
Islamic Republic hails system, saying it will strengthen its ‘defensive and deterrence power’

Times of Israel

Iran announced a new surface-to-surface cruise missile system Sunday, broadening its arsenal of long-range rockets that analysts say can hit targets in Europe and beyond.

Officials claimed that the new missile, known as “Soumar,” enjoys improved range and pinpoint accuracy over previous systems, although its statistical capabilities have not been publicly released.

In a ceremony in Tehran, Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan hailed the Islamic Republic’s deterrence measures and military achievements amid economic sanctions imposed on the country over its controversial nuclear program.

“[The weapon] is seen as a wide stride taken to enhance the Islamic Republic of Iran’s defensive and deterrence power,” Dehghan told Persian media.

Another military official asserted that Iran would never allow its defense program and cruise missiles to become a topic in its nuclear negotiations with the world powers.

Israeli officials have repeatedly warned that, coupled with its nuclear project, Iran’s long-range missiles pose a threat not only to the Jewish state, but also to Europe and the United States.

The revelation of the new missile follows a large-scale naval drill last week by Iran in which senior Iranian officials noted that they possess an array of covert weapons that may be used in any future battle against the United States.

In January, an Israeli TV report claimed that Tehran possessed missiles capable of delivering a warhead “far beyond Europe.”

Britain, China, France, Russia, the United States and Germany — known as the P5+1 — have been seeking a comprehensive accord with Iran that would prevent Tehran from developing a nuclear bomb in return for an easing of economic sanctions.

0 thoughts on “Iran announces new long-range cruise missile”
  1. Interesting how Iran, despite everything, all the brouhaha, just keeps quietly chugging along doing what has to be done without going out and decimating local populations to test their new weaponry? No matter what, they just keep chugging along with full intention of success to their goals ~ determined and in apparent good cheer.

    No wonder Israel fears this country so greatly. Not only is she accomplished, still full of a creative beautiful people with ideals and ethics, but she maintains grace and calm consistently in the face of Israeli bluster. How this is not apparent to the rest of the world remains a great mystery to me.

    Israel’s blundering grasping paws can not bring the hammer down on this great nation for so many reasons, so they resort to the verbal blunderbuss known as Bibi to, so far, no avail. His behaviour is the manifestation of the internal terrified bully we know as Israel today. I am sure Bibi lathered at the mouth and we will hear more… yawn.

    Good work Iran. “The Islamic engine that can….. “

  2. Good work Iran. Dr. Ahmadinejad has said that Iran doesn’t need nuclear warheads to deter the hyenas. I understand that with the conventional weapons they have, they can defend themselves and cause severe damage to the aggressors. Iran is in a geographical strategic location which is on the advantage of the Persian people. They can also close the strait of Hormuz at least for a few months causing incredible damage to the ailing European economy, they can bombard the oil wells in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, B’rain, UAE, Kuwait, and target ships and submarines in the Persian Gulf, Mediterranean Sea, and Arabian Sea. Its not going to be a clean cut to get Iran, These warmongers are leading the West into a trap.

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