Miami’) has his henchman Johnny Ola give Michael Corleone an orange as a symbol of death.
ed note–exactly. Thank you for reminding us all about this. In the first GF film, Vito was buying oranges when he was gunned down and obviously Roth was sending a kabbalistic message that Michael is headed for the same thing as took place just a few minutes later when his bedroom is machine-gunned.