Number of cocaine users in Israel has doubled in recent years and the Israel Police reports that Israeli criminals have joined hands with the cartels.
it’s a nasty drug and i wish it on all Israeli’s ~ it fits their ‘morality’
Most right-wing governments in Latin America crawl with Israelis. Peru, Panama, Paraguay, Colombia, and so on. Many of these Israelis ship cocaine back to Israel. It’s very profitable, and it’s safe, since no one dares stop an Israeli ship or aircraft for a drug inspection. That would be “anti-Semitic.” It would be “another holocaust.”™
Israeli fighter pilots probably snort cocaine before every mission to slaughter Palestinians.
“I couldn’t give a damn about anyone; I was so full of self-confidence. It takes you to the best places imaginable, but leaves you sharp and focused. You’re king of the world.”
By the way, the “war on drugs” is not to stop the flow of drugs, but to manage it, so that its profits go mainly to politicians and their cronies.
Whenever the police arrest some drug lord, they are working for some bigger drug lord who wants to eliminate his competition.
Incidentally, all 21 nations Latin America have diplomatic relations with Israel, except Cuba, Bolivia, and Venezuela.
Nicaragua’s government says its relations with Israel are “temporarily suspended.”
President Ortega called for an exorcism on Netunyahoo. Perhaps Ortega needs to say that he has permanently suspended all relations. 🙂
The Jew understands MONEY,and HUMAN weakness. They control the world with both. The “Right’in Latin America,like in the West,is now fully a Jewish construct. As they have always played the LEFT/RIGHT Matrix. (SEE VICHY FRENCH FILM- OCCULT FORCES 1943 You Tube) How did Penocet get away with all that he did ? INTERNATIONAL JEWISH FINANCE. All looked away at his beautiful Germanic Military trappings etc,because he shielded the Jews,and did what they wanted. Marguerate Thatcher -the old Jew idolizing Churchillian,and Rothschilds stooge, just loved him,and I know a Jewish Artist,who calls herself :A Pinocet girl”. She figured me out,and snubs me LOL. Cocaine,is a jew thing,just as the jews introduced Opium to China. The British(Rothschilds) fouht the Opium Wars,when the Chinese attempted to keep the poison out. I assure you all-just as peace will never come to the planet with Jew Finance ruling it;nether will the ‘Drug War’,be won.
Reblogged this on TheFlippinTruth.
How many of the Cartel’s heads are SPANISH JEWS by heritage?
How many of them were BORN in Israel?
How many of them of them have Israeli CITIZENSHIP?
The suppression of Israel’s complete and utter domination of the drug trade has gone on long enough. They run the Cartels directly.
The Biggest Drug Smuggler In The World – Sole Operator That Is 🙂
The answer is very short & simple,… when the roots of a tree are corrupt, its fruits will also be the same and corrupted…
___ In many cases, South American drug dealers will prefer to hand over small-time buyers of this variety to the police in return for the latter’s turning a blind eye to major drug deals. ___
There it is right there, the cabinet level politicians are in on the take, as well as Chiefs of Police, and those at the next level of command.
But how far down does it go ?
Better to decriminalise it all, and treat it as a medical problem.
MICHAEL MAZUR – exactly! Thegreatest victory over the Jewish controlled banking system is to wipe out the drug profits via a “licensing” system – not “decriminalising…a “licensing system.
I saw how the drug laws were a complete waste of time. Filling the jails and making police, stock brokers, criminals and judges and lawyers rich.
If we took away the drug profits and gave them back to the community via education programs and harm minimization, this vast criminal enterprise known as JEWISH POWER and all its affilliates would collapse instantly – so would the stock market which is dependant on drug money.
Obama knows this and he appears to be taking a sane, softly, softly approach – starting with marijuana.
Remember – drugs are not good for you. They are not “harmless”. Neither are socially acceptable drugs like alcohol, cigarettes and fatty food and sugary food – or cars for that matter and car fumes for that matter and on and on.
I saw it with my own eyes after three years in the prison system – LICENSE DRUG USE!
Thanks, Brendon.
The “scum bags” have already taken down the link to BRENDON’s “the biggest drug smuggler in the
world” – guess who could it be – the chooseniks of uniqueness in lucifer’s constellation.
How about cutting off their phallus, as part one, since “they” worship money and the phallus, it would be a sensible first step before……..