Jewish member of Iran’s parliament Siamak Mareh Sedq called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu an “insane vampire” for saying that Iran seeks the annihilation of the Jews, just as ancient Persia did in the Purim story.
“Netanyahu is an insane vampire drowned in crimes from head to toe, and the recent remarks made by the racist Israeli prime minister is not surprising to me,” Siamak Mareh Sedq, who represents the Jews of Iran in the government, said Tuesday during an open session of parliament, the semi-official Fars News Agency reported.
Mareh Sedq also asserted that in contradiction to Netanyahu’s statements against Iran, anti-Semitism and racism have never been witnessed in the Iranian culture.
On Saturday night, the start of the Purim holiday, Netanyahu visited an Israeli synagogue, where he told children celebrating Purim that Iran seeks to kill the Jews just as the Persians did.
Mareh Sedq followed his nation’s foreign minister in castigating Netanyahu.
“To sell bigoted lies against a nation which has saved Jews 3 times, Netanyahu resorting to fake history & falsifying Torah. Force of habit,” Mohammed Javad Zarif tweeted in English on Sunday.
“The Book of Esther tells of how Xerxes I saved Jews from a plot hatched by Haman the Agagite, which is marked on this very day,” Zarif also wrote, referring to the Persian king known in the Purim story as Ahaseurus.
Earlier Sunday, the speaker of Iran’s parliament, Ali Larijani, also attacked Netanyahu’s statement, saying that “apparently, [Netanyahu] is neither acquainted with history, nor has read the Torah,” according to Fars.
Netanyahu “has distorted the Iranians’ pre-Islam historical era and attempted to misrepresent events,” Larijani said. “Of course, nothing more than presenting such lies is expected from a wicked Zionist.”
5 thoughts on “Iranian Jewish Lawmaker– 'Netanyahu an insane vampire'”
“To sell bigoted lies against a nation which has saved Jews 3 times, Netanyahu resorting to fake history & falsifying Torah. Force of habit,” Mohammed Javad Zarif tweeted in English on Sunday.
The Jews are insanely sick to wilfully try to create a war between themselves and other nations like this, risking the physical existence of hundreds of millions of human beings, and millions more lives of other creatures in the areas of armed conflagration that would surely follow if their campaign of warmongering succeeds.
When a Gentile does something good for a Jew, the Jew will ultimately, at some point, turn on that person and falsely accuse them of ill-intent towards them, even as if the Gentile has done them some grave ill, or even as if the Gentile is actually a physical danger towards them, as it is in the nature of the Jew to do this, it is an overly-developed, lower than animal sense in them that produces a constant violent cunning in their nature, resulting in unremitting malice and hostility towards all non-Jews, and the Jews are endlessly manipulative to achieve their twisted aims.
Several countries that have assisted in the Jewish cause, albeit without even necessarily being aware of that in some cases, having been manipulated by the Jewish-controlled American politicians and CIA, as Iraq was, to fight against Iran for instance, have subsequently been almost totally destroyed, with the sad remainder of their peoples heavily balkanized, and split into constantly warring factions to be made to simply murder each other by Jewish design, this being a typical example of what the triumph of the will of the Jews in those areas has exhibited, and it is not a superior or spiritual will, it is the blunt-edged implement of sheer violent bludgeoning force used against Gentile peoples by Jewish souls who are insane and utterly desperate for life-force through being spiritually unconscious and largely separated from the true Godhead, who are prepared to do anything at all, no matter how violent or selfishly abusive to others, just like an inconsiderate dangerous drug addict would do, in order to maintain their precarious existence.
The Jews are literally intending to take all other souls prisoner in Stalinist states through their Noahide Laws and through their proxy pseudo-Muslim ISIS mercenaries who are largely from a huge number of Kharijite takfiri Muslims, more like Jews than Muslims, most of them coming from Saudi Arabia and other countries in that general area.
If the Jews are not physically opposed by physically brave and strong enough people in very large numbers from many nations, who possess sufficient spiritual awareness and intellect, as well as political and historical acumen, all non-Jewish souls in this world will indeed be physically enslaved and then physically slaughtered at a later date, and there is not the slightest exaggeration there, this will be quite literal, as these intentions are all given perfectly lucidly in the edicts of the terrorist manuals they call the Jewish scriptures, and the political and military power that the Jews now wield is simply staggering, so the political and military response must also be. To accomplish this, people must become enlightened in many areas of consideration in vast numbers at a very fast rate, and replace all traitorous Jew-controlled governments, so as to be able to take control of the political and military apparatus of those countries and very quickly form an overwhelmingly powerful federation of free countries who are prepared and able to commit to remove the Jews from power all over the world by military means, since Jews do not listen to diplomacy, but rather, maintain the threat of their Samson Option nuclear missiles with which they claim they will destroy the entire world if they choose. Such a terrorist threat from the Jews must immediately be removed by even the harshest methods, as the entire world cannot be held subject by this obscenely and sickeningly grandiose terrorist Israeli state and their criminal traitorous Jewish infiltrators in governments around the world any longer.
Today the Jews use NATO, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, the Taliban, and many other groups. Think of that immense military power under their command and consider again what else they can do to destroy any nation or people they desire, working their way around the world, killing millions at a time as they desire, without any real recognition of who is doing what and why by any federation of nations as yet that might effectively counter the military force of the Jews on a decisive level. Such an opposition must occur by the creation of such a federation militarily opposed to these demonic Jewish predators and parasites, this must come.
The Jews constantly maintain utter contempt towards any and all who might seek to become political spokesmen, ambassadorial representatives, intellectuals or members of other faiths who might wish to try to negotiate some sort of peaceful and egalitarian coexistence with the Jews, the Jews do not recognize the slightest validity in any of them, as the Jewish scriptures are warlike and entirely singular in intent, to destroy all other religions, to enslave and then ultimately exterminate all non-Jews from the face of this world, and the Jews have not the slightest intent to convert any one of us, or invite any of us to share the next life with them, as the Jewish intention is only, that after this life, all Gentiles will forever reside in eternal hell under their cruel, sadistic and demonic authority.
Negative psychic power is also a force that is being used by the Jews against us, as well as their false political propaganda and false flag attacks to produce wars for their benefit, and we must consider this also, and remain vigilant in prayer and spiritual sentiment. If we cannot beat the Jews on all planes, then we will be entirely subjugated by the Jews and subjected to all sorts of very intense suffering indefinitely in some dimension or other, as psychic power is a reality, even though no eternal hell exists as such, though such places are well documented as being threatened and intended as an actual coming reality for all ‘sinners’ in the three Abrahamic religions, and in the original Zoroastrian religion, another invalid religion.
People need to face up to that fast. It is not just a matter of facing up to words and deeds on the physical plane, and giving very little consideration to some some supposedly irrelevant fairy tales of this and that happening after this life that cannot be proven by mainstream science, take a look outside your heads, by means of yoga, shamanism, alternative faiths or whatever, and you will see see a real shitstorm going on up there, we have to become warriors on all planes.
The Jews intend in real terms to eternally maintain total victory over us, using us as a spiritual form of sustenance to maintain their own hellish existences in this or a slightly higher physical dimension after this world. I consider that just as we are an extremely valuable resource in this world to them on all planes, without whom they could not exist here, so they will to seek to maintain us in some connected and subjugated position even after this world, as certainly, if they say they will keep us all in hell, that is some kind of connection being maintained with our souls there, and they must be intending to profit from that ‘relationship’ somehow. They will certainly not merely expend energy on us to hold and punish us there without benefit to themselves, you know Jewish nature, and certainly the Jews will not do that unless they get more energy out of us than they put into us, so I think their psychic torture of us will be a sort of pressure on our eternal souls to force us to constantly give up our undying life-force to them, when they will hope to keep our souls softened by attitudes already created by false religions like Christianity to make us ‘love our enemies’ and that is how they will torture us, hoping for us to show them only softness and compassion, pleading for mercy because we are such ‘nice Christians’ and so on, conditioned by the fake Jewish-created religion always to give out love. They will be milking us like spiritual cattle if they can get away with it, like bloodsucking vampires, holding us as constantly tortured spiritual livestock in some psychic sense.
The Jews seem to be getting very apprehensive due to the efforts of the many writers and revisionist researchers opposed to their blatant criminality and terrorism. Jews are getting so worried now by intellectual stirrings in the goyim, that they recently applied pressure on Amazon to stop the distribution of any literature that denies the fabricated so-called holocaust of the ‘6 million Jews’.
The Jews will ruthlessly and vindictively keep slaves beneath them in this world according to Jewish scriptures, to be used and abused in any cruel ways they wish, with absolutely no benevolent consideration or wish towards those subjugated and enslaved Gentile souls, and the Jewish perspective, their beliefs and practices are entirely criminal and terrorist on all levels when we see the ultimate cause behind their ethos, and thus the Jews and their way of parasitically feeding on all of us can have no true merit or any possible valid position at all in our Gentile societies.
The Jew sees only the potential of his own malicious nature in others, and so he is irrationally suspicious and paranoid, and projects the suppositions of his own suspicious paranoia onto others through his defective mental process, and thus treats others as if they really are out to get him.
This is not only a spiritual defect due to spiritual indolence and undutifulness, it is a callousness that springs from the souls of the Jews through their spiritually angry and challenging mood, and their not caring to be dovetailed with a truly higher consciousness in a relationship with the true Godhead for spiritual guidance, that consequently sets them endlessly in conflict with God and with all non-Jews, and, that too is by God’s arrangement, so that we can see what kind of madness and chaos results when people no longer maintain a relationship with the true God, a vital part of that relationship being the concern for the welfare of all other souls, even on a cosmic scale ultimately.
And of course, such a spectacle of warlike chaos here on this world remains a clear warning to work as a deterrent to convince any would-be explorers from the higher dimensions from ever wanting to live here, as we are not from this dimension and do not truly belong here, all things considered, when we see beyond all the aims for the possession of this or that piece of land from a higher perspective, even though struggling for such land may be entirely valid and necessitous for our physical survival here in this world.
However, this world is still a valuable teaching ground for souls to round off just before they re-ascend back to their true spiritual dimension, and we cannot allow the Jews to take hold of this world and make it non unavailable for that purpose, God’s purpose, as they mean to destroy all other faiths out of demonic hatred for the real God. This world is to remain a place for souls to come to finish off their spiritual development, and the Jews must be prevented by all means from stopping this world being used for that purpose.
Hitler says in Mein Kampf, that if the Jews succeed in their purpose, then no human life will remain on this planet, and that is the literal intent of their hellish religion, and that is why they have invented all nuclear weapons and GMO biological weapons that can actually accomplish that very thing, their demonic intention is very clear.
Right here, right now, the legislative and military powers of the Jews are growing at an exponential rate, and unless actual military opposition is made against these demons on a multi-governmental, multinational scale, the game of mere words being one that the Jews know well how to exploit to continue to be able to enslave and murder people unabated, then Gentile peoples will all continue to be enslaved and murdered around the world. Jews do not respond to words from the UN or any politician as yet, they bomb and murder exactly as they please, lethal force is the only language that they themselves use, and that is the only language that they will be capable of understanding in return, and such force must come from reformed, non-infiltrated governments with very powerful armies under their command with the latest weapons and full legality behind them.
Unless the Jews step away from their angry and exploitive attitudes, and gain the confidence to step onto a different kind of spiritual path, then they will inevitably stay the same, and that reluctance and willful pig-headed angry blindness of theirs will ultimately only end in physical warfare when Gentile peoples see and understand exactly how the Jews have been playing them to murder each other for many hundreds of years in insane and completely unnecessary wars. This is why Jews are clamping down very heavily indeed now on free expression almost all over the internet (except here thank goodness) and in other media.
We Gentiles must overcome the Jews and the limitations they set upon us, or perish from this world, though this would not be any indication of Jews being better than us spiritually, but only of their currently being overwhelmingly and brutally influential, and of their being able to summon the mind-controlled forces of NATO and ISIS shabbos goyim to defeat us all for them.
The Jews are a group of similar recalcitrant criminal souls, selfishly rebelling against the cosmic loving ethos of the true God because of their hot-tempered quickness to anger, and they have become blind to the possibility of cosmic loving consciousness shared by all within the infinite body of souls in cosmic consciousness on the spiritual planes. The Jews are a group with similar fallen natures who have lost the greater part of their higher spiritual intellect through severing their relationships with their true Supersoul Godhead, but they just cannot see that.
Consequently, they have chosen to seek common cause together in the parasitic exploitation of all others in the absence of God, who would otherwise be the source of all they need for spiritual sustenance, so the Jews seek to sequester a great number of Gentile souls to farm them under cruel circumstances, so that they may feed on their substance. Actually, in doing this, the foolish Jews, though they consider themselves very expert in exploiting, enslaving and killing other people, and regard this demonic quality very highly indeed amongst themselves, now only have an extremely poor substitute for the loving companionship of the real God, like a rapist kidnapping and abusing a small child before murdering them, who insanely thinks they actually gain some kind of benefit from that, but that is how fallen the spiritual nature of the Jew is, utterly abominable. That the Jewish scriptures openly state that all non-Jews are non-living souls, demons from hell who are eternally irredeemable, sent here by the supposed ‘God’ of the Jews only to be slaves for the Jews and then be ultimately exterminated at the end of this world, and then sent to hell to suffer eternally, despite having been caused as slaves to render service to the Jews, amply bears this accusation out, as it shows how utterly cold, cruel, manipulative, selfish, abusive and murderously sadistic the Jews really are.
Our current politicians in the West can rightfully be held in utter contempt for their sycophantic , cowardly and traitorous dealings with the blatantly insane and genocidally murderous Jewish Israeli government and people.
That the Jews seek to harm all others like this is a clear demonstration not only of the spiritual insanity of the Jews, but of concomitant genetic defect, and modern research does bear out that mental attitudes and even physical accomplishments, especially those associated with a mental sense of outstanding achievement, do actually produce genetic changes in an individual that actually carry on to affect the next generation in their offspring.
If a Jew hits you, he will scream out in pain, hoping that ‘witnesses’ will come to his aid and give you a good thumping, to satisfy the hateful and sadistic jealous destructive nature of the Jew, and not only will the Jew seek to have you wrongly punished for something that he himself actually did, he will also seek to produce in you a negative self-percept of you as being a wrongdoer, and he will seek to do this by sheer force of numbers added to his own, employing the power of suggestion that those ‘witnesses’ will conjure up for him, as they too will accuse you and punish you, endeavouring to try to cause you to feel as if you really have done some wrong, and the Jew is very skilled at amplifying his own malice towards you through using others in this way. Just as through false flag attacks on other nations, he can cause millions of innocent Gentiles to die at each other’s hands, saving himself the trouble of direct physical involvement, avoiding the risk of any physical injury to himself, whilst he also stays amongst the civilians and sells arms to the soldiers of both sides.
If two groups of Jews were to oppose each other, the group of Jews being opposed would never be docile and acquiescent as the Gentiles are, and both groups of Jews would surely be at each other’s throats.
The altruism of the Gentile is viewed by them only as a feebleness induced in them by the Jewish God so that the Jews will surely gain victory over them to enslave them, and ultimately kill them all.
They do not view such benevolence in the altruistic Gentile as a spiritual grace that they should be thankful to the Gentiles for, or that they should reciprocate their kindness and servitude, as they see the Gentiles as simple soulless livestock, with whom they may do anything they wish.
Their scriptures tell them that Gentiles and all non-Jewish souls in all species are eternally non-living souls from hell, not of the same substance as God, that the Gentiles and all other non-Jewish souls are a different and totally inferior species of souls who are diametrically opposed to the Jewish souls, that the two groups of souls are two polar opposites.
The Jew considers that Gentile souls and bodies are eternally and irredeemably hostile towards the Jews in all things, the Gentile being supposed by the Jewish religion to be eternally evil and demonic, and always naturally hateful towards the Jews due to his substance not being of God, but of Satan, whilst the Jews themselves suppose in their insane conceit that their bodies and souls alone have come from God, that the Jews as a natural consequence possess the same ineffable qualities of divine love and goodness that God Himself does, whilst the Gentiles’ souls and bodies are not capable of the vision of God, that they are eternally hell-bound.
The Jewish religion is a form of fanciful madness that self-sanctifies it’s own endless neuroses and psychoses, and seeks to foist that illusion on all Gentile peoples as a genuine spiritual religion, when it is nothing of the sort. The negative qualities of the Jews, that are both spiritual and genetic in nature, that they cannot be bothered to seek to change or oppose, seeing that as a complete waste of time and effort, they then seek to justify as being actually God-given and essential qualities of a ‘holy’ people that are vital for their preservation against Gentile peoples, who they maintain the view of as being their eternal enemies for their own purposes of encouraging each other to maintain an exploitive attitude against Gentiles, so that they can predate upon them without the slightest possibility of any softening of heart towards the Gentiles, without the slightest conscience or compunction, as a malevolent parasitical worldwide militant force unified as one, together in spirit and intent.
The endless paranoid and irrational violent impulses to maintain a religion whose edicts demand the ultimate annihilation of all non-Jewish life on this entire world, is indicative of a genetic defect that goes along with their fallen spiritual state.
Jews are a nasty, bitey sort of animal.
Mothman, You should be writing at TUT with stuff like this!
@ nooralhaqiqa
Thanks, I am glad you like what I wrote, though I am quite happy working at my own pace, and like just to submit comments like this, finding the articles here really stimulating in a manner that makes me want to write, though I have written a few pieces on my own site at Mothman777’s Blog at WordPress.
I would urge people all over the world to stand up and create new parliaments in their nations to delegitimize the current sayanim infiltrator impostors running much of the world.
The parasite has to be taken out of office, out of all positions of influence and authority throughout the world, as they have no interest in the welfare of any other people, they only want a world of their own and wish us all enslaved under them, and this intended reality that the Jews wish, is something that we all naturally combine together to write about so that people will wake up before it is altogether too late.
May there be many more of us, and then a better-informed people can have the opportunity to turn the tide of opinion and get new governments started that are entirely free from Jews, and people can then be truly assisted by governmental representatives who genuinely do endeavour to act in the best interests of their peoples, to provide real medicine, real food, clean water, good housing, and so on, and non-toxic spirituality also of course.
MOTHMAN, excellent post!!
@ joecthetruthteller
Cheers Joe, let’s try to encourage more and more like-minded people to form groups and take the initiative as they should be doing, so they will begin preparing realistic political agendas and recruiting suitably skilled and spiritually enlightened people willing to run for election to replace the treacherous present governments, and even if just a few of them get elected, that at least gets a foot in the door, though we see what happens if just one person even says 60,0000 Jews got departed to Israel by Germany in WWII, which is a literal fact, even when that person who said it, Ken Livingstone, is in fact a massive supporter of the Jews and Israel, they still get banned for life from British politics as ‘anti-semitic’, so something in the entire system has to change, a massive turf-out of all the traitors who are really working for Israel, and not our own countries.
“To sell bigoted lies against a nation which has saved Jews 3 times, Netanyahu resorting to fake history & falsifying Torah. Force of habit,” Mohammed Javad Zarif tweeted in English on Sunday.
The Jews are insanely sick to wilfully try to create a war between themselves and other nations like this, risking the physical existence of hundreds of millions of human beings, and millions more lives of other creatures in the areas of armed conflagration that would surely follow if their campaign of warmongering succeeds.
When a Gentile does something good for a Jew, the Jew will ultimately, at some point, turn on that person and falsely accuse them of ill-intent towards them, even as if the Gentile has done them some grave ill, or even as if the Gentile is actually a physical danger towards them, as it is in the nature of the Jew to do this, it is an overly-developed, lower than animal sense in them that produces a constant violent cunning in their nature, resulting in unremitting malice and hostility towards all non-Jews, and the Jews are endlessly manipulative to achieve their twisted aims.
Several countries that have assisted in the Jewish cause, albeit without even necessarily being aware of that in some cases, having been manipulated by the Jewish-controlled American politicians and CIA, as Iraq was, to fight against Iran for instance, have subsequently been almost totally destroyed, with the sad remainder of their peoples heavily balkanized, and split into constantly warring factions to be made to simply murder each other by Jewish design, this being a typical example of what the triumph of the will of the Jews in those areas has exhibited, and it is not a superior or spiritual will, it is the blunt-edged implement of sheer violent bludgeoning force used against Gentile peoples by Jewish souls who are insane and utterly desperate for life-force through being spiritually unconscious and largely separated from the true Godhead, who are prepared to do anything at all, no matter how violent or selfishly abusive to others, just like an inconsiderate dangerous drug addict would do, in order to maintain their precarious existence.
The Jews are literally intending to take all other souls prisoner in Stalinist states through their Noahide Laws and through their proxy pseudo-Muslim ISIS mercenaries who are largely from a huge number of Kharijite takfiri Muslims, more like Jews than Muslims, most of them coming from Saudi Arabia and other countries in that general area.
If the Jews are not physically opposed by physically brave and strong enough people in very large numbers from many nations, who possess sufficient spiritual awareness and intellect, as well as political and historical acumen, all non-Jewish souls in this world will indeed be physically enslaved and then physically slaughtered at a later date, and there is not the slightest exaggeration there, this will be quite literal, as these intentions are all given perfectly lucidly in the edicts of the terrorist manuals they call the Jewish scriptures, and the political and military power that the Jews now wield is simply staggering, so the political and military response must also be. To accomplish this, people must become enlightened in many areas of consideration in vast numbers at a very fast rate, and replace all traitorous Jew-controlled governments, so as to be able to take control of the political and military apparatus of those countries and very quickly form an overwhelmingly powerful federation of free countries who are prepared and able to commit to remove the Jews from power all over the world by military means, since Jews do not listen to diplomacy, but rather, maintain the threat of their Samson Option nuclear missiles with which they claim they will destroy the entire world if they choose. Such a terrorist threat from the Jews must immediately be removed by even the harshest methods, as the entire world cannot be held subject by this obscenely and sickeningly grandiose terrorist Israeli state and their criminal traitorous Jewish infiltrators in governments around the world any longer.
Today the Jews use NATO, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, the Taliban, and many other groups. Think of that immense military power under their command and consider again what else they can do to destroy any nation or people they desire, working their way around the world, killing millions at a time as they desire, without any real recognition of who is doing what and why by any federation of nations as yet that might effectively counter the military force of the Jews on a decisive level. Such an opposition must occur by the creation of such a federation militarily opposed to these demonic Jewish predators and parasites, this must come.
The Jews constantly maintain utter contempt towards any and all who might seek to become political spokesmen, ambassadorial representatives, intellectuals or members of other faiths who might wish to try to negotiate some sort of peaceful and egalitarian coexistence with the Jews, the Jews do not recognize the slightest validity in any of them, as the Jewish scriptures are warlike and entirely singular in intent, to destroy all other religions, to enslave and then ultimately exterminate all non-Jews from the face of this world, and the Jews have not the slightest intent to convert any one of us, or invite any of us to share the next life with them, as the Jewish intention is only, that after this life, all Gentiles will forever reside in eternal hell under their cruel, sadistic and demonic authority.
Negative psychic power is also a force that is being used by the Jews against us, as well as their false political propaganda and false flag attacks to produce wars for their benefit, and we must consider this also, and remain vigilant in prayer and spiritual sentiment. If we cannot beat the Jews on all planes, then we will be entirely subjugated by the Jews and subjected to all sorts of very intense suffering indefinitely in some dimension or other, as psychic power is a reality, even though no eternal hell exists as such, though such places are well documented as being threatened and intended as an actual coming reality for all ‘sinners’ in the three Abrahamic religions, and in the original Zoroastrian religion, another invalid religion.
People need to face up to that fast. It is not just a matter of facing up to words and deeds on the physical plane, and giving very little consideration to some some supposedly irrelevant fairy tales of this and that happening after this life that cannot be proven by mainstream science, take a look outside your heads, by means of yoga, shamanism, alternative faiths or whatever, and you will see see a real shitstorm going on up there, we have to become warriors on all planes.
The Jews intend in real terms to eternally maintain total victory over us, using us as a spiritual form of sustenance to maintain their own hellish existences in this or a slightly higher physical dimension after this world. I consider that just as we are an extremely valuable resource in this world to them on all planes, without whom they could not exist here, so they will to seek to maintain us in some connected and subjugated position even after this world, as certainly, if they say they will keep us all in hell, that is some kind of connection being maintained with our souls there, and they must be intending to profit from that ‘relationship’ somehow. They will certainly not merely expend energy on us to hold and punish us there without benefit to themselves, you know Jewish nature, and certainly the Jews will not do that unless they get more energy out of us than they put into us, so I think their psychic torture of us will be a sort of pressure on our eternal souls to force us to constantly give up our undying life-force to them, when they will hope to keep our souls softened by attitudes already created by false religions like Christianity to make us ‘love our enemies’ and that is how they will torture us, hoping for us to show them only softness and compassion, pleading for mercy because we are such ‘nice Christians’ and so on, conditioned by the fake Jewish-created religion always to give out love. They will be milking us like spiritual cattle if they can get away with it, like bloodsucking vampires, holding us as constantly tortured spiritual livestock in some psychic sense.
The Jews seem to be getting very apprehensive due to the efforts of the many writers and revisionist researchers opposed to their blatant criminality and terrorism. Jews are getting so worried now by intellectual stirrings in the goyim, that they recently applied pressure on Amazon to stop the distribution of any literature that denies the fabricated so-called holocaust of the ‘6 million Jews’.
The Jews will ruthlessly and vindictively keep slaves beneath them in this world according to Jewish scriptures, to be used and abused in any cruel ways they wish, with absolutely no benevolent consideration or wish towards those subjugated and enslaved Gentile souls, and the Jewish perspective, their beliefs and practices are entirely criminal and terrorist on all levels when we see the ultimate cause behind their ethos, and thus the Jews and their way of parasitically feeding on all of us can have no true merit or any possible valid position at all in our Gentile societies.
The Jew sees only the potential of his own malicious nature in others, and so he is irrationally suspicious and paranoid, and projects the suppositions of his own suspicious paranoia onto others through his defective mental process, and thus treats others as if they really are out to get him.
This is not only a spiritual defect due to spiritual indolence and undutifulness, it is a callousness that springs from the souls of the Jews through their spiritually angry and challenging mood, and their not caring to be dovetailed with a truly higher consciousness in a relationship with the true Godhead for spiritual guidance, that consequently sets them endlessly in conflict with God and with all non-Jews, and, that too is by God’s arrangement, so that we can see what kind of madness and chaos results when people no longer maintain a relationship with the true God, a vital part of that relationship being the concern for the welfare of all other souls, even on a cosmic scale ultimately.
And of course, such a spectacle of warlike chaos here on this world remains a clear warning to work as a deterrent to convince any would-be explorers from the higher dimensions from ever wanting to live here, as we are not from this dimension and do not truly belong here, all things considered, when we see beyond all the aims for the possession of this or that piece of land from a higher perspective, even though struggling for such land may be entirely valid and necessitous for our physical survival here in this world.
However, this world is still a valuable teaching ground for souls to round off just before they re-ascend back to their true spiritual dimension, and we cannot allow the Jews to take hold of this world and make it non unavailable for that purpose, God’s purpose, as they mean to destroy all other faiths out of demonic hatred for the real God. This world is to remain a place for souls to come to finish off their spiritual development, and the Jews must be prevented by all means from stopping this world being used for that purpose.
Hitler says in Mein Kampf, that if the Jews succeed in their purpose, then no human life will remain on this planet, and that is the literal intent of their hellish religion, and that is why they have invented all nuclear weapons and GMO biological weapons that can actually accomplish that very thing, their demonic intention is very clear.
Right here, right now, the legislative and military powers of the Jews are growing at an exponential rate, and unless actual military opposition is made against these demons on a multi-governmental, multinational scale, the game of mere words being one that the Jews know well how to exploit to continue to be able to enslave and murder people unabated, then Gentile peoples will all continue to be enslaved and murdered around the world. Jews do not respond to words from the UN or any politician as yet, they bomb and murder exactly as they please, lethal force is the only language that they themselves use, and that is the only language that they will be capable of understanding in return, and such force must come from reformed, non-infiltrated governments with very powerful armies under their command with the latest weapons and full legality behind them.
Unless the Jews step away from their angry and exploitive attitudes, and gain the confidence to step onto a different kind of spiritual path, then they will inevitably stay the same, and that reluctance and willful pig-headed angry blindness of theirs will ultimately only end in physical warfare when Gentile peoples see and understand exactly how the Jews have been playing them to murder each other for many hundreds of years in insane and completely unnecessary wars. This is why Jews are clamping down very heavily indeed now on free expression almost all over the internet (except here thank goodness) and in other media.
We Gentiles must overcome the Jews and the limitations they set upon us, or perish from this world, though this would not be any indication of Jews being better than us spiritually, but only of their currently being overwhelmingly and brutally influential, and of their being able to summon the mind-controlled forces of NATO and ISIS shabbos goyim to defeat us all for them.
The Jews are a group of similar recalcitrant criminal souls, selfishly rebelling against the cosmic loving ethos of the true God because of their hot-tempered quickness to anger, and they have become blind to the possibility of cosmic loving consciousness shared by all within the infinite body of souls in cosmic consciousness on the spiritual planes. The Jews are a group with similar fallen natures who have lost the greater part of their higher spiritual intellect through severing their relationships with their true Supersoul Godhead, but they just cannot see that.
Consequently, they have chosen to seek common cause together in the parasitic exploitation of all others in the absence of God, who would otherwise be the source of all they need for spiritual sustenance, so the Jews seek to sequester a great number of Gentile souls to farm them under cruel circumstances, so that they may feed on their substance. Actually, in doing this, the foolish Jews, though they consider themselves very expert in exploiting, enslaving and killing other people, and regard this demonic quality very highly indeed amongst themselves, now only have an extremely poor substitute for the loving companionship of the real God, like a rapist kidnapping and abusing a small child before murdering them, who insanely thinks they actually gain some kind of benefit from that, but that is how fallen the spiritual nature of the Jew is, utterly abominable. That the Jewish scriptures openly state that all non-Jews are non-living souls, demons from hell who are eternally irredeemable, sent here by the supposed ‘God’ of the Jews only to be slaves for the Jews and then be ultimately exterminated at the end of this world, and then sent to hell to suffer eternally, despite having been caused as slaves to render service to the Jews, amply bears this accusation out, as it shows how utterly cold, cruel, manipulative, selfish, abusive and murderously sadistic the Jews really are.
Our current politicians in the West can rightfully be held in utter contempt for their sycophantic , cowardly and traitorous dealings with the blatantly insane and genocidally murderous Jewish Israeli government and people.
That the Jews seek to harm all others like this is a clear demonstration not only of the spiritual insanity of the Jews, but of concomitant genetic defect, and modern research does bear out that mental attitudes and even physical accomplishments, especially those associated with a mental sense of outstanding achievement, do actually produce genetic changes in an individual that actually carry on to affect the next generation in their offspring.
If a Jew hits you, he will scream out in pain, hoping that ‘witnesses’ will come to his aid and give you a good thumping, to satisfy the hateful and sadistic jealous destructive nature of the Jew, and not only will the Jew seek to have you wrongly punished for something that he himself actually did, he will also seek to produce in you a negative self-percept of you as being a wrongdoer, and he will seek to do this by sheer force of numbers added to his own, employing the power of suggestion that those ‘witnesses’ will conjure up for him, as they too will accuse you and punish you, endeavouring to try to cause you to feel as if you really have done some wrong, and the Jew is very skilled at amplifying his own malice towards you through using others in this way. Just as through false flag attacks on other nations, he can cause millions of innocent Gentiles to die at each other’s hands, saving himself the trouble of direct physical involvement, avoiding the risk of any physical injury to himself, whilst he also stays amongst the civilians and sells arms to the soldiers of both sides.
If two groups of Jews were to oppose each other, the group of Jews being opposed would never be docile and acquiescent as the Gentiles are, and both groups of Jews would surely be at each other’s throats.
The altruism of the Gentile is viewed by them only as a feebleness induced in them by the Jewish God so that the Jews will surely gain victory over them to enslave them, and ultimately kill them all.
They do not view such benevolence in the altruistic Gentile as a spiritual grace that they should be thankful to the Gentiles for, or that they should reciprocate their kindness and servitude, as they see the Gentiles as simple soulless livestock, with whom they may do anything they wish.
Their scriptures tell them that Gentiles and all non-Jewish souls in all species are eternally non-living souls from hell, not of the same substance as God, that the Gentiles and all other non-Jewish souls are a different and totally inferior species of souls who are diametrically opposed to the Jewish souls, that the two groups of souls are two polar opposites.
The Jew considers that Gentile souls and bodies are eternally and irredeemably hostile towards the Jews in all things, the Gentile being supposed by the Jewish religion to be eternally evil and demonic, and always naturally hateful towards the Jews due to his substance not being of God, but of Satan, whilst the Jews themselves suppose in their insane conceit that their bodies and souls alone have come from God, that the Jews as a natural consequence possess the same ineffable qualities of divine love and goodness that God Himself does, whilst the Gentiles’ souls and bodies are not capable of the vision of God, that they are eternally hell-bound.
The Jewish religion is a form of fanciful madness that self-sanctifies it’s own endless neuroses and psychoses, and seeks to foist that illusion on all Gentile peoples as a genuine spiritual religion, when it is nothing of the sort. The negative qualities of the Jews, that are both spiritual and genetic in nature, that they cannot be bothered to seek to change or oppose, seeing that as a complete waste of time and effort, they then seek to justify as being actually God-given and essential qualities of a ‘holy’ people that are vital for their preservation against Gentile peoples, who they maintain the view of as being their eternal enemies for their own purposes of encouraging each other to maintain an exploitive attitude against Gentiles, so that they can predate upon them without the slightest possibility of any softening of heart towards the Gentiles, without the slightest conscience or compunction, as a malevolent parasitical worldwide militant force unified as one, together in spirit and intent.
The endless paranoid and irrational violent impulses to maintain a religion whose edicts demand the ultimate annihilation of all non-Jewish life on this entire world, is indicative of a genetic defect that goes along with their fallen spiritual state.
Jews are a nasty, bitey sort of animal.
Mothman, You should be writing at TUT with stuff like this!
@ nooralhaqiqa
Thanks, I am glad you like what I wrote, though I am quite happy working at my own pace, and like just to submit comments like this, finding the articles here really stimulating in a manner that makes me want to write, though I have written a few pieces on my own site at Mothman777’s Blog at WordPress.
I would urge people all over the world to stand up and create new parliaments in their nations to delegitimize the current sayanim infiltrator impostors running much of the world.
The parasite has to be taken out of office, out of all positions of influence and authority throughout the world, as they have no interest in the welfare of any other people, they only want a world of their own and wish us all enslaved under them, and this intended reality that the Jews wish, is something that we all naturally combine together to write about so that people will wake up before it is altogether too late.
May there be many more of us, and then a better-informed people can have the opportunity to turn the tide of opinion and get new governments started that are entirely free from Jews, and people can then be truly assisted by governmental representatives who genuinely do endeavour to act in the best interests of their peoples, to provide real medicine, real food, clean water, good housing, and so on, and non-toxic spirituality also of course.
MOTHMAN, excellent post!!
@ joecthetruthteller
Cheers Joe, let’s try to encourage more and more like-minded people to form groups and take the initiative as they should be doing, so they will begin preparing realistic political agendas and recruiting suitably skilled and spiritually enlightened people willing to run for election to replace the treacherous present governments, and even if just a few of them get elected, that at least gets a foot in the door, though we see what happens if just one person even says 60,0000 Jews got departed to Israel by Germany in WWII, which is a literal fact, even when that person who said it, Ken Livingstone, is in fact a massive supporter of the Jews and Israel, they still get banned for life from British politics as ‘anti-semitic’, so something in the entire system has to change, a massive turf-out of all the traitors who are really working for Israel, and not our own countries.