YNET – New Iranian army chief reportedly warns that if a military offensive breaks out against Iran, Iran will be the one to decide how it will end; Iran is currently believed to be working on securing a corridor for itself through Iraq and all the way to the Mediterranean Sea, placing it along Israel’s border with Syria.
Iranian news agenct Tasnim reported on Friday that new Iranian Army Chief, Maj. Gen. Abdolrahim Mousavi said that State of Israel will no longer exist in 25 years’ time, and that if a military offensive breaks out against Iran, Iran will be the one to decide how it will end.
According to Tasnim, Mousavi made the statement while speaking at a cultural event in the city of Qom on Thursday evening, the new Iranian Army chief said the “acts of devotion” by “martyrs” would prevent Israel from surviving the next 25 years.
Mousavi described Iran as “a symbol of resistance against the global hegemony,” saying the world has realized it is “impossible” to try strongarm Iran via military aggression.
A country might decide to wage a war against Iran, added Mousavi, but it is Iran that will be deciding how to end it and will shape the result of that war.
Such threats of Israel’s disappearance are routinely heard from the Persian nation. Back in 2012, Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei made a similar comment, saying that “the superfluous and fake Zionist (regime—ed) will disappear from the landscape.”
Iran is currently believed to be working to create a a corridor for itself through Iraq and all the way to the Mediterranean Sea, positioning itself along Israel’s border with Syria.
On Wednesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday, during which Netanyahu stated that Iran’s growing role in Syria poses a threat to Israel, the Middle East and the world. Following their meeting, Netanyahu updated that he told Putin that Iran is looking to take over Syria, stating that “this does not fly with Israel.”
“Iran is increasing its efforts to establish its military foothold in Syria. That is dangerous for Israel, the Middle East and, I believe, the whole world. Iran is already in advanced stages of taking over Iraq and Yemen, and in effect it also controls Lebanon.
“Mr. President, we are all defeating ISIS in a concerted international effort, and that is welcome. What is not welcome is Iran moving in everywhere ISIS moves out. We do not forget for one minute that Iran continues to threaten Israel’s destruction every day; it is arming terrorist organizations and is itself instigating terrorism; and it is developing intercontinental missiles with the goal of arming them with nuclear warheads. For all these reasons, Israel continues to oppose Iran’s entrenchment in Syria. We will defend ourselves in any way against this threat and any threat,” Netanyahu told Putin during talks at Russia’s Black Sea resort of Sochi.
“We cannot forget for a single minute that Iran threatens every day to annihilate Israel,” Netanyahu said. “It (Iran—ed) arms terrorist organizations, it sponsors and initiates terror.”
Putin did not address publicly Netanyahu’s remarks about Iran’s role in Syria. He did, however, hail what he described as an “efficient mechanism of cooperation” between Russia and Israel.
Israel is not the issue. J.E.W.S. (judaic elite without souls) are! If israel does not exist and jews still do what is accomplished? It is past time for the 110th.
Ohhh Shut UP Bibi, you lying, sniveling, whining jew Bitch! Most of the world prays for the jew state’s destruction!
What is not welcome is Iran moving in everywhere ISIS moves out.
Shouldn’t have created ISIS(tm) with your Zionist American chums should you?
Iran is not and never has been any problem. Iran has responded to what J.E.W.S. (judaic elite without souls) have done directly and using their main proxy, the U.S. There is no diversion away from the J.E.W.S. We know it is only J.E.W.S. fomenting all wars. We have been so told this and how this is done in no uncertain terms,
“Wars are the Jews harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100 million of them, and the end is not yet.” (Chief Rabbi in France, in 1859, Rabbi Reichorn.)
“If my son’s did not WANT wars there would be NONE”. Gutle Schnaper Rothschild
“Give me control of a nations currency and I care not who makes its laws.” Mayer Amschel Rothschild
It is past time for the 110th.