OCDG : This is the satanic state’s official rationale for a pre-emptive strike against Iran, all nice and legal. Of course, no mention that the parasites will hide behind its slave, America afterwards, who will of course pay a very heavy price. Iran is way more than the dung-heap of a country can handle on its own.
Beware the leaven of the Pharisees!
A little leaven here, a little leaven there, and they can transmogrify the tiniest piece of dough into endless, fat loaves of genocide. Everywhere they go, you can see them sprinkling their leaven, their lies, half-truths, deceptions, circular, never-ending “peace talks,” false flags. They are just like their father the devil, a liar and murderer from the beginning.
I tremble with seething anger after reading the garbage of this demonic entity posing as a “writer” who argues in the most ridiculous way the reasons to inflict damage to a peaceful nation who can truly claim to be a non-aggressive peaceful nation for at least 200 years. this is one more reason why the peoples of the world should form a world army whose sole raison d’etre is to destroy the the most dangerous threat humanity has ever faced in its history: the entity that calls itself israel. the world will never experience as long as this den for satanic excretion of squirming vermin exists. i have no doubt that tens of even hundreds of millions will volunteer if it meant forever erasing this nuisance off the face of the eart,
Another Zionist Hasbara crap. It’s Israeli and the Zionist Jewish and Christian leaders who have been threatening Iran and propagating genocide of Muslims for decades. Iran has a history of not attacking any of its neighbors for over 150 years. Contrary to that, the Jewish army has attacked each of its neighbors since 1948.
Iran is a signatory to nuclear watchdog NPT, while Israel has always refused to join the organization. Israel has 240-400 nuclear bombs in its possession and is supported by other nuclear powers like the US, UK, Russia and France. It would be suicidal for any Iranian regime to attack Israel unless attacked by Israel or America. In fact, a single Iranian nuclear bomb would make a powerful deterrent against Israeli threats. Israel would have never attacked Iraq or Syria if those countries had nuclear arsenal. That’s the reason, America is afraid to attack North Korea which has 3-7 nuclear bombs.
Last month, Rabbi Schlomo Lewis at Etz Chaim synagogue in Marietta, Atlanta, in his Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) sermon called upon the Judeo-Christian world to declare all-out genocidal war on Islam and kill its 1.7 billion followers.
I wish aliens would come down and teach this bogus jews a lesson. Iran is no threat. The only threat back then and today is Israel. All of them are murderous dogs.
The correct intent of Iran with the statement of oppression is not the destruction of Israel but the obliteration of zionism.
Iran has never attacked any other country in the world for over 300 years.They have never attacked first.
That being said ,Iran is a very despotic country when it comes to human rights ,especially the rights of women.But truth be told,how many countries are not guilty of human rights at all.
I found the article biased.
Iran hasn’t initiated a war in +/- 200 years. Israel hasn’t initiated a war/conflict assassination in,…..what time is it? Israel (with the backing of the likes of “the incredible invisible POW” McCain and the open sewer known as the U.S.), has pissed on the edicts of the corrupted/co-opted U.N with immunity. Israel has illegally occupied/genocided Palestine since before the nasty little terrorist nation was “spawned” in the hallow’d halls of “Great” Britain via the illegal immoral “payoff”, (Balfour Agreement), to the tribe for using their puppets in D.C. to bring the idiots into WW1 and 2 on the WRONG side. But justice can’t be found in Israel, their trained attack dog, U.S. or “Great” Britain. We’ll have to bide our time until the Father of The One they framed/tortured/murdered sets things right.
And how do you know Iran is a despotic country? Have you actually lived in Iran, talked with the people, did your own reasearch? Or do you take the word of the Buddhist media? Err the Amish media? No, perhaps, you believe the jewish media?
Just to give you some perspective… recently a woman, who the judeo-western media claimed was a victim of rape, killed her alleged attacker. If you only listen/read/watch jewish media, you would never have known about the romantic relationship she had with her “attacker”, nor about her buying the murder weapon just days before the event. You also would not have known about her premeditated nature of this whole affair.
Not a SINGLE solitary peep out of the kosher press about these illuminating facts… jewish feminists and other mischief-makers had a field day demonizing Iran over this unfortunate circumstance. Those same worthless scumbag feminists believe that since the women of Iran don’t walk around naked, expose themselves in magazines and film, don’t have abortions on demand, have premarital sex like it’s going out of style, etc that they are oppressed. The “west” or rather, the judeo-west is full of the aforementioned… and the world is about to be plunged into darkness if not for a few nations, whom Iran is one and Islam itself.
So-called “human rights” is merely the pretext for whatever diabolical scheme the synagogue of satan is cooking up. If they really cared about human rights, the governments of the judeo-west would have been regime-changed long ago.
By your own admission, a nation that for several centuries has not attacked another; would such a nation, a despotic one that doesn’t care about human rights, ever hope to achieve such a feat? Many western “democratic” countries, bastions of human rights, have gone to war on the flimsiest of reasons, even against the overwhelming wishes of their citizens…
Treating human beings unlike in the judeo-west doesn’t make a country despotic, it makes them wise. God has set certain parameters and boundaries for a healthy society… where if it is transgressed, it falls into chaos. You are standing in the forest and cannot see any trees. You’ve been thoroughly judaized and you realize it not. A very common outcome of having been deeply marinated in jewish degradation and psychosis. You see black as white and white as black.
We’ve all been through this, to some extent or another. The only real solution is a complete re-education. This requires great effort and perseverance on your part. We’ve all been incredibly negligent in the past and it is haunting us now. Let’s turn things around because our very lives depend on it.
Louis Rene Beres. You are an IDIOT, a real warmonger, liar. Where did you get this garbage that Iran is producing a nuclear weapon? and that Iran is an arrogant country? It is the other way around. Its Israel who has provoked all these wars with the complicity of the stooges in Washington who blindly obey the orders from Tel Aviv. Israel is looking for a pretext to attack Iran as they did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Syria, Uganda, Somalia, Palestine etc… Shame on those Jews and you should be ashamed of yourself for writing this Zio-garbage.