New Coca Cola factory at the Karni industrial area will create jobs for 3,000 Palestinians; Israel hopes new factory can drive economic growth in Strip, decrease terrorism.
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Do you all know who owns that “All American drink?” Rothschilds ! The evil Jews (They are not GERMANS -all you John Birchers-Tea party Clowns,and Zio-Christians,nor are they “NAZIS”-all stupid Alex Jones fans,but rabid ZIONISTS/Jew Supremists) who own the US Federal Reserve,Bank Of England,and interests in every Fortune 500 plus. That is why one can see SEAGRAMS GINGER ALE paired with it ! SEAGRAMS,the booze firm,is also the WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS ! So now they decided to ‘help’the people of GAZA,be introducing that High Fructose Corn Syrup laced muck,whic ruins the “Real Thing”. See;THEEND OF SOVEREIGN AMERICA- Real Jew
israel does not and will not do anything for Palestinians for any reason other than to self serve themselves. They have an Ulterior motive, if it’s even true. It’s absolutely not for what they say it’s for. This is some sort of scam. This will not come to fruition as its advertised.
Coca-Cola is used as a pesticide in India. See the accompanying video.
Screw that “job creation” BS. Everyone knows that where that corporation goes much worse pollution, exploitation of the work force and destruction of the existing water systems follow. Ask the brothers and sisters in South America or the people of India. Anyone who is serious about the BDS programme avoids this company for political reasons, let alone the wish to keep their body healthy.
“Serul” writes above, “This is some sort of scam. This will not come to fruition as its advertised.”
Palestinians will remain trapped behind the walls of the Gaza Death Camp, but a militant Jew outlet (YNet) claims that Coca Cola will build a factory there? Where will the water, sugar and electricity come from?
Will the Jews bomb the factory, along with the rest of Gaza, during their next “mowing of the lawn”? Will Hamas use the factory as a launching pad for its (non-existent) rockets, and use Coke workers as “human shields”?
And how about those 3,000 jobs? That’s one job for every 600 Palestinians in Gaza. So what? Coke has had a huge bottling plant in Israel since 1966. Jews who endlessly whine about the high cost of living will be furious at any suggestion that Palestinians in Gaza should have jobs.
The entire article stinks of lies. Note the YNet wording: “The defense establishment hopes this factory will decrease terrorism.”
Coca-Cola is extremely tight with the Jews. Why would Coke want to help Palestinians?
Coca Cola has always been very closely linked to the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce (AICC) which, like coke, is headquartered in Atlanta GA. Every year Coca Cola bankrolls the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce Awards, which honor companies that have contributed most to the Israeli economy.
The American-Israel Chamber of Commerce (AICC) current Vice Chairman is Joel Neuman, a Jew from The Coca-Cola Company.
In 1997 the Israeli government’s Economic Mission honored Coca-Cola at the Israel Trade Award Dinner for its total support of Israel for the last 30 years.
In 2009, Coca-Cola co-hosted a reception in Atlanta for Israeli Brigadier-General Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, who is a war criminal. During the Jews’ Six Day War of Aggression (5-10 June, 1967), Ben-Eliezer ordered the massacre of 300 Egyptian POWs. Later as Defense Minister, he ordered the massacre of hundreds of Palestinians at Jenin (1-11 April 2002).
Coca Cola loves this genocidal creep.
During the Jews’ “Operation Cast Lead” bombardment of Gaza (27 Dec 2008 – 18 Jan 2009), a Coca-Cola sponsored award went to AIPAC for its lobbying of the Senate to reject a UN call for “immediate ceasefire” and endorse the continuation of the Jewish bombardment.
It goes on and on. Coca Cola is EXTREMELY tight with Israel and the Jews. For much more information about this, see…
Most Americans adore the Jews that despise them, but this Jew-worship is not global. Many people abroad know about Coca Cola’s intimacy with Israel. Therefore, during the Jews’ most recent genocide against Gaza (8 July 2014 – 26 Aug 2014) businesses in some parts of Turkey and India boycotted Coke products, removing them from store shelves and restaurant menus.
More importantly, Coke sales are flat worldwide. Analysts predicted that Coke sales would increase by $140 million this quarter, but sales actually dropped by $20 million, meaning a 14 percent fall in earnings. That’s the largest drop in years. Sugary sodas are increasingly equated with obesity and diabetes, and U.S. sales of carbonated beverages have been declining for a decade.
Hence this Gaza stunt, if true, could be a gimmick to improve Coke’s image, and hopefully help sales. But if that is the case, then why has this story only appeared in YNet, and not elsewhere?
Still, Coca-Cola wants cut costs by $3 billion a year by 2019, which means the company is looking for slave labor. Coke would be able to pay Palestinian workers a tiny fraction of what it would have to pay Jews.
This week, Coke replaced its chief marketing officer, Joseph Tripodi, with Marcos De Quinto, 56, who has run Coke businesses in Spain and Portugal since 2000. If this Gaza story is true, then Mr. de Quinto may have thought it up.
The company owns Coke products, plus 17 other brands such as Minute Maid orange juice, Powerade sports drinks, Dasani water, and so on.
The YNet story could be lies.
Jews rule the USA. Will Jews allow Coke to build a new factory that will employ Palestinians in the Gaza Death Camp? Unlikely.
Fanta label was created by coka-cola during world jew war 2 so they could continue to sell their shit product to Germany during “The War” and the “Blockade of All Things Jewish” in Germany. We have a truck that comes to our yard everyday with Mexican food. Best tamales you ever will have. Coca-cola from Mexico on that truck. Real sugar used in it, as opposed to the worse crap processed here in America. Seen a documentary on Link TV of that company murdering employees that try to start unionising in Mexico. Amazingly sad that any Mexican or American drinks that bloody bottle or can of crap. Water resources are stolen from farmers and citizens in India by the same company. A Scarce and stolen resource in Palestine already. Water from the Nile? Water from the Litany? Only the jews have the black hearts and satanic ability to turn raw blood into sugared and colored water for a profit. But then they do have our gullibility and teeth on our own tongues on their side. I guess that should be considered.
how is this happening? :// people are asked to boycott coca cola product to support Palestinian cause but now Palestinian entrepreneur wants to build it’s factory in Palestine?? It creates a lot of job SURE but who gets the last laugh when Coca Cola’s profit go to israHELL pocket :O I feel so much headache
3000 how kind of the jews! Not..
I agree with the readers, Coca Cola is bad, I vote for beer the noble drink of peace makers, if more Muslims consume alcohol mind you the words origin is Arabic, as we say, Drink and be Merry with Mary, Muslims rather smoke hash that way there is no bottle return.
Please do not mix up Khazars with Jews, they are notnor ever were Jews, but Turcic converts to judaism in the kingdom of Khazaria in the pale of russia just after the year 800 D.D. Their king Julem who did not like Christianity or Islam, brought in 6 Rabbis and forcibly converted every Khazar to Judaism.
When Russia got moreful it drove the Khazars out of the region and they fledb south, into Poland, Ukraine, and other Eastern European lands. But they also took on names similar to those in the regions that they settled. When they reached Austria and Prussia, they were ordered to spell their names a bit differently to those who were not Khazars, Hence the mm or similar restrictions placed on them by Frederick Barbarosa the Holy Roman Emperor.
When the reached Western Europe they again adopted local names to hide their true identity from people in the areas where they lived. That was the biggest case of identity theft in history. The real Jews had a hard time, because the counterfeits fooled everyone that they were Jews, and people started called them Eastern European Jews. There only real Jews who are Asiatic/Semetic and are from the seed of Abraham the Biblical prophet.