3 thoughts on “Inside the Republican Party’s Desperate Mission to Stop Donald Trump”
  1. Really? You’re kidding, right? Believe me, they’re getting a lot of mileage and coverage out of this one. Besides, he fits the fascist face of the RepubliTHUG party to a T. Have a hard time convincing me that they’re desperate to stop him.

  2. Then you don’t know much about politics, Jocanda.
    Number One: The Republican Party does not meet the definition of a “Fascist ” as I am one!
    Your definition is from Jewish sources.
    Fascism is a united Gentile Nation with sovereignty, authority and secure borders.
    It is anti-globaliat, anti-private banking/finance, and has social programs.
    The Republican Party is Globalist International Finance …Oligarchy, and Judaic.
    Trump is overturning this ,\and the evidence is very clear that the Left/Right Jewish Matrix is opposing Mr Trump.
    Why are they wasting so much money to fight him?
    All of this an act?
    It’s sure alot of waste …and rich people know not to do that!
    They would be championing him, not degrading him.
    Trump rejects the GOP’s unfair trade policy issues, and war agenda …he is pro sovereignty and not for their austerity agenda.
    He wants closed borders and legal, not illegal immigration the Republicans exploit for greed.
    He never campaigns against the poor and vows to protect Social Security the GOP wants handed to Wall Street.
    He opposes the Iraq War, pushed Bush 3 out of the race.
    He opposes the Jews’ GOP policies regarding overthrowing Assad and Quadaffi.
    He wants a government-run healthcare of some type.
    “We cannot throw people in the street.” For this he gets heat.
    Trump wants to be neutral between Palestine and Israel.
    You should get out of the Left Wing of the Jews’ fake Left/Right Matrix and begin here on TUT, which is filled with “Fascists” and National Socialists (Nazis) like me.
    Shocked? Good.
    I admire the man and pray for his safety.
    He is the only limited hope we have.

  3. Dante, your speech touch me, and I remember you answering to someone confused about the Fuehrer. You said: A. Hitler is everything to me, that moved me too. Friend, thanks for defend the truth, forever Hail, Sieg Hail! And long live Trump! Long live Putin, God save America and the world! Aufwiedersehen hermano (brother), follow, Go ahead with the truth. Saint Adolf looks from heaven to all modern heros in the eternal fight against the liars, the jewish thugs and vampires

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