0 thoughts on “Israeli Government To Refuse Entry to UN Team Investigating War Crimes in Gaza”
  1. I am not surprised of these criminals to do anything or break any International Laws, I am only surprised of those countries and nations who claim to be number one democracy but help these fascist criminals…

  2. All of this from a fake ‘Country’ with no constitution, and a litany of crimes against the land’s Indigenous population which are a matter of record and in gross violation of the Geneva Convention Articles under Rules of Engagement. A known terrorist organization posing as a ‘State’. Existing on stolen land. A rogue group of murderers, pathological liars, thieves, reprobates. ‘Founded’ on acts of terror via the Hagana, Stern Gangs and the Irgun Svai Leumi. Every single so called ‘Prime Minister’ has been highly involved in leadership over one or a combination of these terrorist orgs. David ben Gurion nee Gruen, Ariel Sharon, Yitzak Shamir, Shimon Peres, Benyamin Netanyahu nee Milikewski are merely figureheads in this criminal establishment now wreaking havoc in the region with their designs on the Nile, Euphrates, Tigres rivers and all that lies between. The sheer audacity or ‘chutzpah’ of them in attempting to ‘quell the tide’ of their own doing. They will not succeed in this. The many crimes they have committed will be atoned for. And sooner than they expect.

  3. Of course Israel does not want to be investigated. there is something that has let Israel get away with violations of human rights and crimes against humanity for so long.
    As long as the Jews control he US government, there will never be peace in the world.

  4. Want to know what’s even MORE disgusting than them not allowing entry? The swine will get away with it because they not only own the U.S>, they own the U.N. as they did the LoN before it.

  5. The US citizens should be outraged by now. This has been going on since they goose stepped into the Middle East. Nothing is done bcs they have padded the pockets of most of our politicians and the UN, League of Nations and practically every other country on this earth. Everything they do and say is illegal and a outright lie. I know imho they started 2 WW’s, countless false flags. Who do they pledge allegience to. It is not the US for certain but the apartheid, racist, terrorist state of Israehell.

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