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0 thoughts on “ISIS pursuing US and Israel interests, Iranian DM Says”
  1. I am impressed by this presentation,and by the presenters. These are serious people,and not mealy mouthed nerds,and wimps ,we in the Zionist Puppet ,West have grown accustomed too. ISIL and all Islamic Fundamentalists are Jew/Saudi/CIA/Mossad creations,to destablize the region. One must study the Jews. They are dualist-shadow,and light;God/Satan – Yahweh . Chaos,is the way the way of the Jews. They can, only rule,and thrive in divison,confusion,and deception. ISIL ,even maintains a theology,very close to Judaism/Yahweh worship. who woul dthink that in the USA,that Christian “Fundamenatlism’,would rise,in a society like this? Jews ! They backed,it,and gave it crediblity. Even in films from “liberal “Hollywood ! All to back Israel,and sow divsion ,in our politics,and culture. Think about it !

  2. An honest person would have to agree that Cuba crawling BACK into bed with the toilet known as the U.S. is insane.
    Anyone disputing what this fellow is saying is also insane for;

    The U.S. being a toilet

    Israel being a “leeching” field, (pun intended)

    Any country lowering itself into the raw sewage produced by both in unison is, by default… Full of sh*t.

  3. The U.S. is not a toilet! – ‘because it vanished long time ago…
    Even the present USrael is not the Jewish toilet – as long as the Americans have guns!

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