Trump is now responsible for abandoning Israel and for betraying America’s only real ally in the region
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
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Israel is the war mongering butcher…I never thought TUT was on board the “Hagee bandwagon”
ed note–how any sane/intelligent person could even suspect–much less accuse–this website being as much as a micro-gram ‘on board’ the ‘Hagee bandwagon’ is beyond my capacity to understand or explain.
The piece in question–like an entire slew of others that have been re-posted since Trump’s ‘syria pullout’ announcement, demonstrates Israel’s reaction to it, and in particular, how the Jews are not as enamored with DJTPOTUS as some would like to think.
“It is true that none of Israel’s policymakers on defense are counting on American soldiers to fight for us, but there is no doubt that the Jewish state has enjoyed informing our enemies that in event of emergency, the Land of the Free stands with us.
Americans have been fighting and dying for ‘)ews since before the turn of the twentieth century. And because of the Fed Reserve system, we are supposedly in debt to their private cartel of banking families.
I guess IsRaEl will just have to ensure its interests going forward. May they die the death of a thousand cuts as they have done to Catholic Europe.