ed note–jes’ a lil’ reminder of a few important items on this important day–
1. How Islam views Jesus Christ–with the utmost respect and reverence–VS how Judaism views Him, which believes and teaches with dogmatic rigidity that JC was a sex freak, a sorcerer and that at this very moment, is suffering the pains of hell by being boiled in a giant cauldron of feces and semen.
Now there’s a lil’ bit of Judaism for y’all to consider…
2. Please compare and contrast the SL’s perception about Jesus and how He spent his life ‘fighting oppression and corruption’ VS those Christians today who believe that Jesus is pleased with the manner by which world Jewry has authored so much oppression and corruption, whether it is in the Jewish state or in ‘Greater Israel’–meaning in the rest of the world where organized Jewish interests hold influence.