jewish History

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0 thoughts on “Iranian FM: “We saved Jews 3 times, Netanyahu should revise history lessons””
  1. I admire IR of Iran and Persian history in general. But Cyrus the Great unfortunately was a humanist believing in equality of ALL (Cyrus Cylinder) failing to understand the crucial difference of the chosenite slave-master mindset vs Gentile. Persia’s leadership fell victim to a ploy by chosenites to attack Babylon, chosenite emissaries/spies from Babylon to Persia are on record. Someone opened the Babylonian gates from the inside ensuring Persian victory. A similar occurance happened in Egypt, the superpower of the times, was suddenly and swiftly overran by the Hyksos tribe. But the Egyptians regained the control eventually and punished the traitors by making them slaves. Some historians argue a probable inside job. It can be argued that in both and other cases that the population became ‘awake’ to who enslaved their nation. Arguebly present multi-culti policies are meant to sabotage a united resistance in western nations but would it happen anyway- thru cooperation- we would face a similar fate, thrown to the wolves of a war or even invasion. The so called ‘wrecking of empires’ is unavoidable.

  2. Iran saved real Semite Jews, not the fake Brooklyn one’s. So Netanyahu is right in an odd way!

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