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0 thoughts on “Iran mobilises forces on Syrian border ahead of ground operation”
  1. Love it. I think the other countries there will be very grateful for Russia’s help and it emboldens them. The US is the loser in this. The best thing that could happen for the middle east and the world is a humiliation of the Americans and it may be the best thing for the US too. Americans don’t run US foreign policy, Jews do, Jews loyal to Israel and fellow Jews. A blow to the US might help change that.

  2. After years of disappointing news about our long suffering world ,I find this absolutely thrilling !

    I have studied military history since a child. It’s not just statistics, and dates, but the multifaceted nuances of moral,psychology ,will, ideology,and theology is a vital foundation.
    Iran,Russia,Hezbollah are superior to the exhausted Judiac West in terms if moral,and down.

    They have moral Foundations, lost by certainly the USA.
    Europe /NATO owned by the Jews have no interest in this at all.
    Do you see any German,British, Norwegian Italian Dutch troops anxious to fight this war ?
    Forget the formally Eastern Block NATO crowd like Poland ,Estonia, Latvia .


    Iran ” Land Of The Aryan”, is a nation united, strong ,and brilliant.
    Russia ” The new Rome”, mean business.

    They know the stakes in this conflict and are reacting with righteous vigor.
    I assure you all,the days of ISIS is over, and peace will be restored to Syria very soon.

    Iran is providing the ground arrny ,for the Russian Air Armada.
    This is brilliant !
    Because airpower can never win a war alone.
    Only by taking and holding ground can this be done.

    The Russusn Army stays in Western Europe, and Iran provides the final victory.

    The ” Greater Israel Project”, is over
    The ” Project For A New American Century”, is collapsing before our eyes.

    God Bless Vladimir Putin,and Mr Assad for their coursge .

    Thank you Iran,ancient and beautiful land once known as Persia.

  3. What sort of blow? If that blow comes from outside, then it will be explained to the ordinary American people by the American mainstream media – America’s Fourth Estate.
    That’s a huge problem. For more than a century America’s Fourth Estate has been shepherding ordinary Americans into fighting wars that well informed loyal Americans would rightly refuse to do.
    America’s Fourth Estate is actually a Fifth Column – a group of traitors betraying the country they operate in.
    The most effective blow needs to come from within.
    What if ordinary Americans ceased buying the product their Fourth Estate sells to them?
    Send those traitors broke!
    And use the internet to publish honest news, allowing all viewpoints a say!
    Is such action possible?

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