Ed-note (Sabba) – The article talks about an “atmosphere of extremism and intolerance caused by the PEGIDA demonstrations”… What these liars do not say is that PEGIDA targets are almost always Muslims. There was a PEGIDA UK demonstration in Newcastle just a few days ago and surprise surprise, the jewish flag was raised high, higher than the flag of St. George or the Union Jack itself.
0 thoughts on “Israeli ambassador to Germany reads hate mail on YouTube”
PEGIDA is the Tea Party of Europe. I assure you all,it is a controlled opposition,to take thye haet off of discontent,and turn it away from the Jews control. The leader of PEGIDA is Switzerland just called the Polish Jewess ,Merkel,running Germany:” Hitler”. That is the same label the cretins in the Kosher USA “Right”, gave Obama ! This is a global script. My,My they sure fear Adolf Hitlers powerful memory. Why? He had their number,like nobody else since Jesus Christ ! See: THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD, You Tube. HITLER V. BANKS GOES VIRAL,YouTube.
Kosher Nationalism is filled with buffoons. Tea Party & Zio-Xtianity are close cousins.
Agree with Dante. PEGIDA is controlled opposition, its ex-leader, who had to step down recently, was a convicted common criminal. Its about driving a wedge between the peoples (in Germany) so a united resistance is sabotaged and upholding the ‘common’ EU construct. And demonizing Muslims to excuse interventionist western policies and those of ‘israel’. It is wrong to label them ‘Nazi’ as Nazis would never fly this kind of flag. Authentic NS seeks to deconstruct the slavemaster of all. White Nationals seek the survival of their race most of all, its no wonder that same of them fly the flag of the master survivalist: jewry
Wikipedia says that PEGIDA’s founder, Lutz Bachmann, has been convicted of sixteen burglaries, drunk driving, dealing cocaine, and assault. Just the type to “protect Europe,” huh?
Mr. Bachmann claims to have received numerous “death threats,” which I doubt is true. But if it is, then the threats were false flags sent by Jews, not by the Muslims that Bachmann hates.
Because Bachmann attacked Muslims, the Jews sponsored him and kept Bachmann out of prison for the most part, despite Bachmann’s lifelong criminal record. But when Bachmann took a “selfie” photo of himself as “Hitler,” he lost his Jewish sponsorship, and he had to start keeping a low profile.
There are two reasons why the Jews sponsored Bachmann. First, by attacking Muslims and immigrants, Bachmann kept the masses divided and bickering, so the masses did not unite against Jews and the money masters.
Second, the Jews called Bachman (their own employee) “xenophobic,” which is a code word in Europe for “anti-semitic.” (Laws against questioning Jewish supremacism are usually called laws against “xenophobia.”) This let Jews like Ambassador Yakov Hadas-Handelsman whine that, “We are victims of PEGIDA” (even though the Jews sponsor PEGIDA).
On a related note, Jews often sponsor “Neo-Nazi” groups as a form of fly-paper. (I do not consider the Golden Dawn, for example, to be a “Neo-Nazi” group.) Jews cannot tolerate anyone questioning Jewish supremacy. Just by failing to worship the holo-hoax, for example, you are an “evil influence.” Even if you keep quiet about the hoax, your failure to worship Jews will determine what you read, what you value, what you pay attention to, who you associate with, and so on. Thus, you remain an “evil influence.”
Therefore, Jews sponsor “Neo-Nazi” groups in order to flush out the quiet “anti-semites” who are normally too clever to say anything.
Just by appearing at a “Neo-Nazi” rally, you can have your name, your face, or your license plate entered into a Jewish database. Then you can be put on a no-fly list, or you can be check-mated when you apply for a loan or a job.
The ADL is notorious for this, and they have a nationwide intelligence network that rivals the U.S. government’s network. Indeed, the ADL is a kind of shadow-FBI, or shadow-NSA, and it has liaisons with all major police departments, plus most minor departments.
The targets of ADL monitoring include Goyim, and also Jewish traitors (aka “self-hating Jews). In January 1993, San Francisco newspapers reported that the city’s police department had raided the ADL’s Northern California office and discovered that the ADL was keeping files on more than 600 largely liberal civic organizations, and over 10,000 individuals of all kinds. (And that was only one ADL office.)
San Francisco police inspector Ron Roth estimated that 75% of the ADL information had been illegally obtained. However the ADL got to keep all that information, and none of the Jews were charged with any crime, since the ADL was too powerful to challenge. (Put another way, the Goy masses are too selfish and cowardly to challenge their Jewish masters.)
Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam is spied upon 24 / 7 by the ADL, and he knows it. Much of the FBI’s CONTELPRO spying on people like Malcom X and Martin Luther King was performed by the ADL.
The ADL digs up dirt on people, and shares the information with key scumbags in organizations like the FBI. The scumbags use the ADL information for their own personal career advancement, and the Jews get to co-rule with the scumbags.
For example, J Edgar Hoover was able to remain the head of the FBI for 37 years (finally dying in office) because Hoover had the “dirt” on everyone. The “dirt” was provided to Hoover by the ADL, which obtained the “dirt” illegally.
Even today, when the FBI or NSA or some other group want information that they cannot get legally, they often ask the ADL to get the information for them.
In April 2002 the San Francisco Superior Court awarded former Congressman Pete McCloskey a $150,000 court judgment against the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). McCloskey, a California Republican, was in office from 1975 to 1983, and he never voted in favor of Israel. (Not once.) Jews constantly accused him of questioning the holo-hoax, but the Jews could never prove it. (Later in life, McCloskey changed to a Democrat.)
Another Congressman that the ADL continually spied on was Rep. Pete Stark, a California democrat. Stark was in office from 1993-2013, and he had my vote as the single most anti-war and anti-Israel member of Congress out of 535 members.
If you have not heard of Stark, it is by design. If the Jews cannot ruin you with a scandal, then the Jews silence you by having the corporate media outlets never mention your name. Stark left the US Congress in January 2013.
This brings up another side issue: from the dawn of human civilization, the public has always complained about politicians. But when you research past politicians carefully, you find that many of them were outright SAINTS and were BRILLIANT compared to politicians today.
For example, Ronald Reagan was a right-wing Republican war-monger, yet even Reagan was far to the left of mainstream Democrats today. And despite the corruption of past politicians, none of them worshiped Jews to anywhere near the degree that today’s politicians worship Jews.
Or consider Nixon. At a time when the USA and USSR were locked in a biological warfare arms race, and all of humanity was threatened by germ warfare getting out of control, Nixon suddenly and unilaterally shut down the entire US germ warfare program, and ordered the labs converted into cancer research labs. I mean authentic cancer research labs. That included all the labs at Fort Detrick in Maryland, which for the USA was Bio-war Central. (Today Fort Detrick is once again Bio-war Central.)
Nixon did not wait for the Soviets to reciprocate. He just issued an executive order.
I agree Dante. There’s a very large number of ‘troother’ websites that claim many many things but, they miss the target. This is intentional. They talk on many things and say the word and phrases that people love to hear but, they miss the target.
For example, if one takes a bite out of a cake and that cake has a distinct taste that somebody added hot chili peppers in it, then the cook that will get blamed. The cook will be blamed because after all, the cook is responsible for getting the ingredients together and producing the cake.
But if the cook is maneuvered to add the chilis (either thru bribes or threats or blackmail) the people eating of the cake only see the cook as being responsible. All their anger is directed to the cook.
So instead of removing those behind the scenes, the people look for results in how to change the ingredients of the original cake recipe as the solution, (while replacing the cook too of course).
Many countries are now in the same situation as was Germany post WWI / pre WW2; the Weimar government…an installed, transitional, puppet government. This is especially true in Europe & the US. During it’s rule (established by the ‘allied victors’ serving Judaica) it squeezed and plundered Germany. Berlin became a cesspool of degraded moralities and cultural trash along the lines of what Hollywood / entertainment produces.
Obama has become like another Franklin D. Roosevelt. This Roosevelt picked fights in Europe (and Japan). He confiscated and froze assets of countries of Europe under the pretense that he had to do it to safeguard them from Adolf Hitler.
Roosevelt, like Obama, did not want to solve conflicts peacefully. False claims.
It’s crossed my mind that since Obama has lost much of his luster that perhaps it was Natenyahu’s role to take the podium on Obama’s stead. Obama has lost his power and influence to convince, it seems. Maybe that too was what BIBI’s job was to do.
PEGIDA is the Tea Party of Europe. I assure you all,it is a controlled opposition,to take thye haet off of discontent,and turn it away from the Jews control. The leader of PEGIDA is Switzerland just called the Polish Jewess ,Merkel,running Germany:” Hitler”. That is the same label the cretins in the Kosher USA “Right”, gave Obama ! This is a global script. My,My they sure fear Adolf Hitlers powerful memory. Why? He had their number,like nobody else since Jesus Christ ! See: THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD, You Tube. HITLER V. BANKS GOES VIRAL,YouTube.
Kosher Nationalism is filled with buffoons. Tea Party & Zio-Xtianity are close cousins.
Agree with Dante. PEGIDA is controlled opposition, its ex-leader, who had to step down recently, was a convicted common criminal. Its about driving a wedge between the peoples (in Germany) so a united resistance is sabotaged and upholding the ‘common’ EU construct. And demonizing Muslims to excuse interventionist western policies and those of ‘israel’. It is wrong to label them ‘Nazi’ as Nazis would never fly this kind of flag. Authentic NS seeks to deconstruct the slavemaster of all. White Nationals seek the survival of their race most of all, its no wonder that same of them fly the flag of the master survivalist: jewry
Wikipedia says that PEGIDA’s founder, Lutz Bachmann, has been convicted of sixteen burglaries, drunk driving, dealing cocaine, and assault. Just the type to “protect Europe,” huh?
Mr. Bachmann claims to have received numerous “death threats,” which I doubt is true. But if it is, then the threats were false flags sent by Jews, not by the Muslims that Bachmann hates.
Because Bachmann attacked Muslims, the Jews sponsored him and kept Bachmann out of prison for the most part, despite Bachmann’s lifelong criminal record. But when Bachmann took a “selfie” photo of himself as “Hitler,” he lost his Jewish sponsorship, and he had to start keeping a low profile.
There are two reasons why the Jews sponsored Bachmann. First, by attacking Muslims and immigrants, Bachmann kept the masses divided and bickering, so the masses did not unite against Jews and the money masters.
Second, the Jews called Bachman (their own employee) “xenophobic,” which is a code word in Europe for “anti-semitic.” (Laws against questioning Jewish supremacism are usually called laws against “xenophobia.”) This let Jews like Ambassador Yakov Hadas-Handelsman whine that, “We are victims of PEGIDA” (even though the Jews sponsor PEGIDA).
On a related note, Jews often sponsor “Neo-Nazi” groups as a form of fly-paper. (I do not consider the Golden Dawn, for example, to be a “Neo-Nazi” group.) Jews cannot tolerate anyone questioning Jewish supremacy. Just by failing to worship the holo-hoax, for example, you are an “evil influence.” Even if you keep quiet about the hoax, your failure to worship Jews will determine what you read, what you value, what you pay attention to, who you associate with, and so on. Thus, you remain an “evil influence.”
Therefore, Jews sponsor “Neo-Nazi” groups in order to flush out the quiet “anti-semites” who are normally too clever to say anything.
Just by appearing at a “Neo-Nazi” rally, you can have your name, your face, or your license plate entered into a Jewish database. Then you can be put on a no-fly list, or you can be check-mated when you apply for a loan or a job.
The ADL is notorious for this, and they have a nationwide intelligence network that rivals the U.S. government’s network. Indeed, the ADL is a kind of shadow-FBI, or shadow-NSA, and it has liaisons with all major police departments, plus most minor departments.
The targets of ADL monitoring include Goyim, and also Jewish traitors (aka “self-hating Jews). In January 1993, San Francisco newspapers reported that the city’s police department had raided the ADL’s Northern California office and discovered that the ADL was keeping files on more than 600 largely liberal civic organizations, and over 10,000 individuals of all kinds. (And that was only one ADL office.)
San Francisco police inspector Ron Roth estimated that 75% of the ADL information had been illegally obtained. However the ADL got to keep all that information, and none of the Jews were charged with any crime, since the ADL was too powerful to challenge. (Put another way, the Goy masses are too selfish and cowardly to challenge their Jewish masters.)
Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam is spied upon 24 / 7 by the ADL, and he knows it. Much of the FBI’s CONTELPRO spying on people like Malcom X and Martin Luther King was performed by the ADL.
The ADL digs up dirt on people, and shares the information with key scumbags in organizations like the FBI. The scumbags use the ADL information for their own personal career advancement, and the Jews get to co-rule with the scumbags.
For example, J Edgar Hoover was able to remain the head of the FBI for 37 years (finally dying in office) because Hoover had the “dirt” on everyone. The “dirt” was provided to Hoover by the ADL, which obtained the “dirt” illegally.
Even today, when the FBI or NSA or some other group want information that they cannot get legally, they often ask the ADL to get the information for them.
In April 2002 the San Francisco Superior Court awarded former Congressman Pete McCloskey a $150,000 court judgment against the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). McCloskey, a California Republican, was in office from 1975 to 1983, and he never voted in favor of Israel. (Not once.) Jews constantly accused him of questioning the holo-hoax, but the Jews could never prove it. (Later in life, McCloskey changed to a Democrat.)
Another Congressman that the ADL continually spied on was Rep. Pete Stark, a California democrat. Stark was in office from 1993-2013, and he had my vote as the single most anti-war and anti-Israel member of Congress out of 535 members.
If you have not heard of Stark, it is by design. If the Jews cannot ruin you with a scandal, then the Jews silence you by having the corporate media outlets never mention your name. Stark left the US Congress in January 2013.
This brings up another side issue: from the dawn of human civilization, the public has always complained about politicians. But when you research past politicians carefully, you find that many of them were outright SAINTS and were BRILLIANT compared to politicians today.
For example, Ronald Reagan was a right-wing Republican war-monger, yet even Reagan was far to the left of mainstream Democrats today. And despite the corruption of past politicians, none of them worshiped Jews to anywhere near the degree that today’s politicians worship Jews.
Or consider Nixon. At a time when the USA and USSR were locked in a biological warfare arms race, and all of humanity was threatened by germ warfare getting out of control, Nixon suddenly and unilaterally shut down the entire US germ warfare program, and ordered the labs converted into cancer research labs. I mean authentic cancer research labs. That included all the labs at Fort Detrick in Maryland, which for the USA was Bio-war Central. (Today Fort Detrick is once again Bio-war Central.)
Nixon did not wait for the Soviets to reciprocate. He just issued an executive order.
Today’s politicians are not even human.
I agree Dante. There’s a very large number of ‘troother’ websites that claim many many things but, they miss the target. This is intentional. They talk on many things and say the word and phrases that people love to hear but, they miss the target.
For example, if one takes a bite out of a cake and that cake has a distinct taste that somebody added hot chili peppers in it, then the cook that will get blamed. The cook will be blamed because after all, the cook is responsible for getting the ingredients together and producing the cake.
But if the cook is maneuvered to add the chilis (either thru bribes or threats or blackmail) the people eating of the cake only see the cook as being responsible. All their anger is directed to the cook.
So instead of removing those behind the scenes, the people look for results in how to change the ingredients of the original cake recipe as the solution, (while replacing the cook too of course).
Many countries are now in the same situation as was Germany post WWI / pre WW2; the Weimar government…an installed, transitional, puppet government. This is especially true in Europe & the US. During it’s rule (established by the ‘allied victors’ serving Judaica) it squeezed and plundered Germany. Berlin became a cesspool of degraded moralities and cultural trash along the lines of what Hollywood / entertainment produces.
Obama has become like another Franklin D. Roosevelt. This Roosevelt picked fights in Europe (and Japan). He confiscated and froze assets of countries of Europe under the pretense that he had to do it to safeguard them from Adolf Hitler.
Roosevelt, like Obama, did not want to solve conflicts peacefully. False claims.
A very good speech here by Adolf Hitler in regards to the American; FDR.
It’s crossed my mind that since Obama has lost much of his luster that perhaps it was Natenyahu’s role to take the podium on Obama’s stead. Obama has lost his power and influence to convince, it seems. Maybe that too was what BIBI’s job was to do.