Tehran claims Ya’alon’s comments on ‘steps’ Israel may take, alongside references to Hiroshima bombing, were an implicit threat
ed note–of course this was a threat to nuke Iran and to wipe it ‘off the map’ as maniacal, hysterical Jews are constantly accusing Iran of doing. The difference is, Israel can get away with it because she holds the bulk of the western mind in a spell of sorts encompassing not only the political realm, but everything else as well. In addition to this, what must be remembered is that the god of the Jews–Yahweh–demands a burnt sacrifice in order to be appeased. During biblical times, Jews used goats, rams, sheep, etc. Now, having equated Gentiles with barnyard animals, the burnt offerings they offer to their diabolical god takes on the form of war, incineration, and, in the case of Ya’alon’s threats, the use of nukes.
The Jews project. Everything they accuse others of doing ,are their own desires,plans,and actions.
But but but I thought israel had no nukes.
Jews, who regard all other peoples only as Amalekites by extension, who must all be killed, ‘from the beginning to the end’ will always confabulate reason after reason to ‘justify’ what they have always intended for thousands of years, as they regard all Gentile souls only as eternal and irredeemable demons from hell, who must all be exterminated like vermin and sent back to hell.
Lest an open declaral of such enmity by the Jews against all other peoples of the world at once were to result in the whole world rising up together to dethrone them, they make up other seemingly plausible reasons against one nation after the other, using their political control of Gentile nations to use their armies to crush one nation at a time, to get away with it.
IsraHELL keeps pounding and pounding on the same issue over and over again. They want a war no matter what but they do not want to attack the cowards because if they attack they will be incinerated with conventional weapons. One weapon is needed to strike Dimona and provoke a nuclear disaster for the circumcised.