erasing israel off the map final

Netanyahu’s reelection will likely result in Likud cooperating with ultranationalists, which does not bode well for the peace process or Israel’s international operation.

Associated Press

Benjamin Netanyahu’s apparent reelection puts Israel on a course toward ever deeper confrontation with the world. To govern, his Likud party would need to depend on ultranationalists — a recipe for neither stability nor bold moves toward Mideast peace.

A period of some horsetrading looms. With Likud as well as rightist and religious allies, Netanyahu still only commands 57 out of 120 parliament seats. He must woo Moshe Kahlon, a relative newcomer to the big leagues of Israeli politics. Breaking away from Netanyahu’s nationalist Likud two years ago after a falling out with the premier, he adopted a vaguely centrist platform and flirted with Isaac Herzog’s more moderate Zionist Union. If he is non-aligned as he claims, then he holds the balance of power between Israel’s traditional right and left blocs, each with just under half of parliament.

It is widely thought that it would be too awkward for the former Likud figure to crown the opposition unless Herzog’s party enjoyed a cushion of several seats over Likud. Polls had suggested that would happen, but the actual vote count on Wednesday showed the opposite: Likud was ahead by 30-24 seats.

If Kahlon does go with Netanyahu, it would give the hard-liner a fourth term that, if completed, would make him Israel’s longest-serving leader, on par with the nation’s founder David Ben Gurion.

That would not bode well for prospects of peace with the Palestinians, or a rapprochement between Israel and the region, which seems tantalizingly close in an era in which many of the neighboring Arab nations fear jihadi extremism far more than they oppose Israel.

Under Netanyahu, Israel has deepened its hold on the West Bank, adding Jewish settlers to the point where the territory may soon become inseparable from Israel proper. Combined with the Jews in east Jerusalem, there are some 600,000 Jews living in areas claimed by the Palestinians.

In recent days Netanyahu has said that he would not allow the creation of a Palestinian state if elected. The Palestinians have already said they would take their case against Israel to war crimes tribunals and other international bodies. A campaign to boycott Israel seems poised to gain traction. Netanyahu’s relations with the US administration of President Barack Obama are frosty at best. International isolation looms.

Netanyahu knows the complications of all this and may try to draw in Herzog, to give his government a more moderate character. But he has promised, in his final appeals to his base, not to do this — and Herzog would probably demand a rotation in the premier’s post as his price.

Kahlon seems to dislike Netanyahu intensely, and he certainly has the power to crown Herzog, a mild-mannered lawyer and scion of a venerable family of Zionist founders. Kahlon’s platform is moderate, as are top lieutenants in his party, and despite his Likud roots he has supported the idea of peace talks. It is not inconceivable that the left’s desire to unseat Netanyahu extends to offering Kahlon a rotation as prime minister.

The issue has defined Israeli politics ever since the 1967 Middle East war, which cemented Israel as a regional power but saddled it with the Palestinian-populated West Bank and Gaza Strip. Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, but to many the territory, run by Hamas militants and blockaded on all side by Israel and Egypt, remains part of the equation.

Parties on the left would trade the land for peace and allow the creation of a Palestinian state. They also argue that the lands are a liability because with their millions of Palestinians their incorporation would destroy Israel as a Jewish-majority state.

The right emphasizes the lands’ strategic value and biblical symbolism and pushes constantly for settling them with Jews. Its success in this endeavor has, paradoxically, put the country on a path toward being a place where Jews are no longer a strong majority.

The issue is Israel’s existential dilemma, central to the world’s interest and fundamental to determining the country’s ultimate character. But after decades of failure and disappointment accompanied by periods of violence, Israelis have despaired of peace and politicians increasingly address the Palestinian matter with evasion, mendacity or doubletalk.

The Zionist Union is a rebranding of Israel’s once venerable Labor Party, which led the country for three decades after its founding but last won an election in 1999. That brought to power its then-leader Ehud Barak, who became the first prime minister to offer the Palestinians a state, on most of the territories they claim as their own. No deal was struck and a violent Palestinian uprising erupted, leaving Labor in shambles ever since.

Meanwhile, the political system has fragmented in ways that align with Israel’s internal divisions. So there are parties for Russian immigrants, Sephardic Jews, different types of religious Jews, secular and progressive citizens, the European-oriented middle class, and a new union of Israeli Arab parties that individually are nationalist, Islamic or socialist.

Only one thing seems certain: Pressure to overhaul the electoral system that has yielded such chaos will grow.

0 thoughts on “Israel likely headed toward conflict, isolation after Netanyahu win”
  1. Interesting. In most cases the Associated Press is very pro-Israel. The AP dispenses news stories and propaganda that appear in blogs and newspaper across the USA.

    However the author of the above article, Dan Perry, 51 (picture below) has occasionally been mildly critical of Israel. (Although in the above article he refers to Hamas “militants.”)

    Perry is from Philadelphia, and has spent most of his life around Jews. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, and he holds a master’s degree in computer science from Columbia University — two universities that arguably have the highest percentage of Jewish students in the USA.

    Today his AP office is in Jerusalem, and he has 40 people on his staff.

    Perry writes above…

    “The political system has fragmented in ways that align with Israel’s internal divisions. So there are parties for Russian immigrants, Sephardic Jews, different types of religious Jews, secular and progressive citizens, the European-oriented middle class, and a new union of Israeli Arab parties that individually are nationalist, Islamic or socialist.”

    Once again we see that Jews are the most internally divided people of all. If Jewish parasites have no host, they become parasites on each other.

    This has happened several times in history. When Jews are kicked out, or their power is broken, they eat each other, and they are reduced to squalor. Jews call this a period of “wandering in the wilderness.” It is a time of searching for a new host.

    If the U.S. host disappeared, then Israel’s internal divisions would cause it to crumble.

  2. There never was any real “peace process”. The deception of such a process was maintained only to buy time and annex as much land of the West Bank as possible. At some moment the true intention would have to be declared anyway, but that moment was postponed as long as possible. Netanyahu has decided that the moment has come now : no Palestinian state and annexation of the West Bank. This is what his advisor Carolyn Glick calls “the Israel solution”.

  3. Up until yesterday, Israel exposed their ugly heads for the world to see first hand under Netanyahu’s term.

    To offset Israel’s recent isolation brought about by their self-perception of invincibility and hubris, I’m afraid Israel will increase covert operations and decrease overt. This will make things more difficult for all of us.

    I am ask myself, why would Israel under Netanyahu overtly demonstrate disdain for the non-Jewish world? They’re under the impression the world events are proceeding under forward under their tutelage.

    The world is approaching a breaking point again. Monetary systems. Distribution of wealth. Destruction of historic and cultural treasures. Destruction of cultures and their value systems. And most importantly, amalgamation of regional armed conflicts. We see this happen again and again with devastating consequences.

    Meanwhile in Frankfurt, European Central Bank’s new headquarters:


  4. @ Konrad, what you have so eloquently described regarding citizens of the Jewish State, I simply call cannibalizing. Leave them alone and because they cannot agree with anyone about anything once they have no common enemy to unite against (share common hatred) they turn on each other.

    If they were left alone behind their own apartheid wall they would self destruct.

  5. @ nooralhaqiqa:

    Leave them alone, and because Jews cannot agree with anyone about anything once they have no common enemy to unite against (share common hatred of) they turn on each other. If they were left alone behind their own apartheid wall they would self-destruct.

    Exactly. And Jews know this. Some consciously; others subconsciously. That is why Jews dread any suggestion of BDS. It means they will be cut off from their host, and left to themselves. This thought terrifies them. Without a host, they are nothing.

    The Nazis’ “final solution” to the Jewish problem was to round up the Jews and send them to live in their own country somewhere, preferably a large island like Madagascar. Most Jews would quickly cannibalize and kill each other. The remaining ones would be easier for foreign nations to handle. (But first Germany had to win the war.)

    BDS is the most effective weapons against Jewish supremacy. We don’t fight them, we shun them. We cut them off, and make them irrelevant.

  6. On BDS, Sailer via Joyce notes, correctly in my opinion:
    “Despite some credible successes, if I could point to one single major failing of the current boycott movement is that it isn’t anywhere near extensive enough. In particular, its ideological basis fails to root Israeli actions within the context of wider Jewish history and contemporary Jewish power.

    Simply targeting companies with explicit connections to illegal settlements is not, and never will be, enough. Jewish financial power is much more diffuse. In my previous essays on Jews and moneylending, I pointed out that many Jewish-owned finance companies were clearly linked to supporting Israel and organized Jewry, if not explicitly the illegal settlements themselves.

    It makes no sense to me to target an Israeli fruit farm while leaving a financial company with profits in the millions unaffected. Why not point out that the bulk of funds serving to crush the Palestinians have been obtained through fraud, ethnocentric networking, and the dispossession of the vulnerable? Why not map and expose the links of ‘diaspora Jewry’ with their Middle Eastern cousins and expand the boycott to encompass businesses and industries (online moneylending and online gambling) which can be demonstrably linked to Jewish interests, one of the most important of which is the State of Israel.’
    (Occidental Observer)

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