Sabba – How timely! Just as the heroic Syrian/ Russian Hezbollah warriors are liberating Aleppo, Israel is coming to the rescue to its army of jewhadists by creating a diversion and at the same time, provoking Hezbollah and Syria to retaliate.
Reblogged this on | truthaholics and commented:
With more deluded, trigger-happy piracy, who now dares to stop the Criminal State? And, champion rule of law instead of hubris, hegemony and impunity? Will it be after all 300+ million Christian and Muslim indigenous Arabs are exterminated for standing in the way of Eretz Israel or before?
The Israelis do not attack a regular army. They attack only people who can not defend themselves as in the case of the Palestinians who have no army. The Israelis are the most coward people in the face of the earth.
Reblogged this on | truthaholics and commented:
With more deluded, trigger-happy piracy, who now dares to stop the Criminal State? And, champion rule of law instead of hubris, hegemony and impunity? Will it be after all 300+ million Christian and Muslim indigenous Arabs are exterminated for standing in the way of Eretz Israel or before?
The Israelis do not attack a regular army. They attack only people who can not defend themselves as in the case of the Palestinians who have no army. The Israelis are the most coward people in the face of the earth.