It’s been known that Israeli hospitals have treated wounded Syrian fighters, but Wall Street Journal report uncovers direct support in cash, without which fighters say they ‘wouldn’t have survived’
ed note–quite a few goodies contained herein–
First, keep in mind that the ONLY reason this story is seeing the light of day o an Israeli website is because someone else broke the story and Israel needs to control the narrative, and particularly with her assertion that the aid is merely ‘humanitarian’ in nature and not military. Had the WSJ not reported on this, it would never have risen to as much as a burp in the Israeli press.
‘The support has been substantial and direct, according to the report, including cash funds, food, fuel and medical supplies’. No mention of weapons, but this is already an established fact as evidenced by the various photos showing captured rebels with Israeli military hardware, in addition to the rebels who were interviewed by the Wall Street Journal who said plainly that ‘the funds were used to pay salaries and buy munitions.’
‘Israel stood by our side in a heroic way…We wouldn’t have survived without Israel’s assistance.’
Cunning, scheming, hypocritical, treacherous, deceptive Israel … Never mind. Evangelicals still love Israel.
This is old, old,old news. Anybody with half a brain between his/her ears knows that ISIS is an Israeli/CIA construct. There are NO REBELS……………….just JEWISH SPONSORED TERRORISTS period. If you believe otherwise, then you are deluded and part of the problem. Wipe those spawn of satan off the map, and those terrorists will melt away like a snowball in the sahara………………… that day of reckoning is coming………………… until that day…………..