5 thoughts on “Iraq: 20 civilians killed by U.S.-led airstrikes”
From the article above:
“Mass kidnappings, wholesale slaughter of captives, including many innocent civilians, sexual and other slavery, rape, torture, and other mass atrocities and crimes against humanity are regularly practiced by IS militants, who believe themselves to be harbingers of the ‘apocalypse’ and who are fighting to establish a caliphate across the region ruled under their ultra-fundamentalist interpretation of Islam, as it was practiced by and during the time of the ‘prophet’ Mohammed.”
That is standard Jewish excrement.
“Digital Journal” is a Toronto-based blog, run by Jewish militants such as David Silverberg and Michael Geist. They take blog posts from friends, just like T.U.T. does, except that “Digital Journal” posed as a corporate news website.
They call their lies and their warmongering propaganda “citizen journalism.”
They are somewhat like the “Wired” blog or the “Quartz” blog, meaning they tend to focus on what is technologically new and “hip,” but when they discuss politics, they reveal themselves to be fanatical warmongers and Jewish supremacists. Their militancy is quite disturbing.
@ K : Thank you especially for that comment, and that crucial revelation of the likes of Digital Journal. [I came across an article recently that details all such groups in TO/ Canada that were systematically created/ funded by the Jews. I’ll share that here at TUT when I could locate it again.]
And to think that in a country where Digital Journal’s thrive, the exceptional folks like Arthur Topham are actually facing jail time! It’s increasingly becoming a shame to be human in a [Jewish] world like this.
@ K : [In light of your recent discussions with MG] I also wanted to share something regarding the “hijacking” aspect that you see in recent world events such as Arab Springs and ISIS. I agreed with what you see, but I had to wait until something empirical came up to support the agreement.
Here is a very useful article for the discourse and continued analyses:
“Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi and Shimon Elliot are two distinct people. The original Al Baghdadi was arrested in Fallujah, by the American forces in Iraq, in 2004, and detained in Camp Bucca. By the end of the year he was released and then he entered the US through San Francisco — ONLY to disappear forever. Obviously, the next thing the world knows is that a more Hollywoody version of him (Shimon) emerged at the Levant!”
What we are witnessing around the world was hinted a long time ago in that Schwarzenegger flick called “True Lies”! [I shared some info about ‘Doppleganger Theories/ Observations’ earlier in TUT discussions… and that theory suggests that a lot of our celebrities, politicians, renowned figures in the Judeo World today may actually be hijacked identities of originals. A lot of those expositions make compelling sense.]
And this systemic ‘hijacking’ is like the brick-by-brick build up of a completely and utterly false world for the ultimate hijacked identity — the False Messiah. (Sabba’s recent posts about destruction and falsification of history points towards this build up of a false reality/ world. The Holohoax is one of the very core/ key foundations of the same.)
A Jewish change agent (didn’t know back then) blatantly told me, in 2006, that they relish “getting the people with the best intentions to do the worst things”. This is the very essence of their Hijacking. Just like serpentine Freemasons claim ” We’re only making “good” men “better”! ” as their mission! And the good-girl-gone-bad cultural phenomenon (presented as ordinary happenstances of everyday reality) was actually a crucial social engineering maneuver by the Jewish invisible hand. … etc. …
Therefore, even if the Arab Springs or the Daesh movement (I’m more certain about the latter than the former, btw) began as legitimate causes … their hijacking have left no trace of the original validity/ nobility.
One of my greatest woes is a heart-wrenching fact … that True SUNNI’s are the biggest orphans of the world today. They are trapped under scum Judaized [Lackey] Governments (or straight out Jews or Hypocrites or Impostors), some whom are actually genociding them off (and the JMSM will NEVER air that, of course). Governments of other denominations/ sects won’t even think once about their despair. And the Judeo Western Forces/ Alliance want them (and specifically them) degraded, defiled or Dead. … NO ONE hears their screams before thy breathe their [painful] last.
When you often expressed the view that there may be a possibility that an unknown, unpublicized —- and most feared by the Judeo-Killers as well as ISIS —- band of Sunni men are putting up a valid and honorable resistance … I agreed with you. That’s exactly what a lot of [helpless] True Muslims are hoping for and praying for.
Because [as per eschatology] it is ONLY THOSE men who will liberate all oppressed lands (one after another) INCLUDING Palestine.
@Human Melody 1:
I don’t know which discussion with MG you mean. Was it perhaps my account of how the “Arab Spring” was hijacked by the Axis of Evil?
My point was that, in the case of Libya and Syria, the “Arab Spring” was triggered by two disasters that acted together.
Disaster One created the tinderbox.
Disaster Two was the match.
DISASTER ONE was neo-liberal “reforms” by both Assad and Qaddafi (or more correctly, by Qaddafi’s sons).
The Libyan and Syrian governments both turned away from Arab Socialism, and embraced neo-liberalism with its mass privatization, its financialization of the economy, its tax cuts for the rich, its tax increases for the poor, its elimination of subsidies for the lower classes, its elimination of worker protections and environmental protections, its elimination of free education and free health care, its severe unemployment, its decriminalization of financial fraud, and so on – all of it designed to widen the gap between the rich and the rest.
Both the Libyan and Syrian governments also started participating in the “war on terror.” These developments caused severe poverty among the masses, and extreme wealth for the 1%. However they made both the Libyan and Syrian governments the darlings of the West.
The love affair was brief, though, since neither the Libyan nor Syrian government went so far as to normalize relations with the Jews, and betray Iran. Therefore, both governments had to be destroyed when the time was right.
As I said, neo-liberal “reforms” created the tinderbox. Then came the match…
DISASTER TWO was a record drought, caused by climate change, which destroyed agriculture in the breadbasket region of northern Syria, driving dispossessed farmers to cities, where poverty, unemployment, and hopelessness created unrest. (Libya also had a drought, but Libya had plenty of water in the Nubian Sandstone aquifer.)
The drought caused food supplies to plunge, and food prices to soar.
Regardless of how badly the masses are crushed, they don’t spontaneously form an uprising until the masses face a potential famine, which is the single greatest disaster that any society can face.
The food pressures, combined with poverty, caused uprisings in Libya and Syria. These began as peaceful demonstrations, but the Axis of Evil almost instantly hijacked them by having rooftop snipers shoot into the crowds, and blaming it on the government. Simultaneously the Axis of Evil flooded Libya and Syria with arms, plus foreign terrorist-mercenaries. Then the Axis bombed Libya to rubble.
Syria and Libya are harbingers of things to come. The near future will bring more and more uprisings worldwide as the poverty caused by neo-liberal “reforms” interacts with famines caused by climate change. The result will be endless wars that will reduce much of the planet to a wasteland like Libya and Syria.
Regarding your comments above, you write, “Therefore, even if the Arab Springs or the Daesh movement (I’m more certain about the latter than the former, btw) began as legitimate causes … their hijacking have left no trace of the original validity/ nobility.”
I discussed the “Arab spring” above. As for the Daesh movement, unless you are actually in Iraq or Syria, you only know what the corporate media outlets tell you, and they spew nothing but horror stories about “ISIS,”™ for the purpose of war propaganda. You can learn more if you look past the corporate media outlets.
In Iraq, what the corporate media calls “ISIS” are desperate Sunnis who have been starved, tortured, marginalized, and exterminated by Shi’ite death squads. The majority Shi’ites have US and Iranian help. The Axis of Evil supports the Kurds in the north, and the majority Shi’ites in the south, against the Sunnis in the west, who have no oil and no prospects. What the Axis of Evil calls “ISIS”™ in Iraq is a legitimate uprising by desperate Sunnis who face extinction.
In Syria it is Sunni terrorists who get support from the Axis of Evil, and the Alawite government that is targeted for destruction. The corporate media outlets call these Sunni terrorists “ISIS”™ too. The Axis claims to be bombing its own terrorist mercenaries, which is highly doubtful. The facts in Syria have become so blurry and confusing that even the Axis itself has probably lost track of what’s going on. However it doesn’t matter, since the goal from the start (in 2011) has always been to destroy Syria (just as Libya was destroyed) and the project is proceeding. The Axis of evil is now bombing Syria, and claims to be bombing “ISIS.”™
@ K : Yes, the comments in the post you mentioned is the very one I was talking about.
Regarding the rest of your comments… [as we discussed this earlier] I agree with you more or less. In what I have tried to update TUT insofar is that: the notion that the ENTIRE Iraqi ISIS is a legitimate uprising is wrong. … I’ll explain why, below …
You said : “I discussed the “Arab spring” above. As for the Daesh movement, unless you are actually in Iraq or Syria, you only know what the corporate media outlets tell you, and they spew nothing but horror stories about “ISIS,”™ for the purpose of war propaganda. You can learn more if you look past the corporate media outlets. ”
I explained to you earlier… Once again : I was outside the N. American continent till the end of 2010. I was living and working in an area where there were a lot of Arabs (incl. Iraqis) who were forced to flee their countries. Hearing and learning from them (and analysing things on my own, in light of my own horrific life experiences) led to a lot of insight/ understanding on too many things (incl. what is to come in the future).
Some of them had no clue what really happened, while some of them were actually very positive towards American soldiers!!! Only some knew what was really happening, but would open up only after they trusted you (because they were being surveilled in that country too)! And some of them had been imprisoned (incl. in Abu Ghraib).
Most interestingly, there were these few Iraqi characters with British citizenships who’d come ‘visiting’, and the other Iraqis thought no different of them. After interacting with them and hearing what they have to say, I figured out that they were agents of the West. Sure enough, when I returned to Canada, one of them called me up to say that he became a senior professor (?!) in Baghdad and is now overseeing a lot of Iraqi “scum”!! He went on to say a lot more (incl. interesting propositions) that confirmed what I had figured out in the year before! [I’m sure you understand that this is only the quickest summary of a thousand and one details.]
Now, anyone who hasn’t gone through all that (above) will not be able to completely appreciate what I’m talking about. However, what you have figured out, from over here in the US, through a your insight and secondary literature review, is pretty close. … Summarily:
— The idea that EVERYone from within Syria and Iraq are the best to know what’s happening is incorrect. This is because, e.g. : 99.9% Americans within America are clueless about what America Pvt. Ltd. really is and where (and to what ending) it is going, fast! It’s more or less the same in most countries because of the Judeo-Western/ Masonic Deception, infiltration and aggressive schemes throughout the world…. Only a few in Iraq (and even fewer in Syria) know the truth past all the deception and confusion/ chaos. And those awake few are most likely under such hellish surveillance that they are being rooted out by the day. As I mentioned above, too many “installed” lackeys in Iraq are selling out the legit brothers (on behalf od their western gods) at every given opportunity, for gains.
— Iraq has been (and still is) critically important as a target for the Judeo-West/ US because of several End Times prophecies regarding the formation of the final/ irresistible Islamic army (and the Judeo-US knows those prophecies very well). You may not find that relevant or interesting… but they remain, nonetheless, CRITICALLY important in [explaining/ analyzing/ understanding the present and the future of] the Islamic world’s unfolding reality.
— I understand you reside in the US and are not in Iraq or Syria. And if you could still figure out the last word on the Iraqi-ISIS ground situation … then it only would be humble and logical to keep in mind that others may be able to figure out at least as much and as well … ESPECIALLY if they have been through more first-hand nightmarish experiences in this American “war on terror” than you could ever imagine.
— I shared with you earlier that I don’t watch TV or garbage American/ JMSM/ news since the late 90’s. I have actively searched for alternative media since back then. Not counting the works of early conspiracy theorists/ Truthers like Bill Cooper et al … the so called Truth Movement in the US began at around 2002-2003. … Much earlier than that, a lot of Muslims (scholars, both institutional and independent) started to present on-and-off news compilations/ updates/ documentaries on Zionist Protocols and Jewish world-domination schemes at risks to their lives. Some of them turned out to be ill-informed or even disinfo even back then … which tells you that some of us in the Muslim world had that ‘filter’ for gatekeepers back then too. … The entire wealth of that knowledge/ information cannot be utilized by unbelievers, leave alone bringing it into the discourse with them.
— People outside of Islam view the term ‘Sunni’ as a mere label (of, e.g., Saudis, Turks, Syrian rebels, etc.). In reality, there are VERY few true Sunni’s in this world… and the others that go by that label are varying degrees of Hypocrites who are out to demonize/ vilify the term. Likewise, there are a lot of fake Shia too … but their deviance doesn’t hurt Islam as much because the word Shia is not associated with Prophet Muhammad (saas); it was a latter day invention. However, the word SUNNI is entirely associated with the Prophet (saas) as well as the Qur’an. And this makes a CRITICAL difference in the Muslim world, because any misuse of the term will hurt the sentiments of Muslims [incl. Palestinians].
— (1) “Freeing America from Jews” is quite a different resistance movement from (2) “Freeing Palestine” — in scope, priority, conceptual framework, methodology and requisite actions (though there may be some overlaps). … … The scope of (3) “Free Islam/ Muslims/ Christians from Oppression, Globally” is a much broader/ greater resistance movement in all of scope, priority, conceptual framework, methodology and requisite actions … and it well contains (2) within it already, as well as almost all aspects of (1). … Those who have been attempting (2) without (3) have naturally seen no results. … The discourse for (2) and (3) are very similar. … … Those who cannot see very far outside of (1) alone will fail to see the entirety of (2) and [esp.] (3).
From the article above:
“Mass kidnappings, wholesale slaughter of captives, including many innocent civilians, sexual and other slavery, rape, torture, and other mass atrocities and crimes against humanity are regularly practiced by IS militants, who believe themselves to be harbingers of the ‘apocalypse’ and who are fighting to establish a caliphate across the region ruled under their ultra-fundamentalist interpretation of Islam, as it was practiced by and during the time of the ‘prophet’ Mohammed.”
That is standard Jewish excrement.
“Digital Journal” is a Toronto-based blog, run by Jewish militants such as David Silverberg and Michael Geist. They take blog posts from friends, just like T.U.T. does, except that “Digital Journal” posed as a corporate news website.
They call their lies and their warmongering propaganda “citizen journalism.”
They are somewhat like the “Wired” blog or the “Quartz” blog, meaning they tend to focus on what is technologically new and “hip,” but when they discuss politics, they reveal themselves to be fanatical warmongers and Jewish supremacists. Their militancy is quite disturbing.
Thank your posting this MG.
@ K : Thank you especially for that comment, and that crucial revelation of the likes of Digital Journal. [I came across an article recently that details all such groups in TO/ Canada that were systematically created/ funded by the Jews. I’ll share that here at TUT when I could locate it again.]
And to think that in a country where Digital Journal’s thrive, the exceptional folks like Arthur Topham are actually facing jail time! It’s increasingly becoming a shame to be human in a [Jewish] world like this.
@ K : [In light of your recent discussions with MG] I also wanted to share something regarding the “hijacking” aspect that you see in recent world events such as Arab Springs and ISIS. I agreed with what you see, but I had to wait until something empirical came up to support the agreement.
Here is a very useful article for the discourse and continued analyses:
“Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi and Shimon Elliot are two distinct people. The original Al Baghdadi was arrested in Fallujah, by the American forces in Iraq, in 2004, and detained in Camp Bucca. By the end of the year he was released and then he entered the US through San Francisco — ONLY to disappear forever. Obviously, the next thing the world knows is that a more Hollywoody version of him (Shimon) emerged at the Levant!”
What we are witnessing around the world was hinted a long time ago in that Schwarzenegger flick called “True Lies”! [I shared some info about ‘Doppleganger Theories/ Observations’ earlier in TUT discussions… and that theory suggests that a lot of our celebrities, politicians, renowned figures in the Judeo World today may actually be hijacked identities of originals. A lot of those expositions make compelling sense.]
And this systemic ‘hijacking’ is like the brick-by-brick build up of a completely and utterly false world for the ultimate hijacked identity — the False Messiah. (Sabba’s recent posts about destruction and falsification of history points towards this build up of a false reality/ world. The Holohoax is one of the very core/ key foundations of the same.)
[Here’s an article on ‘creating doubles’ : http://aangirfan.blogspot.ca/2013/05/woolwich-two-adebolajos-history-of.html ]
A Jewish change agent (didn’t know back then) blatantly told me, in 2006, that they relish “getting the people with the best intentions to do the worst things”. This is the very essence of their Hijacking. Just like serpentine Freemasons claim ” We’re only making “good” men “better”! ” as their mission! And the good-girl-gone-bad cultural phenomenon (presented as ordinary happenstances of everyday reality) was actually a crucial social engineering maneuver by the Jewish invisible hand. … etc. …
Therefore, even if the Arab Springs or the Daesh movement (I’m more certain about the latter than the former, btw) began as legitimate causes … their hijacking have left no trace of the original validity/ nobility.
One of my greatest woes is a heart-wrenching fact … that True SUNNI’s are the biggest orphans of the world today. They are trapped under scum Judaized [Lackey] Governments (or straight out Jews or Hypocrites or Impostors), some whom are actually genociding them off (and the JMSM will NEVER air that, of course). Governments of other denominations/ sects won’t even think once about their despair. And the Judeo Western Forces/ Alliance want them (and specifically them) degraded, defiled or Dead. … NO ONE hears their screams before thy breathe their [painful] last.
When you often expressed the view that there may be a possibility that an unknown, unpublicized —- and most feared by the Judeo-Killers as well as ISIS —- band of Sunni men are putting up a valid and honorable resistance … I agreed with you. That’s exactly what a lot of [helpless] True Muslims are hoping for and praying for.
Because [as per eschatology] it is ONLY THOSE men who will liberate all oppressed lands (one after another) INCLUDING Palestine.
@Human Melody 1:
I don’t know which discussion with MG you mean. Was it perhaps my account of how the “Arab Spring” was hijacked by the Axis of Evil?
I discussed that in Comment #1, under this post…
My point was that, in the case of Libya and Syria, the “Arab Spring” was triggered by two disasters that acted together.
Disaster One created the tinderbox.
Disaster Two was the match.
DISASTER ONE was neo-liberal “reforms” by both Assad and Qaddafi (or more correctly, by Qaddafi’s sons).
The Libyan and Syrian governments both turned away from Arab Socialism, and embraced neo-liberalism with its mass privatization, its financialization of the economy, its tax cuts for the rich, its tax increases for the poor, its elimination of subsidies for the lower classes, its elimination of worker protections and environmental protections, its elimination of free education and free health care, its severe unemployment, its decriminalization of financial fraud, and so on – all of it designed to widen the gap between the rich and the rest.
Both the Libyan and Syrian governments also started participating in the “war on terror.” These developments caused severe poverty among the masses, and extreme wealth for the 1%. However they made both the Libyan and Syrian governments the darlings of the West.
The love affair was brief, though, since neither the Libyan nor Syrian government went so far as to normalize relations with the Jews, and betray Iran. Therefore, both governments had to be destroyed when the time was right.
As I said, neo-liberal “reforms” created the tinderbox. Then came the match…
DISASTER TWO was a record drought, caused by climate change, which destroyed agriculture in the breadbasket region of northern Syria, driving dispossessed farmers to cities, where poverty, unemployment, and hopelessness created unrest. (Libya also had a drought, but Libya had plenty of water in the Nubian Sandstone aquifer.)
The drought caused food supplies to plunge, and food prices to soar.
Regardless of how badly the masses are crushed, they don’t spontaneously form an uprising until the masses face a potential famine, which is the single greatest disaster that any society can face.
A new study confirms what I say about Syria’s drought…
The food pressures, combined with poverty, caused uprisings in Libya and Syria. These began as peaceful demonstrations, but the Axis of Evil almost instantly hijacked them by having rooftop snipers shoot into the crowds, and blaming it on the government. Simultaneously the Axis of Evil flooded Libya and Syria with arms, plus foreign terrorist-mercenaries. Then the Axis bombed Libya to rubble.
Syria and Libya are harbingers of things to come. The near future will bring more and more uprisings worldwide as the poverty caused by neo-liberal “reforms” interacts with famines caused by climate change. The result will be endless wars that will reduce much of the planet to a wasteland like Libya and Syria.
Regarding your comments above, you write, “Therefore, even if the Arab Springs or the Daesh movement (I’m more certain about the latter than the former, btw) began as legitimate causes … their hijacking have left no trace of the original validity/ nobility.”
I discussed the “Arab spring” above. As for the Daesh movement, unless you are actually in Iraq or Syria, you only know what the corporate media outlets tell you, and they spew nothing but horror stories about “ISIS,”™ for the purpose of war propaganda. You can learn more if you look past the corporate media outlets.
In Iraq, what the corporate media calls “ISIS” are desperate Sunnis who have been starved, tortured, marginalized, and exterminated by Shi’ite death squads. The majority Shi’ites have US and Iranian help. The Axis of Evil supports the Kurds in the north, and the majority Shi’ites in the south, against the Sunnis in the west, who have no oil and no prospects. What the Axis of Evil calls “ISIS”™ in Iraq is a legitimate uprising by desperate Sunnis who face extinction.
In Syria it is Sunni terrorists who get support from the Axis of Evil, and the Alawite government that is targeted for destruction. The corporate media outlets call these Sunni terrorists “ISIS”™ too. The Axis claims to be bombing its own terrorist mercenaries, which is highly doubtful. The facts in Syria have become so blurry and confusing that even the Axis itself has probably lost track of what’s going on. However it doesn’t matter, since the goal from the start (in 2011) has always been to destroy Syria (just as Libya was destroyed) and the project is proceeding. The Axis of evil is now bombing Syria, and claims to be bombing “ISIS.”™
@ K : Yes, the comments in the post you mentioned is the very one I was talking about.
Regarding the rest of your comments… [as we discussed this earlier] I agree with you more or less. In what I have tried to update TUT insofar is that: the notion that the ENTIRE Iraqi ISIS is a legitimate uprising is wrong. … I’ll explain why, below …
You said : “I discussed the “Arab spring” above. As for the Daesh movement, unless you are actually in Iraq or Syria, you only know what the corporate media outlets tell you, and they spew nothing but horror stories about “ISIS,”™ for the purpose of war propaganda. You can learn more if you look past the corporate media outlets. ”
I explained to you earlier… Once again : I was outside the N. American continent till the end of 2010. I was living and working in an area where there were a lot of Arabs (incl. Iraqis) who were forced to flee their countries. Hearing and learning from them (and analysing things on my own, in light of my own horrific life experiences) led to a lot of insight/ understanding on too many things (incl. what is to come in the future).
Some of them had no clue what really happened, while some of them were actually very positive towards American soldiers!!! Only some knew what was really happening, but would open up only after they trusted you (because they were being surveilled in that country too)! And some of them had been imprisoned (incl. in Abu Ghraib).
Most interestingly, there were these few Iraqi characters with British citizenships who’d come ‘visiting’, and the other Iraqis thought no different of them. After interacting with them and hearing what they have to say, I figured out that they were agents of the West. Sure enough, when I returned to Canada, one of them called me up to say that he became a senior professor (?!) in Baghdad and is now overseeing a lot of Iraqi “scum”!! He went on to say a lot more (incl. interesting propositions) that confirmed what I had figured out in the year before! [I’m sure you understand that this is only the quickest summary of a thousand and one details.]
Now, anyone who hasn’t gone through all that (above) will not be able to completely appreciate what I’m talking about. However, what you have figured out, from over here in the US, through a your insight and secondary literature review, is pretty close. … Summarily:
— The idea that EVERYone from within Syria and Iraq are the best to know what’s happening is incorrect. This is because, e.g. : 99.9% Americans within America are clueless about what America Pvt. Ltd. really is and where (and to what ending) it is going, fast! It’s more or less the same in most countries because of the Judeo-Western/ Masonic Deception, infiltration and aggressive schemes throughout the world…. Only a few in Iraq (and even fewer in Syria) know the truth past all the deception and confusion/ chaos. And those awake few are most likely under such hellish surveillance that they are being rooted out by the day. As I mentioned above, too many “installed” lackeys in Iraq are selling out the legit brothers (on behalf od their western gods) at every given opportunity, for gains.
— Iraq has been (and still is) critically important as a target for the Judeo-West/ US because of several End Times prophecies regarding the formation of the final/ irresistible Islamic army (and the Judeo-US knows those prophecies very well). You may not find that relevant or interesting… but they remain, nonetheless, CRITICALLY important in [explaining/ analyzing/ understanding the present and the future of] the Islamic world’s unfolding reality.
— I understand you reside in the US and are not in Iraq or Syria. And if you could still figure out the last word on the Iraqi-ISIS ground situation … then it only would be humble and logical to keep in mind that others may be able to figure out at least as much and as well … ESPECIALLY if they have been through more first-hand nightmarish experiences in this American “war on terror” than you could ever imagine.
— I shared with you earlier that I don’t watch TV or garbage American/ JMSM/ news since the late 90’s. I have actively searched for alternative media since back then. Not counting the works of early conspiracy theorists/ Truthers like Bill Cooper et al … the so called Truth Movement in the US began at around 2002-2003. … Much earlier than that, a lot of Muslims (scholars, both institutional and independent) started to present on-and-off news compilations/ updates/ documentaries on Zionist Protocols and Jewish world-domination schemes at risks to their lives. Some of them turned out to be ill-informed or even disinfo even back then … which tells you that some of us in the Muslim world had that ‘filter’ for gatekeepers back then too. … The entire wealth of that knowledge/ information cannot be utilized by unbelievers, leave alone bringing it into the discourse with them.
— People outside of Islam view the term ‘Sunni’ as a mere label (of, e.g., Saudis, Turks, Syrian rebels, etc.). In reality, there are VERY few true Sunni’s in this world… and the others that go by that label are varying degrees of Hypocrites who are out to demonize/ vilify the term. Likewise, there are a lot of fake Shia too … but their deviance doesn’t hurt Islam as much because the word Shia is not associated with Prophet Muhammad (saas); it was a latter day invention. However, the word SUNNI is entirely associated with the Prophet (saas) as well as the Qur’an. And this makes a CRITICAL difference in the Muslim world, because any misuse of the term will hurt the sentiments of Muslims [incl. Palestinians].
— (1) “Freeing America from Jews” is quite a different resistance movement from (2) “Freeing Palestine” — in scope, priority, conceptual framework, methodology and requisite actions (though there may be some overlaps). … … The scope of (3) “Free Islam/ Muslims/ Christians from Oppression, Globally” is a much broader/ greater resistance movement in all of scope, priority, conceptual framework, methodology and requisite actions … and it well contains (2) within it already, as well as almost all aspects of (1). … Those who have been attempting (2) without (3) have naturally seen no results. … The discourse for (2) and (3) are very similar. … … Those who cannot see very far outside of (1) alone will fail to see the entirety of (2) and [esp.] (3).