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0 thoughts on “Israel to purchase second batch of fighter jets from US”
  1. Hmmm
    It is interesting that the US Media never discuss the specific details of the “purchase”. In particular they never seem to want to state the obvious; that virtually all of these so called “purchase” are actually US tax payer funded gifts to Israel. Naturally if the American people had any idea about how much they have really spent on Israel they would have forced Congress to stop long ago. Now you don’t suppose that is the reason the media goes to such great lengths to hide/disguise these give aways?

  2. Israel purchase from the United States?. This is a joke. Why don’t they tell the truth?. ISRAEL STEALS FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE A SECOND BATCH OF FIGHTER JETS.
    Israel just takes and takes, and never pay for any thing they steal and they will continue to do that as long as they can control those stooges in Washington.

  3. Norteamérica ha perdido no solo su soberanía sino su dignidad, a causa de que sus políticos a cambio del voto judío y el financiamiento de sus candidaturas, han traicionado a su país convirtiéndolo en una colonia del gobierno mundial zionista. El pueblo judío es una mafia criminal internacional que ha invadido a toda la tierra. Adoptan la nacionalidad de los países que los hospedan pero no dejan de ser judíos. Y a lo largo de la historia de Israel entre las naciones, han sido perseguidos no por su raza o religión sino por su conducta rapaz, racista, mafiosa y criminal, revestida hipócritamente de victimas.

  4. so AIPAC’s suborned, blackmailed and extorted Congress launders money through proxy ‘aid’ progams to fund the manufacture of products that taxpayers then buy back; usually comprised of tech the zioFilth have stolen from us to begin with via their sayanim lobbyists.
    so they get paid twice or is it thrice for their swindles?

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