If the president renamed the White House ‘Kremlin-West’ and Washington ‘Putingrad Heights’ – would the GOP finally confront him?
ed note–
‘The worst-case scenario is that Trump is indeed the Kremlin’s kept man, a Manchurian president who is successfully carrying out his handlers’ orders to destabilize Washington, sap its strength, erode its self-confidence and sabotage its standing and relations around the world.’
If after all this, it still isn’t obvious to certain know-it-alls within this ‘movement’ that Judea is gunning to have Trump removed, then nothing will.
Straight to hell with is ra el. If they do not like him then he is the man you want there.
Skillful liar!
Well, it is not something that we didn´t know. Jews are the masters of liars
Auswurf der Menschheit, aber große Meister im Lügen
IMHO, 1 word and 3 numbers will get the monkeys off his back for good…. Expose 911.
The frappin’ hypocrites. Does anybody recall the name Jonathan Pollard, a high-level agent for Mossad that has a life sentence from Reagan for stealing tons of highly classified defence documents and sending them to the Israel state? And Zionist Israel promptly sold the secrets of US supercomputer technology to China enabling China to complete development of ICBM navigation weapons systems. Our good buddies did this. Obama was going to let Pollard out of jail to make up to Bibi. Keep your eyes on Pollard. He’s a big piece on the board and the Zionists want to make him one of the Sanhedrin’s poster boys.
If Pollard were to go back, we should get Mordechai Vanunu in exchange. The Israeli Gestapo put him in jail after he blew the whistle on the secret nuclear program in the Negev Desert near Dimona. He’s out now but under house arrest.
“Trump a lackey for the Kremlin”??? LOL! There can be only one lackey, and that’s for Israel! Being a lackey for the jew state is not only OK, it’s demanded. A US president is always subservient to the jews. No problem with that! Not a word out of the hypocritical jew media.
No matter the lie, just keep on speaking it as if its true and ignore any facts. Never talk about the Hillary crime-secrets exposed, just that she was hacked. Now it looks like that DC staffer Seth Rich got wacked for leaks to WikiLeaks. Where is that investigation going?