Ed-note (Sabba) – Tunisia has just been upgraded to a ‘major US ally’ status. This does not make her a NATO member as such in the sense where NATO will not be required to defend Tunisia should she be attacked, but it openly makes Tunisia a US colony.
Neighboring Algeria sees this ‘upgrade’ as worrying and threatening to her own national security. Many Algerians feel this is the signal that their country has now officially been set up for destruction, like Iraq, like Libya, like Syria.
Back in 2012, Al Akhbar English had reported that an Algerian Spring was on the program but it had been postponed until further notice.
In March 2014, Serguei Lavrov visited Tunisia and warned Algeria “that “foreign parties” are planning to destabilize Algeria through the marketing of an Algerian spring.”
When will the first arab monarchy be targeted and which one will it be?
after the sauds finish the dirty work…..the jews will use the Saudis for toilet paper
The agenda of the International Jews move forward. The Project For New American Century,pushed by the Neoconservatives ,still lives under “the Left”. Fools believe in these ideological labels ,the Jews created to keep them on the collective farm.
Algeria does not need another 10-year Guerre d’Algerie
after the sauds finish the dirty work…..the jews will use the Saudis for toilet paper
The agenda of the International Jews move forward. The Project For New American Century,pushed by the Neoconservatives ,still lives under “the Left”. Fools believe in these ideological labels ,the Jews created to keep them on the collective farm.
Algeria does not need another 10-year Guerre d’Algerie