I24NEWS – 16 Cobra combat helicopters transferred to Hashemite kingdom free of charge to help fight IS insurgensy
Israel has given retired US-supplied Cobra combat helicopters to Jordan to help the Hashemite kingdom fend off insurgent threats on the Syrian and Iraqi borders, a US official with knowledge of the deal said.
What Israel just gave away are relics of the cold war circa 1980. These hopelessly out of date birds are so old that spare parts are a real problem. They have long since reached the end of their life cycle. They are in a word junk that would have otherwise been sold for parts and scrap. Israel isn’t doing Jordon any favors here.
Jordan manages the so called ‘Holy Site; of the Temple Mount / Dome of the Rock. Israel supposedly handle the ‘security’. This is the agreement that has been established.
This is the site where supposedly Abraham / Ibrahim was going to sacrifice his son. I can just feeeeeel the Love.
Jordan and Israel have been in talks about changing who is allowed to pray at this ‘holy site’.