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4 thoughts on “Israel Palestine Conflict Is Now A Religious War”
  1. This was interesting;
    While it has not been widely published, it assuredly has been known for more than 40 years that the 45-acre, well-fortified place that has been mistakenly called the “Temple Mount” was really the Roman fortress—the Antonia—that Herod built. The Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque are contained within these walls. The area is called the Haram Al-Sharif in Arabic.

  2. It has always been a religious war, a war by Jews against Muslims and Christians of Palestine. I have ALWAYS said this. They brought their Jewish religion into this violent conflict, their supremacist racism and hatred for Palestine’s Gentiles.
    Has always been a war between Islam/Christianity VERSUS Luciferian Judaism

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