0 thoughts on “Israel to step up demolition of Palestinian homes”
  1. Notice how after this last election cycle Israel has become even more brazen, if such a thing were possibke. Coincidence? Uh, no.

  2. Here my question is for those Jewish people in Israel who live in the occupied lands… Those who were originally from Europe, US or somewhere else but now they believe this is their home-land just because thousands of years ago some Jews lived in that area…
    I mean those Jews who watch destruction of Palestinian homes, then occupy those lands, homes and don’t feel guilty… I am sure average German people didn’t enjoy or confirm whatever Nazis did or when Nazis killed or put the Jews in the concentration camps but here in Israel, I don’t see any difference between Israeli government and the average Jews…!!!
    I wonder what is happened to their conscience?!… Do they really think they are superior? I always thought that all human-beings have conscience, but here I see that conscience missing in the whole nation of Israel. If they claim to be number one democracy in the Middle East, why don’t they show or prove it, if they cannot go against their government policies, so this democracy is meaningless and they are not much different from other fascist governments around….

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