Ed note–HIGHLY recommended. Brilliant analysis and delivery from Sheik Imran Hossein
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
Ed note–HIGHLY recommended. Brilliant analysis and delivery from Sheik Imran Hossein
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Needs Russian subtitles.
Good analysis by sh. Imran makes much sense.
Old article (1994)that hits on our final spiral with the Jewish Supremacists.
“The men and women who are struggling for freedom within Palestine itself, which is, as we have suggested, the central front, are entitled to expect instant and automatic assistance from those who are working on other fronts, however seemingly remote. For Israeli Zionism, itself draws eighty percent of its income and prosperity from Jewish organizations abroad. To keep this central front open and operational in the heart of the enemy is a responsibility and a trust falling on the shoulders of all Muslims and other free people around the world. It will also serve as a model, and a source of living inspiration and hope, to all believing peoples, however apparently weak, and will encourage them to stand up and defy the totalitarian regimes, which are ruling them not by consent, but with Western technical, political and economic support. If the Muslims continue to weaken Zionism in Palestine, which is its citadel, then how could they fail to do so elsewhere.’ It is thus in the interests of every believer, however immediate his own situation, to lend his support to the Palestinian cause.”
“The reality is that the Zionist project, being violent, aggressive, and secular, is formidable in its potency. Its power can only be drained by mobilizing the resources of the entire Muslim nation. In addition, the resources in question are not merely of a military nature; they extend also to worlds as disparate as thought art and economics. They are also, and pre-eminently, spiritual: demanding a return to the principles of renunciation, repentance, piety, reliance on God, yearning for the ultimate meeting with Him, the spirit of Islamic fraternity, selflessness, and the certainty that the final victory shall go to God and the believers. No project undertaken on this tremendous scale can be ‘regional,’ or ‘Palestinian,’ or Arab.’ It is far broader. It represents nothing less than a struggle which is at once cultural, Islamic, and humanitarian, We must, therefore, light the fires of longing, resistance, and sacrifice everywhere on earth. For Palestine will not be retrieved until there is war against oppression in all its forms throughout the world.”
Indeed. I had listened to the Sheik’s video before you had posted it. He is right, this from my humble perspective as a non-Muslim and a former clergy.
Oversimplifications from Sheikh Imran` end about the Soviet history [corresp. works by Kerry Bolton, Yockey and very sharp and smart modern Orthodox-Traditionalist thinker Vladimir Igorevitch Karpetz would be great help for Sheikh Imran] – minus this, ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT LECTURE!