Eyal Zamir, set to become the 24th IDF chief of staff, said Israel will produce its own weapons and emphasized the need to reduce reliance on foreign arms
ed note–as always, a mountain range of important info that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to understand about all of this.
Firsto, ladies and Gentile-men, no one on God’s green earth, and especially no Gentiles with a RATIONAL understanding of how the Jewish brain functions, should expect anything other than violence, war, civilizational collapse and every other type of Torah-based organized criminal evil when it comes to the Jypsy State and how she deals with the rest of the non-Jewish world.
Like ‘Taz’, the Tasmanian Devil featured in the ‘Looney Tunes’ cartoons programs of years past, a wild, untamable, VIOLENT and irrational carnivore that seeks no peace with the peaceful and peaceable creatures in his environment, likewise, the Judah-ites and their ‘state’ can/will only exist within an environment of war, war, and ever-more war.
As the mass-murderer/war criminal Ariel Sharon once quipped–
‘Tell me, do the evil men of this world have a bad time? They hunt and catch whatever they feel like eating. They don’t suffer from indigestion and are not punished by Heaven. I want Israel to join that club. Maybe the world will then at last begin to fear us instead of feeling sorry. Maybe they will start to tremble, to fear our madness instead of admiring our nobility. Let them tremble, let them call us a mad state. Let them understand that we are a wild country, dangerous to our surroundings, not normal, that we might go crazy, that we might go wild and burn all the oil fields in the Middle East or that we might start World War Three, just like that…’
Therefore, ladies and Gentile-men, for the incoming head of the IDF to state quite matter-of-factly that ‘2025 will continue to be a year of war’, no one should be surprised, as the Hebrews, Israelites, Judah-ites, Judeans, Jews–whatever we want to call them, have been in a state of ceaseless and perpetual war with the rest of the Gentile world for the last 3,000+ years.
However, even though there is no reason to be surprised at his statement, there is plenty of reason to be worried…
POTUS Donald J. Trump has made plain his intentions of bringing to a SCREECHING HALT all the war taking place in the world, including (or perhaps especially) those in the Middle East. Furthermore, he has a rather LARGE ax to grind with a certain warlord Prime Minister named Netanyahu whom he views with the severest level of contempt imaginable and as clearly demonstrated in various statements he has uttered and with various gestures he has made as of late.
So, the question is, and especially since, at the very moment that this incoming Chief of Staff made the statement concerning ‘2025’ being a year of continued war’, that Netanyahu is in Washington DC meeting with Trump, what is it then that the Pirates of Judea are planning to do in making sure that ‘2025 remains a year of continued war’ when POTUS DJT has already stated on numerous occasions that the wars will be brought to an end?
Will it be another one of these?
Or this?
Or this?
Or this?
Or this?
Or some variation of all the above combined?
The one thing that can be said L&G, is that they, the ‘children of Israel’ as they love to refer to themselves, are not going to be swayed or delayed from achieving what it is that they have been planning for themselves (and for the rest of us) these last 3,000+ years.
And if achieving what it is that they have been planning for themselves and for the rest of humanity these last 3,000+ years means that they have to take the WHOLE WORLD down in the process, then all can rest assured that they will follow through with it, and especially given the fact that the voices that they hear in their heads emanating from ‘yahweh’, the violent and vindictive war-god that they worship, command that they do so, a fact made clear by the Judah-ite warlord featured in the news story below as he quotes from the Book of Psalms that–
‘I will pursue my enemies and overtake them, and I will not turn back until they are destroyed.’
Ynet News
The day after his appointment as the next IDF Chief of Staff, Major General (Res.) Eyal Zamir, currently the director general of the Ministry of Defense, delivered his first speech following the announcement of his selection as the intended successor to Herzi Halevi. Despite cease-fires in Gaza and Lebanon, ‘the year 2025 will continue to be a year of combat,’ said Zamir during the Ministry of Defense’s work plan conference.
‘The war has proven that we must rely only on ourselves,’ said Zamir, who is expected to assume the role of Chief of Staff on March 6. ‘We were all raised on the principle that ‘The State of Israel will defend itself by itself.’ Now, I am telling you that Israel will also produce its own weapons independently, in the face of any threat or scenario. During the war, we restarted production lines that had been shut down, expanded existing production lines, and established new manufacturing capabilities. Reducing our dependence on the world benefits our security, our economy and our industry. This will also prove itself in defense exports.’
The incoming IDF chief of staff added: ‘We are in a global arms race – a technological race, and in our region, there is no room for mercy. Our neighbors, from Iran to Gaza, from Yemen to Beirut and Damascus, misjudge us. The people of Israel and the IDF are strong. During moments of crisis, a fighting spirit emerges in our people. We must salute the IDF, its soldiers, and its commanders. They saved the State of Israel. The Ministry of Defense provided the IDF with the tools, support and safety net needed to complete its mission.
‘During the war, the IDF rose from the depths. Enemies on all fronts were defeated, and their leaders are now buried beneath the rubble. But the campaign is not over, and challenges remain ahead. We must remember the heavy price we paid in lives lost and wounded. The year 2025 will continue to be a year of combat. The Ministry of Defense must continue to build strength and support IDF needs and national security missions.’
‘In the coming days, I will conclude my role as director general of the Ministry of Defense,’ Zamir said. ‘I feel that I am leaving behind a strong, leading and powerful ministry that is focused on its primary mission, which I defined during the second day of the war – providing the military and the defense establishment with the breathing room they need.’
He also expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to lead the IDF. ‘I want to thank Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Israel Katz for their trust in selecting me as the 24th IDF chief of staff,’ he said. ‘We will show our enemies that they face a determined, powerful, and victorious force, as it is written in the Book of Psalms: ‘I will pursue my enemies and overtake them, and I will not turn back until they are destroyed.’