Israel is heading to the next violent eruption with the Palestinians as though it is some sort of natural disaster that can’t be avoided.
The next war will break out in the summer. Israel will give it another childish name and it will take place in Gaza. There’s already a plan to evacuate the communities along the Gaza Strip border.
Israel knows this war will break out, it also knows why – and it’s galloping toward it blindfolded, as though it were a cyclic ritual, a periodical ceremony or a natural disaster that cannot be avoided. Here and there one even perceives enthusiasm.
It doesn’t matter who the prime minister is and who the defense minister is – there’s no difference between the candidates as far as Gaza is concerned. Isaac Herzog and Amos Yadlin are saying nothing of course, and Tzipi Livni is boasting that thanks to her no port was opened in Gaza. The rest of the Israelis aren’t interested in Gaza’s fate either and soon it will be forced to remind them again of its disaster in the only way left to it, the rockets.
Gaza’s disaster is dreadful. No mention of it is made in the Israeli discourse and certainly not in the most dumbed down, hollow election campaign there’s ever been here. It’s hard to believe, but Israelis have invented a parallel reality, cut off from the real one, a callous, unfeeling, denying reality, while all this adversity, most of it of their own making, is taking place a short distance from their homes. Babies are freezing to death under the debris of their homes, youths risk their lives and cross the border fence just to get a food portion in an Israeli lock up. Has anyone heard of this? Does anyone care? Does anyone understand that this is leading to the next war?
Salma lived only 40 days, like the eternity of a butterfly. She was a baby from Beit Hanoun on the northeast of the Gaza Strip, who died last month of hypothermia, after her tiny body froze in the wind and rain that penetrated into the plywood-and-plastic hut she has been living in with her family, since their house was bombed.
“She was frozen like ice cream,” her mother said of the last night of her infant’s life. UNWRA Spokesman Chris Gunness wrote about Salma last in week in the British newspaper the Guardian. Mirwat, her mother, told him that when she was born she weighed 3.1 kilograms. Her three–year– old sister, Ma’ez, is hospitalized due to frostbite.
Ibrahim Awarda, 15, who lost his father in an Israeli bombardment in 2002, was more fortunate. He decided to cross the fence between Gaza and Israel. “I knew I’d be arrested,” he told the New York Times reporter in Gaza last week. “I told myself, maybe I’ll find a better life. They gave me good food and then threw me back.”
Ibrahim was held for about a month in two prisons in Israel before being tossed back to the destruction, squalor, hunger and death. Three hundred Gazans drowned in the sea last September, in a desperate attempt to leave the prison Strip. Eighty-four Gazans were arrested by the Israel Defense Forces in the last six months after trying to enter Israel, most of them just to flee from the hell they live in. Nine more were arrested this month.
Atiya al-Navhin, 15, also tried to enter Israel in November, just to escape his fate. He was shot by IDF soldiers, treated in two Israeli hospitals and returned to Gaza in January. Now he’s lying paralyzed and unable to speak in his home.
Some 150,000 homeless people live in Gaza and about 10,000 refugees in UNRWA shelters. The organization’s budget was spent after the world totally ignored its commitment to contribute $5.4 billion to rebuild Gaza. The commitment to negotiate lifting the blockade on Gaza – the only way to avoid the next war and the one after it – has also been broken. Nobody talks about it. It’s not interesting. There was a war, Israelis and Palestinians were killed in it for nothing, let’s move on to the next war.
Israel will again pretend to be surprised and offended – the cruel Arabs are attacking it with rockets again, for no reason.
There have only been Jewish bombardments of the Gaza Death Camp.
There has never been any “conflict” between Jews and Palestinians.
There has only been Jewish oppression and murder of Palestinians.
Calling it a “conflict” is like calling the slavery era in U.S. history the “racial conflict era.”
Come to think of it, many nations have memorials and museums to the holo-hoax (which ever happened) but what about national monuments and museums for slavery? There was a “Black Holocaust Museum” in Milwaukee, but it was privately built, and it closed in 2008 because it was never given any government financial support. (It was founded by James Cameron, the only known survivor of a lynching.) By contrast, holo-hoax museums have total financial support from governments, and they keep multiplying in number, again funded by governments.
Jews had always been furious with Cameron for sing the holocaust™ trademark.
Jews say that the enslavement of countless millions of blacks can never compare with the (fictitious) gassing of six million Chosen. There is no “moral equivalence.”
Konrad – I have days when I just throw my hands up in the air. I laugh at least once a day at the believers of all these hoaxes. What gets me is these christians totally overlooked the New Testament and practice the old crazy book. I just have a hard time with this. Both books contradict each other. I won’t get into the hoax stories of the OT. Forget Revelations I have yet to figure out the heads and horns. I could do a stand up comedian act on this. 🙂
Lasilenia: I am not formally religious. But the Jews have gone on a clever campaign inside Christianity,to submerge Christ,into Yahweh. This first began with “Reformation” ,Movements,Jews funded to destroy the united Roman Catholic Church,which had banned them,and Usury. Oliver Cromwell’s Puitans where the first big Jewish Success,in 17th Century England… Hench the world is not following Christ the New Covenant,but Yahweh ,of the OT ! I have recommended this for months,and Mark posted it,but if you have not seen this-please do : YAHWEH GOD OF THE NWO & Synagogue Of Saturn – You Tube. it is long,but please study,and contemplate it will see the Jews clever diabolical work here. Also a book: Bolshivisem From Mosses To Lenin: Dietrich Echart. Here are the following “Hoaxes”,one must believe,including with some undercurrents. “Hitler Killed 6 million Jews and 11 million others (The later statistic ,has been dropped by the Jews),and began WW2,to conquer the entire world” “The US Civil War,was soley about slavery”. “The dropping of atomic bombs on Japan ended WW2 quicker”. “We lost Vietnam because we held back our firepower”. “Muslims did 911 ,because they are just mean,and resentful,of our way of life”. “Castro Killed JFK”. Or”Oswald did it”. “The Romans killed Jesus”. “Churchil was a great man”. “There is no other life in the universe,NASA told me this”. “The poor,and Social Security ,are ruining the USA”. “Globalism is good” . “Democracy is good,and we have that in the USA”. “The US fights for Freedom” “All of our enemies abroad are evil “. “The USA,and its Allies NEVER EVER targeted civilians ,in the past,or today. “Only other nations have war criminals”. “The Jews have no power at all,in our society”. “Socialized medicine is bad”. “People drive new luxury cars on Food Stamps”. ” A secret Nazi/Fascist underground operates the US Govermant,and plans another genocide of Jews,and their dear Gentile backers. “Liberals run Hollywood,and it is owned by Arabs”. Saddam had WMD”,and helped do 911″ “Jesus was a Jew”. “Only Jews,and Christians believe in the true God”. “Only in Murika ,can someone get rich,or run for office”. “Putin is a Communist,and evil”. “Other leaders kill their own people”. “UFO’s are secret govermant craft”. The USA is best country on earth”. “If you work hard,you can get rich”. “Getting a good education will make you achieve high status”. “The police are all fine people”. “Clergy people,are all moral”. “The US was founded on Judeo- Christian principles”. “Elections in the US/West,are free,and fair”. “Voter ID is needed,because Democrats might win”. “The parties are very different”. “The Superbowel is very important”. “Globalism is good for buiness”. “The US owns China”. “Obama is a Muslim” “I saw it,in the paper”. “As seen on TEEEVEEE”. Believe,and say all of these things ,with your mouth agape, and have the appropriate scowl, and this ,will make you a ‘”Real American” You will be in,with the in crowd.
Thank you Dante. I remember I once tried to watch the Synagogue of Saturn but this time I will watch at length. There truly are no words to describe the mentality or whatever drives them. I sit and shake my head, but I believe they are getting theirs. They are outraged over Obama snuffing their Moses. To them it’s a horror show. Also there is a huge awareness among college students and they are revolutionizing. But like the famous saying goes ‘the revolution will not be televised.’ It is so true. I don’t understand how anyone can honestly say that this is what the God of Light is about. Self worshipping will be the death of anyone. 🙂
laselencia, I do not believe the Old & New Testaments counter each other. I am sure there will be many to disagree with me.
The Jesus character claimed that his Father had sent him. Like father. Like son. His father is YHWH. Next, take note of this. ~ “”Jesus went away from there, and withdrew into the district of Tyre and Sidon. And a Canaanite woman from that region came out and began to cry out, saying, ‘Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David; my daughter is cruelly demon-possessed.’ But He did not answer her a word. And His disciples came and implored Him, saying, ‘Send her away, because she keeps shouting at us.’ But He answered and said, ‘I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.’ But she came and began to bow down before Him, saying, ‘Lord, help me!’ And He answered and said, ‘It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.’ But she said, ‘Yes, Lord; but even the dogs feed on the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.’ Then Jesus said to her, ‘O woman, your faith is great; it shall be done for you as you wish.’ And her daughter was healed at once.” (Matthew 15:21-28; cf. Mark 7:24-30″.
Notice that He apparently says. Ohhhhhhhhhnllyyyyyyyyy to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And who are the “masters” he refers to? Jews? The chosen ones? …and he calls all others “dogs” and are not even worthy of “crumbs”? So He came back Ohhhnlyyyy for His house of Israel and to give them bread, but all others are not deserving even of crumbs left by their MASTERS? Like father, like son. and he did pass ‘judgement’ on this woman as well. He called her a damn dog…an animal….while she was in need for help for her daughter. Sounds a lot like how Zionists treat Palestinians.
To me, this is still the mind set of an ‘elite’ Jew pig.
And remember that he says he came to not do away with the Laws of Moses. He loved Moses and he loves those Laws. He idolized Moses. This Moses character is the one responsible for ethnic cleansing and genocide throughout the region to establish a ‘homeland. He order the rape of Goy women, wholesale butchery and pillaging. Killing infants and the unborn. Destroying entire villages and cities, and even the livestock. Good Greif ! ! And this is a man that Jesus idolized and came to uphold his laws??! And the apostle know as Simon was a zealot; Simon the Zealot.
IF there was a Jesus ( but take note that there were many that proclaimed themselves to be a “Jesus” or Messiah in those days. Many are actually listed in a bible; all the Messiahs in those days. It has to do with Boaz and Jachin ( two towers / pillars ) ), I believe he was a zealot as well and wanted the Romans out of “their land”. (King of the Jews)
He tried to appeal to the Goy in his days; as he called them..the DOGS, that he differentiated from the MASTERS. He used them; the Gentile Goy. His approach to them was Judaica Light. Judaism for the Goy. The Gentile were good enough to fight the battles and overthrow Roman government but, still did not hold the place in his heart that his lovely lost sheep of the house of Israel had. No..he came back ONLY for that crowd.
Barabbas, it is said, was let go by a cheering mass. Bar Abbas; it means son of Father. Abba = Father. Bar = son of.
I believe that Barabbas was James the brother of this particular Jesus. James / Jacob / Yacov.
In order for the Kingdom to be established as paradise on Earth, the 2 columns of Boaz & Jachin will be erected to then support Shalom. Shalom = Peace on Earth. Boaz & Jachin had to be represented by two Jew persons. Barabbas ( James ) and this particular Jesus.
They had caught Barabbas / James earlier and he was under arrest. He was being held. John the Baptist had already been beheaded by another Jewish sect at odds with Barabbas & Jesus. Yes they do kill one another and still do. Since Barabbas / James was being held under arrest, there was only 1 pillar left and that was Jesus. But tradition said that two pillars are needed to usher in Shalom. So, Jesus decides to act as both pillars under desperation. This set off the Jews and they called for his crucifixion.
Jesus definitely followed Moses and loved him, and openly said that he came back to uphold the Laws of a rampaging psychotic murder…that was tossed out of Egypt / Kemet. They had plundered Kemet so severely that a King from the South of Kemet (Egypt) rose up and chased them out. Notice that these so called ‘slaves’ had all kinds of gold with them in their “exodus”. And note too that Moses while in ‘the desert”, put many of his own to death for Not following what YHWH commanded. This was accomplished in many sadistic ways.
I’d bet my arse that Jesus was not in want of anything. He wined and dined with the most high. He was well taken care of. And I recall how a lady was pouring oil on his feet and massaging them. And they told Jesus that that oil was very expensive and was a years wages, Jesus told them to be quiet and let her be and that he won’t be around forever.
He and his particular sect of Jews were hardliners devoted to the Laws of Moses; the Torah. The Torah predates the Talmud, Kabala, and the Zohar..and it calls for an Eretz Israel. That’s why John Hagee loves his Jesus.
Know too that a hell of a lot of gold was passing thru Jerusalem in those days. The dominant sect of the Jews in those days worked closely with the Romans. My personal belief is that Jesus’ particular sect of Judaism also wanted control of this gold, as well as the region. Then a propaganda campaign was directed at the Pharisee sect of Judaism that was using Rome. The Jews were taking Roman gold and giving the Roman’s bronze coins; another usary trick used to deplete the Roman Treasury. Later they took over the Jesuits and the Roman Church. With the Church of Rome now in their hands, they used it to terrorize Europe. They never have really penetrated Russian Orthodoxy in a lasting way though.
Jesus and his sect wanted Rome out but would certainly want control of all that gold. His vision would be controlling the World’s gold supply, while being headquarted in the heart of Eretz Israel, which is Jerusalem. Same damn thing we have today!
Some quotes from some Romans and others ~
CICERO (Marcus Tullius Cicero). First century B.C. Roman statesman, writer.
“Softly! Softly! I want none but the judges to hear me. The Jews have already gotten me into a fine mess, as they have many other gentleman. I have no desire to furnish further grist for their mills.” (Oration in Defense of Flaccus)
Cicero was serving as defense counsel at the trial of Flaccus, a Roman official who interfered with Jewish gold shipments to their international headquarters (then, as now) in Jerusalem. Cicero himself certainly was not a nobody, and for one of this stature to have to “speak softly” shows that he was in the presence of a dangerously powerful sphere of influence. and on another occasion Cicero wrote: “The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers.”
HARRINGTON, LORD. 19th century British statesman. Opposed admission of Jewish immigrants to England because: “They are the great moneylenders and loan contractors of the world… The consequence is that the nations of the world are groaning under heavy systems of taxation and national debt. They have ever been the greatest enemies of freedom. (Speech in the House of Lords, July 12, 1858)
A. HOMER, writes in Judaism and Bolshevism, page 7 “History shows that the Jew has always been, by nature, a revolutionary and that, since the dispersion of his race in the second century, he has either initiated or assisted revolutionary movements in religion, politics and finance, which weakened the power of the States wherein he dwelt. On the other hand, a few far-seeing members of that race have always been at hand to reap financial and political advantage coincident with such upheavals.”
DIO CASSIUS. Second century Roman historian. Describing the savage Jewish uprising against the Roman empire that has been acknowledged as the turning point downward in the course of that great state-form: “The Jews were destroying both Greeks and Romans. They ate the flesh of their victims, made belts for themselves out of their entrails, and daubed themselves with their blood… In all, 220,000 men perished in Cyrene and 240,000 in Cyprus, and for this reason no Jew may set foot in Cyprus today.” (Roman History)
@ Imhotep – I read that Barabas had converted perhaps James was the name he took. I do not belong to any religion. I don’t disrespect anyone’s beliefs outside of Judaism. There are many readings that have not been published. I always appreciate what people have to say. However, I cannot and will not accept a racist God. Jesus called the jews out and now we are calling them out too. So in a way, it is us doing His work. We are disciples. 🙂
Wow, the comment is waiting in moderator purgatory eh?
@ Imhotep – On the contrary, moderators must rest too. :;
I was wondering about that too. I live in Southeast now and realize that that may be what is happening. Different time zones.
Recently I have had comments suicided / disappeared on ‘troother’ website just in the last 2 and 3 days. My comments involved no name calling or any such things. I was simply questioning some of the ‘strangeness’ that appears to be going on with so many ‘alternative’ talk shows / websites, and asked some very direct questions. Truth is of vital importance in these late stages of global events. There are many angles / depths to so many misinformation and disinformation. Instead of answering, they must have decided to suicide my questions.
Many are obvious shills posing as so called “patriots”, “truthers”, etc. Others are more advanced in their leading the lemmings along. I see the internet / websites literally crawling with an army of these types, and they have their followers.
I believe that as humanity enters further into the bottleneck of events, it is going to be more and more difficult to discern truths, as it will be a no holds barred carousel of ‘truth’ disorder.
Quite right, Konrad, there has never been a war as it has always been a controlled slaughter, or as the Israelis say a periodic “cutting the grass” The pauses between slaughters simply gives the IDF time to pinpoint their targets. In a just world, bombing schools and hospitals would be a war crime if Israel’s benefactor, America did not control the rules of the game.
A video that hopefully will provoke some deeper thought about some origins that have been either overlooked or intentionally buried.
Asar is Osiris. Osiris is the Greek term. The African term is Asar. Likewise, Aset is known as Isis. Isis being Greek while Aset is the African name. Horu (their son by immaculate conception), is Horu. Horus is Greek, while Horu is the African name.
@ Imhotep – Thank you. There are many beliefs out there. I guess as humans for respect of life, we need to find what is most comfortable for us. In the end we know what is truth and not truth. Instinct plays a major role in our daily lives, if more people tune in. Sometimes people take longer than others, but who are we to judge. We all go through our own spiritual journeys. 🙂
The Jewish State is a crime against humanity.
I just posted this blog over at “What Really Happened” and at “World Truth”.
I thought some of you might find it interesting in light of these latest offensive plans from “Our Special Friends” for Greater Israel . . . 😉
“What Happens When An Unstoppable Force Meets An Immovable Object?”
– bb9
Reblogged this on TheFlippinTruth.
“The next war will break out in the summer.”
There have never been any “wars” involving Gaza.
There have only been Jewish bombardments of the Gaza Death Camp.
There has never been any “conflict” between Jews and Palestinians.
There has only been Jewish oppression and murder of Palestinians.
Calling it a “conflict” is like calling the slavery era in U.S. history the “racial conflict era.”
Come to think of it, many nations have memorials and museums to the holo-hoax (which ever happened) but what about national monuments and museums for slavery? There was a “Black Holocaust Museum” in Milwaukee, but it was privately built, and it closed in 2008 because it was never given any government financial support. (It was founded by James Cameron, the only known survivor of a lynching.) By contrast, holo-hoax museums have total financial support from governments, and they keep multiplying in number, again funded by governments.
Jews had always been furious with Cameron for sing the holocaust™ trademark.
Jews say that the enslavement of countless millions of blacks can never compare with the (fictitious) gassing of six million Chosen. There is no “moral equivalence.”
The tragedy is that Most people believe them.
Konrad – I have days when I just throw my hands up in the air. I laugh at least once a day at the believers of all these hoaxes. What gets me is these christians totally overlooked the New Testament and practice the old crazy book. I just have a hard time with this. Both books contradict each other. I won’t get into the hoax stories of the OT. Forget Revelations I have yet to figure out the heads and horns. I could do a stand up comedian act on this. 🙂
Lasilenia: I am not formally religious. But the Jews have gone on a clever campaign inside Christianity,to submerge Christ,into Yahweh. This first began with “Reformation” ,Movements,Jews funded to destroy the united Roman Catholic Church,which had banned them,and Usury. Oliver Cromwell’s Puitans where the first big Jewish Success,in 17th Century England… Hench the world is not following Christ the New Covenant,but Yahweh ,of the OT ! I have recommended this for months,and Mark posted it,but if you have not seen this-please do : YAHWEH GOD OF THE NWO & Synagogue Of Saturn – You Tube. it is long,but please study,and contemplate it will see the Jews clever diabolical work here. Also a book: Bolshivisem From Mosses To Lenin: Dietrich Echart. Here are the following “Hoaxes”,one must believe,including with some undercurrents. “Hitler Killed 6 million Jews and 11 million others (The later statistic ,has been dropped by the Jews),and began WW2,to conquer the entire world” “The US Civil War,was soley about slavery”. “The dropping of atomic bombs on Japan ended WW2 quicker”. “We lost Vietnam because we held back our firepower”. “Muslims did 911 ,because they are just mean,and resentful,of our way of life”. “Castro Killed JFK”. Or”Oswald did it”. “The Romans killed Jesus”. “Churchil was a great man”. “There is no other life in the universe,NASA told me this”. “The poor,and Social Security ,are ruining the USA”. “Globalism is good” . “Democracy is good,and we have that in the USA”. “The US fights for Freedom” “All of our enemies abroad are evil “. “The USA,and its Allies NEVER EVER targeted civilians ,in the past,or today. “Only other nations have war criminals”. “The Jews have no power at all,in our society”. “Socialized medicine is bad”. “People drive new luxury cars on Food Stamps”. ” A secret Nazi/Fascist underground operates the US Govermant,and plans another genocide of Jews,and their dear Gentile backers. “Liberals run Hollywood,and it is owned by Arabs”. Saddam had WMD”,and helped do 911″ “Jesus was a Jew”. “Only Jews,and Christians believe in the true God”. “Only in Murika ,can someone get rich,or run for office”. “Putin is a Communist,and evil”. “Other leaders kill their own people”. “UFO’s are secret govermant craft”. The USA is best country on earth”. “If you work hard,you can get rich”. “Getting a good education will make you achieve high status”. “The police are all fine people”. “Clergy people,are all moral”. “The US was founded on Judeo- Christian principles”. “Elections in the US/West,are free,and fair”. “Voter ID is needed,because Democrats might win”. “The parties are very different”. “The Superbowel is very important”. “Globalism is good for buiness”. “The US owns China”. “Obama is a Muslim” “I saw it,in the paper”. “As seen on TEEEVEEE”. Believe,and say all of these things ,with your mouth agape, and have the appropriate scowl, and this ,will make you a ‘”Real American” You will be in,with the in crowd.
Thank you Dante. I remember I once tried to watch the Synagogue of Saturn but this time I will watch at length. There truly are no words to describe the mentality or whatever drives them. I sit and shake my head, but I believe they are getting theirs. They are outraged over Obama snuffing their Moses. To them it’s a horror show. Also there is a huge awareness among college students and they are revolutionizing. But like the famous saying goes ‘the revolution will not be televised.’ It is so true. I don’t understand how anyone can honestly say that this is what the God of Light is about. Self worshipping will be the death of anyone. 🙂
laselencia, I do not believe the Old & New Testaments counter each other. I am sure there will be many to disagree with me.
The Jesus character claimed that his Father had sent him. Like father. Like son. His father is YHWH. Next, take note of this. ~ “”Jesus went away from there, and withdrew into the district of Tyre and Sidon. And a Canaanite woman from that region came out and began to cry out, saying, ‘Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David; my daughter is cruelly demon-possessed.’ But He did not answer her a word. And His disciples came and implored Him, saying, ‘Send her away, because she keeps shouting at us.’ But He answered and said, ‘I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.’ But she came and began to bow down before Him, saying, ‘Lord, help me!’ And He answered and said, ‘It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.’ But she said, ‘Yes, Lord; but even the dogs feed on the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.’ Then Jesus said to her, ‘O woman, your faith is great; it shall be done for you as you wish.’ And her daughter was healed at once.” (Matthew 15:21-28; cf. Mark 7:24-30″.
Notice that He apparently says. Ohhhhhhhhhnllyyyyyyyyy to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And who are the “masters” he refers to? Jews? The chosen ones? …and he calls all others “dogs” and are not even worthy of “crumbs”? So He came back Ohhhnlyyyy for His house of Israel and to give them bread, but all others are not deserving even of crumbs left by their MASTERS? Like father, like son. and he did pass ‘judgement’ on this woman as well. He called her a damn dog…an animal….while she was in need for help for her daughter. Sounds a lot like how Zionists treat Palestinians.
To me, this is still the mind set of an ‘elite’ Jew pig.
And remember that he says he came to not do away with the Laws of Moses. He loved Moses and he loves those Laws. He idolized Moses. This Moses character is the one responsible for ethnic cleansing and genocide throughout the region to establish a ‘homeland. He order the rape of Goy women, wholesale butchery and pillaging. Killing infants and the unborn. Destroying entire villages and cities, and even the livestock. Good Greif ! ! And this is a man that Jesus idolized and came to uphold his laws??! And the apostle know as Simon was a zealot; Simon the Zealot.
IF there was a Jesus ( but take note that there were many that proclaimed themselves to be a “Jesus” or Messiah in those days. Many are actually listed in a bible; all the Messiahs in those days. It has to do with Boaz and Jachin ( two towers / pillars ) ), I believe he was a zealot as well and wanted the Romans out of “their land”. (King of the Jews)
He tried to appeal to the Goy in his days; as he called them..the DOGS, that he differentiated from the MASTERS. He used them; the Gentile Goy. His approach to them was Judaica Light. Judaism for the Goy. The Gentile were good enough to fight the battles and overthrow Roman government but, still did not hold the place in his heart that his lovely lost sheep of the house of Israel had. No..he came back ONLY for that crowd.
Barabbas, it is said, was let go by a cheering mass. Bar Abbas; it means son of Father. Abba = Father. Bar = son of.
I believe that Barabbas was James the brother of this particular Jesus. James / Jacob / Yacov.
In order for the Kingdom to be established as paradise on Earth, the 2 columns of Boaz & Jachin will be erected to then support Shalom. Shalom = Peace on Earth. Boaz & Jachin had to be represented by two Jew persons. Barabbas ( James ) and this particular Jesus.
They had caught Barabbas / James earlier and he was under arrest. He was being held. John the Baptist had already been beheaded by another Jewish sect at odds with Barabbas & Jesus. Yes they do kill one another and still do. Since Barabbas / James was being held under arrest, there was only 1 pillar left and that was Jesus. But tradition said that two pillars are needed to usher in Shalom. So, Jesus decides to act as both pillars under desperation. This set off the Jews and they called for his crucifixion.
Jesus definitely followed Moses and loved him, and openly said that he came back to uphold the Laws of a rampaging psychotic murder…that was tossed out of Egypt / Kemet. They had plundered Kemet so severely that a King from the South of Kemet (Egypt) rose up and chased them out. Notice that these so called ‘slaves’ had all kinds of gold with them in their “exodus”. And note too that Moses while in ‘the desert”, put many of his own to death for Not following what YHWH commanded. This was accomplished in many sadistic ways.
I’d bet my arse that Jesus was not in want of anything. He wined and dined with the most high. He was well taken care of. And I recall how a lady was pouring oil on his feet and massaging them. And they told Jesus that that oil was very expensive and was a years wages, Jesus told them to be quiet and let her be and that he won’t be around forever.
He and his particular sect of Jews were hardliners devoted to the Laws of Moses; the Torah. The Torah predates the Talmud, Kabala, and the Zohar..and it calls for an Eretz Israel. That’s why John Hagee loves his Jesus.
Satan’s pet country is murdering humanity every year in Gaza………
Know too that a hell of a lot of gold was passing thru Jerusalem in those days. The dominant sect of the Jews in those days worked closely with the Romans. My personal belief is that Jesus’ particular sect of Judaism also wanted control of this gold, as well as the region. Then a propaganda campaign was directed at the Pharisee sect of Judaism that was using Rome. The Jews were taking Roman gold and giving the Roman’s bronze coins; another usary trick used to deplete the Roman Treasury. Later they took over the Jesuits and the Roman Church. With the Church of Rome now in their hands, they used it to terrorize Europe. They never have really penetrated Russian Orthodoxy in a lasting way though.
Jesus and his sect wanted Rome out but would certainly want control of all that gold. His vision would be controlling the World’s gold supply, while being headquarted in the heart of Eretz Israel, which is Jerusalem. Same damn thing we have today!
Some quotes from some Romans and others ~
CICERO (Marcus Tullius Cicero). First century B.C. Roman statesman, writer.
“Softly! Softly! I want none but the judges to hear me. The Jews have already gotten me into a fine mess, as they have many other gentleman. I have no desire to furnish further grist for their mills.” (Oration in Defense of Flaccus)
Cicero was serving as defense counsel at the trial of Flaccus, a Roman official who interfered with Jewish gold shipments to their international headquarters (then, as now) in Jerusalem. Cicero himself certainly was not a nobody, and for one of this stature to have to “speak softly” shows that he was in the presence of a dangerously powerful sphere of influence. and on another occasion Cicero wrote: “The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers.”
HARRINGTON, LORD. 19th century British statesman. Opposed admission of Jewish immigrants to England because: “They are the great moneylenders and loan contractors of the world… The consequence is that the nations of the world are groaning under heavy systems of taxation and national debt. They have ever been the greatest enemies of freedom. (Speech in the House of Lords, July 12, 1858)
A. HOMER, writes in Judaism and Bolshevism, page 7 “History shows that the Jew has always been, by nature, a revolutionary and that, since the dispersion of his race in the second century, he has either initiated or assisted revolutionary movements in religion, politics and finance, which weakened the power of the States wherein he dwelt. On the other hand, a few far-seeing members of that race have always been at hand to reap financial and political advantage coincident with such upheavals.”
DIO CASSIUS. Second century Roman historian. Describing the savage Jewish uprising against the Roman empire that has been acknowledged as the turning point downward in the course of that great state-form: “The Jews were destroying both Greeks and Romans. They ate the flesh of their victims, made belts for themselves out of their entrails, and daubed themselves with their blood… In all, 220,000 men perished in Cyrene and 240,000 in Cyprus, and for this reason no Jew may set foot in Cyprus today.” (Roman History)
@ Imhotep – I read that Barabas had converted perhaps James was the name he took. I do not belong to any religion. I don’t disrespect anyone’s beliefs outside of Judaism. There are many readings that have not been published. I always appreciate what people have to say. However, I cannot and will not accept a racist God. Jesus called the jews out and now we are calling them out too. So in a way, it is us doing His work. We are disciples. 🙂
Thanks for the reply but I will still stick that the Jesus character is a Jewish Supremacist.
Wow, the comment is waiting in moderator purgatory eh?
@ Imhotep – On the contrary, moderators must rest too. :;
I was wondering about that too. I live in Southeast now and realize that that may be what is happening. Different time zones.
Recently I have had comments suicided / disappeared on ‘troother’ website just in the last 2 and 3 days. My comments involved no name calling or any such things. I was simply questioning some of the ‘strangeness’ that appears to be going on with so many ‘alternative’ talk shows / websites, and asked some very direct questions. Truth is of vital importance in these late stages of global events. There are many angles / depths to so many misinformation and disinformation. Instead of answering, they must have decided to suicide my questions.
Many are obvious shills posing as so called “patriots”, “truthers”, etc. Others are more advanced in their leading the lemmings along. I see the internet / websites literally crawling with an army of these types, and they have their followers.
I believe that as humanity enters further into the bottleneck of events, it is going to be more and more difficult to discern truths, as it will be a no holds barred carousel of ‘truth’ disorder.
Quite right, Konrad, there has never been a war as it has always been a controlled slaughter, or as the Israelis say a periodic “cutting the grass” The pauses between slaughters simply gives the IDF time to pinpoint their targets. In a just world, bombing schools and hospitals would be a war crime if Israel’s benefactor, America did not control the rules of the game.
A video that hopefully will provoke some deeper thought about some origins that have been either overlooked or intentionally buried.
Asar is Osiris. Osiris is the Greek term. The African term is Asar. Likewise, Aset is known as Isis. Isis being Greek while Aset is the African name. Horu (their son by immaculate conception), is Horu. Horus is Greek, while Horu is the African name.
@ Imhotep – Thank you. There are many beliefs out there. I guess as humans for respect of life, we need to find what is most comfortable for us. In the end we know what is truth and not truth. Instinct plays a major role in our daily lives, if more people tune in. Sometimes people take longer than others, but who are we to judge. We all go through our own spiritual journeys. 🙂