Ed-note – Replace Zionism with Judaism and zionists with Jews. The author, Gideon Levy, agrees as well as he reveals that the goals of zionism is to JUDAIZE, not ZIONIZE, Palestine.
We said it before and we’ll say it again: Zionism is part and parcel of Judaism and the most important book of Judaism is the Old Testament. Yes, the Talmud is extremely important because it is a book of laws that regulates every second of the lives of the Jews, as individuals. The Torah, on the other hand, regulates the life of the Tribe taken as a whole.
The Torah is a POLITICAL book and should never be considered as the religious book which it is not, but as the political testament of the Jews. They themselves treat it as such; many Jewish leaders have told us so when they emphatically declare it to be their constitution, i.e. a political document.
As such, Zionism did not stem from the Talmud and it could never have. Zionism is a political movement and it therefore had to be rooted in the political testament of the Jews: the Torah.
As we mentioned in article on this very subject, Zionism is nothing but the upgraded and modernized version of what used to be known as Jewish religious messianism and which morphed into political messianism, with the Torah as its real founding text. The goals of Zionism and Judaism are one and the same (of course!): to judaize not just Palestine, but the entire planet.
“The Temple will be visible from long distances, for it is only our ancient faith that has kept us together (…) Our community of race is peculiar and unique, for we are bound together only by the faith of our fathers (…) A wondrous generation of Jews will spring into existence. The Maccabeans will rise again“. Theodor Herzl.
I don’t agree. Its like saying Isis is Islam then
Wow! Americans want to americanize the world; Jew wants to judaize the world; Islam wants to islamized the world… can everybody just stay in their darn countries and live people alone? Religions should be banned on this planet… they are THE source of all suffering, wars, genocides, murders, rapes, violence, etc… on this planet. Until there is no more religion anymore, we will not find Peace!
isis is jew
The Torah is a undefined term which confuses intelligenty conversation deliberately. In the eyes and minds of the Talmudic Jews, it means the teachings of the Law of the OT Bible AS FILTERED AND FALSELY INTERPRETED by the Pharisees, scribes and rabbis ion the Babylonian Talmud. Get your facts straight. You are doing grave harm to the truth of the KJV Bible. And I’m VERY angry about it!
ed note–the Torah is the word which the Hebrews, Israelites, Jews, Khazars, Shmayzars, etc, have used for thousands of years in describing/naming the first 5 books of what Christians refer to as the Old Testament. Furthermore, the very same passages of the Torah, OT, whatever the hell name we want to use in describing it–discussed in the ed notes commentary came out of the KJV bible, so there is no ‘false interpretation’ taking place here, and no, it did not come out of the Talmud, it came right directly out of the KJV bible.
And as far as you being ‘VERY angry about it’, yes, oftentimes this is the result of having the light of truth shown on a very ugly situation that heretofore had remained obscure and hidden, and we need consider nothing more in this regard then the way that the Jews reacted in their typical insane fashion to Jesus and His unmasking of the ugliness of their religious teachings who also were ‘VERY angry about it’.
take the kjv
cut the ot and toss into fire
take the new
excise the judaizing parts
you have the christian bible
now read
Mark Glen, when you and your proponents in the comment threads die….the lake of fire is a mighty long time to be wrong and it will for eternity remind you in insufferable agony of how much you were wrong about the OT and who God actually is, when His name is Jesus and thus, any claims to remove the OT from the Holy Bible is self-condemnation when Jesus Himself makes clear many times in the NT that He is the God of the OT.. but hey.. you keep stacking wood for your own unending fire of indescribable agony and all the others you are leading into the eternal flames.
ed note–prima facie evidence as to why ‘matters of faith’ must at times be tempered with reason, (which God gave us alongside faith) and vice versa.
Substantively, there is no difference between our esteemed ‘Jesus Disciple’ and those nutcase Judaics who murder innocent men, women, and children of the non-Hebraic variety just because something written in a book penned by the hand of man and not by some ‘higher power’ tells them to do so. They allow the narcotic aspects of their ‘faith’ to supercede, annul, and/or obliterate their God-given ability to reason and in the process, become the very monsters which their ‘faith’ is supposed to prevent them from becoming.
‘Jesus Disciple’ sounds like a nutjob, unfortunately too many of which seem to proliferate these days in the post-Christian era.
ed note–not only a nutjob, but one with an extremely LARGE ego, and not only in his lofty, judgmental commentary but as well in his email address, which, translated from Latin is ‘Prodigious Son’, prodigious defined as enormous, huge, colossal, immense, vast, great, massive, gigantic, mammoth, tremendous, inordinate, monumental.