Judge says suspect shot the man, who was seriously wounded, ‘as a dubious form of entertainment’

ed note–yes, we’ve said it all before many, many times, but in the interests of being thorough, we’ll say it again.

This is not some aberration. This act of shooting an unarmed Palestinian Gentile is not a ‘denial’ of the basic tenets of Judaism which its defenders disingenuously claim is a ‘godly and compassionate’ religion.. Like a wolf that has been allowed into the pasture where the sheep are kept and who has thus acted in accordance with his nature and has eaten the sheep, likewise, this act–and much, much more–is precisely what is espoused and commanded from the beating heart of Judaism as found clearly stated within the pages of the Torah,  just one passage of which makes plain its intentions and its constitution, to wit–

‘When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are to possess and casts out the many peoples living there, you shall then slaughter them all and utterly destroy them…You shall save nothing alive that breathes…You shall make no agreements with them nor show them any mercy. You shall destroy their altars, break down their images, cut down their groves and burn their graven images with fire. For you are a holy people unto the LORD thy God and He has chosen you to be a special people above all others upon the face of the earth…’–Book of Deuteronomy

The only ‘aberration’ that exists here is the fact that the pretenses of legal action have been instigated against this ‘good Jew’ who was only doing what her religion commands, an obvious charade meant to seduce the minds of Gentiledom into believing that the Jewish state is like all other western nations where the ‘rule of law’ governs and where backwards religious norms are abnormalities that are found in one of those AY-rab countries, but not Israel.

All can rest assured that had this ‘incident’ not seen the light of day and that no digital footprint existed out there in cybersphere for various groups devoted to the Palestinian cause to get hold of and make public that there would be no actions taking place whatsoever to this deranged Judaic who would doubtless otherwise have received a medal of honor, an increase in rank and a corresponding raise in pay for having done her duty with regards to what Judaism commands be done to Gentiles.


A woman in the Border Police was arrested Monday on suspicion of shooting a Palestinian man for fun near a checkpoint in the West Bank.

The incident occurred in May, when the policewoman was on duty near the Al-Zaim checkpoint outside of Jerusalem. She allegedly shot the Palestinian for no apparent reason and seriously wounded him.

The Justice Ministry department that probes police misconduct learned about the incident while investigating another case in which members of the Border Police allegedly beat a Palestinian for no reason. The policewoman was arrested along with four colleagues who were with her at the time of the incident.

At Monday’s bail hearing at the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court, Judge Elad Persky said the suspect apparently shot the Palestinian “as a dubious form of entertainment.” He ordered her held for another three days, while the other suspects were released with restrictions.

One of the policemen in the unit had filmed the incident on his phone. In the footage, the policemen can be heard shouting at the Palestinian in Arabic to go away. A few seconds later, the Palestinian was shot in the back.

Investigators suspect that the shooting occurred after the police officers returned from an operation during which they detained the Palestinian, thus he was still under their responsibility.

So far, however, the investigators have not been able to identify the Palestinian and are still trying to locate him.

The evidence includes text messages in which members of the policewoman’s unit boast about the incident. The woman allegedly admitted in the text messages that she shot the Palestinian.

She is also suspected of obstructing justice, since the Justice Ministry department believes she asked her comrades not to talk about the incident.

The policewoman denied having fired the bullet. “She doesn’t appear in the video clip in the department’s possession and insists that she’s telling the truth,” said her lawyer, Itzik Cohen.

The Border Police said the suspects were carrying out their compulsory army service and that the serious allegations against them “are not in accordance with the corps’ values.” If these allegations are proven true, the suspects will be kicked out of the Border Police, the statement added.

One thought on “Israeli Border Policewoman Arrested on Suspicion of Shooting unarmed Palestinian 'for fun'”
  1. “The Border Police said the suspects were carrying out their compulsory army service and that the serious allegations against them “are not in accordance with the corps’ values.” If these allegations are proven true, the suspects will be kicked out of the Border Police, the statement added.”
    That’s true; if this little group of friendly border police had been acting in accordance with the corps’ values, this man would’ve been shot multiple times by more than one member of the border police. IF the allegations are proven true….well my non-Yewish friends, I hope we all know by now, no such thing will happen.

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