
BY THIERRY MEYSSAN – President Trump announced in advance that he intends to withdraw US troops from Syria. He went back on this decision under pressure from the Pentagon, then agreed with his general officers to maintain pressure on Damascus as long as the United States were excluded from the peace negotiations in Sotchi. The deployment of the Russian armies – for which the White House had probably given its agreement – provided President Trump with the occasion of forcing the Pentagon to back off. It would have to withdraw its troops, but it could maintain the presence of its mercenaries.

If the United States leave [Syria], then the French and Turkish troops will be unable to stay. The Israëlis would no longer be able to overfly and bomb the country. The British have already left.

However, Tel-Aviv, Paris and Ankara still hope that President Trump will lose the elections of 6 November and will be fired. They are therefore awaiting the results of this fateful election before they decide. CONTINUE READING

2 thoughts on “International relations: the calm before the storm?”
  1. i think that america and russia should unite under one flag, one administration, joint presidency of putin and trump, lavrov heading the state department.
    in some stealth ways, it is the subterranean reality already and as it gathers steam, it should pull in germany as well, the start of the united states of gentiles under christ.

  2. United States of Gentiles under Christ….USGC…has a ring to it…But, I think I like the United States of Christian Soldiers more.

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