PM welcomes news of spy’s parole; Pollard ‘looking forward to being reunited with his beloved wife Esther,’ say his lawyers
ed note–with all the back-and-forth taking place, with Israel saying Pollard is scheduled to be released and various power players in D.C saying he isn’t, it’s hard to say what is going on here. When I initially heard those in DC saying he wasn’t going to be released, my first thought was that this was an Israeli op designed to enflame the psychosis of Jews worldwide and to make worse the already-murderous hatred that they feel towards America and Obama right now.
Whatever the case, the lesson to be learned from it all is that for as much as they–the Jews–are constantly lecturing the rest of the world on issues such as ‘justice’ and as much as they screech like banshees whenever they are accused of being loyal to each other over the nation to which they owe their allegiance, what the Pollard case shows it that there is good reason for them being viewed as the treacherous, untrustworthy element that they have been throughout human history. They are as thick as thieves and stick together against Gentiles no matter what the issue is and there is no boundary that one of them can cross–short of betraying their own–that will break the blood oath they maintain for each other. Pollard’s treason wasn’t just ‘information sharing’ with an ‘ally’, as his defenders dishonestly claim–people died because of it, some experts estimate as many as 1,000, and is there any regret for this, either on the part of Pollard or his supporters? Fuggettabout it.
Israel needs him back because they are still holding on to almost 1 million + pages of classified material that he stole and up to this point they have been unable to decode it. Hopefully, some patriot will see to it that prior to his release, he is injected with some highly-aggressive cancer that sends him on into the next world before he has a chance to open his mouth and pick up with his treason where he left off in 1985.