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0 thoughts on “Israel brands Palestinian-led boycott movement a ‘strategic threat’”
  1. As I have said on another website the one thing that upsets ,makes Nutteryahu angry and shout out to his Goyim slaves in the US/UK is the word =Boycott this gets to the very heart of the Jews this is what they and their god live for Jewish Profit (make every Goyim pay and pay heavily ) It strikes at the heart of Jewish Existence even their god agrees that they should live off the spoils and interest rates of non-Jews only Jews should not charge other Jews . It is another reason they hate the Muslims because they have their own banks who work on a different principle it shows they think only Jews can be charitable to each other . This is at the heart of their Jewish war against Putin the whole World must owe the Jews . What does big business tell you buy-buy-buy- aka=get yourself into debt so that you owe big business aka Jewish Big Business . So every person who really is fighting against Jewish oppression should BOYCOTT Israeli goods and those companies helping Israel.

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