COUNTER PUNCH – Likud Becomes a Regional Member of the European Parliament
Although Israel is geographically located in Asia, the self-described “Jewish state” has emphasized its Europeanness whenever it has suited it to do so. It has been allowed to take part in the Eurovision Song Contest since 1973, as the Israeli Broadcasting Authority has been a member of the European Broadcasting Union since 1957. Israeli soccer clubs began playing in European competitions in 1991 and Israel became a member of UEFA in 1994. Even more importantly, in the political sphere, Tel Aviv’s recent major political step towards realizing its apparent desire of becoming a fully-fledged European state has passed under the radar of the media.
When will the bad news ever end?!
Today I was discussing my ongoing struggle to not use bad words when discussing politics.
Right now it is not easy. This horrific news is very upsetting. We know how these folks operate. This is a very dirty mechanism for the people of Europe. A nasty move no other way to think of it. And rather terrifying.
Well it’s just a little more naked by the day, isn’t it. The Jews-Only-Need-Apply state joining the EU, eh? What does this tell us? Quite obviously that Europe, as such, is itself Jewish ‘state’. Just a bit player in the glorious march towards a JWO run out of Jerusalem by and for Jews.
In the meantime, they will continue to flood Europe and Yanklandia with ‘refugees’. They don’t care what pipple think because as they correctly deduce … pipple are too preoccupied with their cellphones to pay attention to the big fat Jewish finger sticking up their tailpipe.
Such is the power of Babylonian Usury to control the hearts, minds, and purse of its, ahem, ‘subjects’. Nothing can or will change until pipple, en masse, refuse to go along with it any further and demand that the Power of the Purse be taken out of Jewish hands. Forever. But when is that likely to happen? If at all?
The politikal klass are, as we know, total and utter quislings … all across the so-called ‘West’. They will say and do literally anything their masters tell them. Plus the entire body politic is riddled with politikal korectness which makes it very hard to sort out bullshit from beeswax.
One has little choice but continue to play ‘witness’ to the entire debarcle and call a Jew a Jew.