Ed-note (Sabba) -This article is almost spelling it out but stops where it is most important: it is not only meant at rallying US jews against Iran nuclear deal, it is meant to start once and for all a war against Persia – on Syrian soil.
Arabs in general and Muslims in particular do not operate by way of deception. Had Hezbollah or Islamic Jihad or any other resistance group been behind the so called rocket attacks of 20AUG15, they would have proudly claimed responsibility for it.
The jewish state was quick into accusing Iran, making very clear for us that it was, yet again, another jewish false flag.
Having tried and failed miserably for the past 3 decades to get the USA to go to war against Iran, having humiliated herself while she was trying to stop the Iran nuclear deal via diplomatic and not so diplomatic means, it looks like more and more that the rocket attacks which landed in northern israel and the retaliation the followed are only israel’s desperate way to kick off that war against Iran but on Syrian territory.
The jewish state is desperately hoping that Syria will fight back, she is desperately praying that things will escalate and that Iran will have stand by her syrian ally, that they US will then be dragged to fight, yet again, another war on israel’s behalf.
The IDF has been ‘preparing’ for a ground attack on Syria for a long time. (see previous post on this topic)
Israel has been trying to secure a deal with Hamas which, she hopes, would allow her to focus on Syria. (see previous post on this topic)
Israel has been telling the world that the next invasion of Lebanon is a matter of ‘when’ not ‘if’: “When the IDF embarks on the next war, it will stop only after it completes its mission. That means it will cease its fire after the enemy raises the white flag of surrender – or after the world stops the army from battering Hezbollah and bombarding Lebanese territory” (see previous post on this topic)
Israel went as far as revealing her defense strategy, for the first time in 60 years, called Plan Gideon (see previous post on this topic).
They are ready, and so is the Axis of Resistance.
Benjamin Netanyahu – בנימין נתניהו
August 21 at 7:48pm · Edited ·
אמרתי השבוע כי מי שינסה לפגוע בנו, אנחנו נפגע בו. וכך עשינו: צה״ל פגע בחוליה שביצעה את הירי ובכוחות הסורים שאפשרו אותו. אין לנו כוונה להסלים את האירועים, אבל המדיניות שלנו בעינה עומדת. על המדינות שממהרות לחבק את איראן, לדעת כי מפקד איראני הוא זה שנתן חסות והכוונה לחוליה שירתה על ישראל. שבת שלום.
I said this week that we would hurt whoever tries to attack us, and this is what we have done. The IDF hit both the cell that carried out the firing and the Syrian forces that made it possible. We have no intention to escalate events but our policy remains as it was. The countries that are rushing to embrace Iran should know that it was an Iranian commander who directed and supported the cell that fired at Israel. Shabbat shalom.
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Michael Mazur
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Michael Mazur There was no firing into Israel, Mr Netanyahu, and there was no Iranian commander in the area. Innocent Syrian people were needlessly and intentionally killed, that’s murder, Mr Netanyahu, all to restart the anti Iran deal rhetoric. Iran has not attacked any country in more than 200yrs, and as the much maligned Ahmadinejad said in 03, the Zionist entity will fade from the page of time. Iran doesn’t have to do anything, Mr Netanyahu, as Israel will burn itself out with its ceaseless gyrations about terror terror terror everywhere, all manufactured by itself, to scare us into submitting to the Israeli local and world hegemonic drive for absolute dominance. How many countries has Israel attacked, Mr Netanyahu, in the 67yrs of its miserable existence, which translates into hundreds of thousands of innocents murdered, for aggressive war is that, Mr Netanyahu ?
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Cheryl Adams Shabbat Shalom Mr. Netanyahu. May G-d bless Israel and her Capitol Jerusalem with peace.
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The crime boss has a fb pge, so why not ?
The Jewish sponsored Winston Churchill and his gang of war mongers initiated the bombing war against Germany in 1939 by secretly bombing Germany in order to goad Hitler into finally retaliating and bombing London. Thus Churchill was able to turn a small border war of Germany against Poland into the well planned and longed for WW 2 by this action. However,as Hitler tried to warn the British in his futile attempt to stop the war, the war was sure to destroy Germany and England. Luckily for humanity , neither Iran nor Russia have so far been suckered into war by the American, NATO and Israeli tactics in The Middle East or in the Ukraine.