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0 thoughts on “Is Ahmadinejad making a comeback?”
  1. Let us all pray that he does come back. He is highly respected along with the other Legendary Leaders mentioned in this article. My respects to Mr. Ahmadinejad.

  2. I always thought that Ahmadinejad was a decent, honest man, however, he was too naïve for this evil world. He allowed himself to get side tricked into a holocaust “debate” by the holocaust press after he honestly stated that the Palestinians should not have to pay the price for the Holocaust
    ( losing their land) . No one can win such an debate in the West. Also his foolish (naïve?) statement that Iran had no Gays made him the laughing stock of the world. Also he has to realize that the US spent billions of dollars in their making him out to be a monster as a setup for their intended destruction of Iran. Although Iran was able to dodge the US war of destruction, the fate of Libya, Iraq , Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan, Yugoslavia, and now Syria and possibly Ukraine, his return to any power in Iran would not be good for Iran or the decent world.

  3. highly respected? he is a USEFUL TOOL OF THE ZIONISTS, and is himself JEWISH from the NW provinces from a long line of jews. his family “converted” marrono-style like these infiltraitors have done for CENTURIES, pretending to be fo us.
    in the 2005 elections, he was unknown outside Iran, yet the US neocons said he was their favorite.
    recently, neocons have said they “missed him” as he made it much easier for the neocons to mobilize the world against Iran due to his “anti-Semitic” rants & grandstanding. LOLOL
    SLICK SAYAN, anyone??
    please stop being manipulated by such nonsense. the neocons swept the elections this week, and they will reprise their former tactics- esp those who were as successful as their ‘rogue’ Ahmedinejad psyop

  4. I too would very much like to see him return. He has a wisdom a certain charisma that lights up any room he is in even though I have not seen this in person. It is undeniably evident. Our very own Mark Glenn would agree. Reading over this Article from Al Monitor, written by another Persian in the know, apparently reveals many nuances . Things that occur on the ‘inside’ of any Political group any where. I have read of this divide in Iran. It appears that the current President, Rouhani is part of an Elite class. One that departs ideologically from the camp of Ahmadinejad. Was not aware of this until very recently. It helps to understand what happened with Mark Glenn’s recent experiences with Gareth Porter over a scheduled meeting in New York City over issues in Iran. Will be attuned to this event very acutely.

  5. https://quatloosx.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/israel_crime_scene.jpg
    “Al Monitor,” based in Washington DC, is a darling of corporate media outlets like the “Washington Post.” It has media partnerships with Israeli outlets such as Yedioth Ahronoth, and is basically a mouthpiece for Iranian “reformers,” i.e. rich Iranian oligarchs and their lackeys who seek to widen the gap between the rich and the rest by imposing neo-liberal “reforms.”
    Such “reforms” include mass privatization, “free trade” agreements, lower taxes for the rich and higher taxes for the poor, boosts in subsidies to the rich, cuts in subsidies for the poor, union-busting, the elimination of minimum wage laws, of worker protection laws, and of environmental protection laws, the bringing in of sweat-shops and slave labor, the elimination of all socialist aspects that help average people, the end of free education and free medical care, and so on. The rich Iranian “reformers” are especially keen to “financialize” Iran’s economy, in which everything is integrated with the global financial casino, and “Main Street” is utterly subordinated to “Wall Street.”
    All neo-liberalism worldwide has the same function and the same goal: to widen the gap between the rich and the rest. Iran’s President Rouhani seeks this goal. Hence the above article praises him as a “moderate” and a “reformer,” meaning he is a filthy rich oligarch who seeks to become richer by imposing gratuitous austerity and neo-liberal “reforms” on the Iranian masses.
    Moamar Gaddafi and Bashar Al Assad also imposed neo-liberal “reforms” on their people. As a result, Libya was destroyed, Gaddafi was lynched, and Assad’s future is questionable. If you want to boost your wealth at your people’s expense by imposing neo-liberal “reforms,” then you must also bow to Israel, and to the West’s need for resources. Otherwise you will be eliminated.
    As a “moderate,” President Rouhani canceled the recent “New Horizon” conference in Tehran, which Jews and their allies called a “grand meeting of anti-Semites and holocaust deniers.” However President Rouhani was overruled by the Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, and the conference was allowed to go ahead. It was held in Tehran from 29 Sep to 1 Oct 2014.
    One of the participants, Gareth Porter, went to the conference to promote his new book, and threatened not to come if the conference included people like Mark Glenn, who Gareth Porter self-righteously condemns as a “an anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist.” (Mark Glenn’s unforgiveable sin is that he is too honest, sometimes using the word “Jews” instead of “Israelis” or “Zionists.”)
    Gareth Porter is an example of what sincere truth-tellers call a “left wing gate-keeper.” That is, someone who pretends to oppose Jewish depravity, while he actually defends it.
    As for Ahmadinejad, he is a politician. He has one foot in the neo-liberal camp with the rich oligarchs, and the other foot in the populist / anti-imperialist camp with the Revolutionary Guard. If Ahmadinejad plans to try to get back into power, he will wait until Rouhani’s neo-liberal “reforms” cause so much suffering that the Iranian masses threaten to revolt.
    Rouhani thought that by praising the Jews and imposing neo-liberalism on the Iranian masses, he could become a darling of the West. He would get the West to end the sanctions (which he blamed on Ahmadinejad) and he would bring brutal sweatshop-factories to Iran. This would bring employment to some Iranians (albeit as slaves), and would make Rouhani richer than ever.
    However he underestimated the Jews’ desperate need for an “enemy” who seeks to “wipe Israel off the map.” Nor can Rouhani sign a full-blown Treaty-of-Ass-Kissing with the Jews (like Egypt and Jordan did) since Rouhani’s opponents have not been eliminated. His opponents are the nationalist / socialist / anti-imperialist Iranians that seek to keep the 1979 Revolution alive.
    Therefore the Western the sanctions remain, Israel is as hostile as ever, and the Iranian masses become more miserable each day. Rouhani’s popularity is in the tank, and keep falling.
    Israel’s madness is what makes the Jews an ally of Ahmadinejad, who only needs to wait as neo-liberalism and the Iranian oligarchs set the stage for another revolt in Iran.
    (The 2009 “Green Revolution” was a failed US attempt to remove the nationalists from power, and install rich oligarchs like Rouhani.)
    Note, however, that Ahmadinejad will not make another stab at the presidency unless he is confident he has a chance to win, and to make a difference once he is in office. During his presidency he had to walk a tightrope between the oligarchs and the Revolutionaries (the nationalists). This entailed a lot of deadlocks and endless intrigues, which Ahmadinejad does not want to get tangled up again. So he’s playing a game of wait-and-see.

    Above, I described a left wing gate-keeper as someone who defends Jewish (and imperialistic) atrocities while pretending to condemn them.
    Antiwar.com is notorious for this. They attack anyone who expresses too much facts and honesty, calling it “hate speech” and “anti-Semitism.”
    In an article about Iran, they refer to “hardliners.”
    “Hardliners” is the imperialist label for Iranians who refuse to surrender all aspects of socialism and populism in Iran. They refuse to worship US and Israeli atrocities. They refuse to let the masses be crushed and enslaved by rich oligarchs, and by bourgeois Iranians, and by imperialist outsiders. They refuse to let every last aspect of human life be commodified. They refuse to help widen the gap between the rich and the rest.
    In short, they refuse to be Jews. The “anti-war” web site (link below) refers to their kindness and generosity as “hostility.”
    “Moderate” is the web site’s word for rich Iranian oligarchs who think like Jews, and who exploit their fellow Iranians.
    The “anti-war” web site also claims (falsely) that the “hardliners” control Iran, and are hostile to the USA because hostility is politically useful for them. (Constant threats from the USA and Israel are irrelevant, you see.)
    In reality, Iran is controlled by the oligarchs and the clergy (who are rich, corrupt, and tight with the oligarchs, just like the clergy in every nation).
    Opposing them are the populists / socialists (i.e. the so-called “hardliners”) who are battling to keep the oligarchs from reducing Iran to a pure plutocracy like the USA.

  7. I like Ahmadinejad and his way of thinking that is of most of us who have a heart for the Palestinian people and detest the Zionist (Jewish) cabal. Every one who tells the truth about the Jews is automatically labeled as Hitler, Sadam Hussein, Moumar Khadafy, Jesus Christ, Alexander the Great, Emperor Nero and thousands of people who had spoken the truth about these beings who are not even humans, they are demonic beings who came to this world to cause all kinds of calamities, wars, famine, hunger, destruction, blood, death, and live on others and they yet, they are always the victims.

  8. right you are about the nefarious, insidious Antiwar.com. at the recent Allison Weir conference in DC, Raimondo and Phil Weiss shouted down Jeff Halperin and an elderly audience member who raised very legit questions on the Holohoax in the most flagrant and disgraceful case of censorship you will ever see. it epitomized the gatekeeper tactics used by the “anti-Zionist jew” camp in a way that can only be described as classic. and classically typical. its on youtube near the end of their 8 hour conference. part of what raised their ire, was the questioner’s equating of the jews’ scapegoating of the German peoples in WW2 to the jews’ scapegoating of Muslims in today’s WW3. the questioner was totally correct. and her premise is almost never tolerated in PC conversation.
    it would figure that Ahmedinejad is a jew.
    who else would be allowed to speak the truth about jews so bluntly? I too have watched with chagrin, the latest Iranian brown nosing and groveling to curry favor with the masters of the universe Zio-Illuminati Kingpins.
    It wont save them. Their part in the faux ‘divine’ script has already be written and they are meant to be exterminated in the Freemasonic Plan. only Zionists and a few million slaves will be left standing (if they get their way)

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