
RT – “What the air force was able to do quantitatively in the Lebanon war over the course of 34 days we can do today in 48-60 hours,” Israel Air Force Commander Major-General Amir Eshel boasted at the 17th annual Herzliya security conference. “This is potential power unimaginable in its scope, much different to what we have seen in the past and far greater than people estimate,” the air force chief said on the second day of the security conference, as quoted by the Times of Israel. CONTINUE READING

One thought on “Israel has ‘unimaginable’ power to strike Hezbollah, Air Force chief tells security conference”
  1. Oh yes i can believe it – 34 days worth of cluster bombs and white phosphorus dropped on civilians in just 48-60 hours.
    Tough talk, Hezbollah aided by Iran and Syria gave them such a mighty slap that they decided to destroy Syria to break up the axis, so much for the mighty Israeli military, the best and “most moral” in the world with the best tanks oh and not forgetting the INS Hanit.
    They believe too much of their own P.R, just stop watching NCIS and Wonder Woman – Nasrallah now has more sophisticated weapons at his disposal, next time it could be an oil rig or a chemical plant and he has hinted as much.
    Another rocket near the airport should be enough.

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