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7 thoughts on “Is Jordan Switching Sides? Putin Signs Military Cooperation Agreement with King Abdullah”
  1. As far as I know, Jordan has been friend or better to say America puppet… So how can Jordan so easily change its position and go against the American & western interests?

    I don’t think that any American puppet could so easily change its position and move from right to left without its boss’s permission… What do you think?

  2. Let us not be naive, the Jordanian ruling family is Jewish, and that is a strict fact. They are traitors to the entire Arab community, just as the Saudis are as well.

    Let us be realistic here, king Abdullah friend and ally of the Jewish parasites, is been ordered to befriend Putin in order to gather information that will be used by the Jews and their American army to harm Russia’s assistance to the ME.

    King Abdallah will do everything in his power to serve his Jewish and American masters.

  3. Their is nothing more powerful than success.

    Does not the big lottery winner suddenly have marriage proposals?
    When an inheritance is is coming, does not relatives ,one might never see come swooping in with

    vows of great fidelity ?

    Putin and Russia is turning the tide,and everyone loves s winner.

    The International Jews have peaked.

    Putin is a sovereign leader,of a sovereign nation .He is very aware of the enemy,and extremely shrewd.
    When he begins to nudge the NWO off of the plateau ,Jordan wants to be with the coming power and not the past one.

  4. It’s just Jordan’s way of letting America know that they will no longer be used as a base on which ISIS recruits can be trained up before being sent off into Syria, since Russia has demonstrated that they would not last long.

    King Abdullah also recognises that centuries old overt imperialist expansion doesn’t work anymore either, as nobody now would believe the lies that would need first be told by Israel before launching an attack in any direction for territoral gain.

    Eretz Israel ? Fugget it Mr Netanyahu, the old lies don’t float anymore, and it’s King Abdullah’s way of signalling that it’s over.

  5. Maybe King Abdullah was shown a map of greater israel. Personally,I wouldn’t trust him and I’m sure Putin doesn’t either. No worries though, as Brother Nathaniel is fond of saying of Putin,”he’s God protected”.

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