SOTT – As China has economic interests throughout South East Asia, including in Myanmar, Modi’s ‘pivot south’ is increasingly understood as a means to try and gain an upper hand against China in a trade war, rather than a border war, even though Modi’s Army Chief is implying that border wars remain a priority from the perspective of the Indian military.  CONTINUE READING

One thought on “India has lost the plot, says it's ready for war with China AND Pakistan”
  1. Maybe Netanyahu got to their heads and pumped up the Indian’s egos to a suicidal level.
    For the sake of their peoples, China, Pakistan and India should come very quickly to a compromise over the disputed areas of land, then settle down, anything else is pure suicide if they start bombing each other with nukes.
    What is really best for the Indians? Most of them dead in a nuclear conflict, or for them to give up a bit of land to China and Pakistan. It does not matter much, since people will still be living in those areas, but with any such settlement, the declaration can be made that no more land be given up once any settlement has been made.
    It costs about £50,000 an hour to fly and maintain a jet fighter, can India or Pakistan or China really afford to burn money like this to put money into the pockets of psychotic, psychopathic arms manufacturers? Much of the Indian population is still crapping in the dirt, with no toilets. That is the clinical definition of insanity. What is it that these governments are trying to ‘protect’, not their peoples, that is for sure.

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