
“A monthly report released by IDI and Tel Aviv University shows Israelis feeling more isolated and that peace is more distant.”


The Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) and Tel Aviv University have released the monthly Peace Index poll which has a primary focus on three major issues: attitudes toward Jewish settlement in the territories, the diplomatic arena, and the distribution of cabinet posts in the government.

According to the report’s findings, the Jewish public is aware of the deterioration that has occurred in Israel’s international status, which seems to stem from the intensification of voices calling to boycott Israel and its institutions.

The report highlights the clear majority (71 percent) of the Jewish public, which agrees with the assertion that: “The countries of the world make moral demands of Israel that they do not make of other countries that are in situations of conflict.”

This sentiment represents the broader consensus in feeling that “the whole world is against us.” Similarly, a large majority (69 percent) of Israeli Jews characterize Israel’s relations with the countries of the world as not good, the study found.

Opposition to a consumer boycott of the settlements:

According to the survey, 79 percent of Israeli Jews said that they would not take part in a consumer boycott of the Jewish settlements in the West Bank, as opposed to 59 percent of Arabs, who said that if a consumer boycott of settlement products were to be organized, they would not buy such products.

Meanwhile, the report states that 75 percent of Jewish respondents indicated a lack of desire to live in the settlements in the territories, even if they could receive improved housing at a low price. 48 percent of Jewish Israelis stated that they have not visited any homes in the West Bank during the last five years.

The chances of an agreement based on an evacuation of the territories:

When asked about the potential to reach an agreement under current circumstances, 53 percent of respondents indicated that they do not think Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is prepared to consider an agreement that would entail giving up settlements that are outside the settlement blocs, despite the assertions he made when meeting with the foreign finister of the European Union that he supports negotiations about the borders of the settlement blocs.

Regarding the distribution of responsibilities in Israel’s Foreign Ministry, where Netanyahu kept the portfolio of foreign minister for himself but distributed some of the responsibilities of the job among many other ministers, 62 percent of the Jewish respondents believe the division will not improve Israel’s ability to manage its diplomatic affairs, according to the report.

Separation on buses:

According to the survey over half of the Jewish public (52 percent) currently supports separating Jewish and Palestinian passengers on buses in the territories, in line with the experiment announced by Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, as opposed to 42 percent who oppose it.

The distribution of cabinet posts in the government:

Another finding suggested disaffection with the government: 62 percent of the Jewish public is not satisfied with the distribution of cabinet posts in the new government.

  1. Good I’m glad the reality is starting to seep in there, even if AmeriKa still sings the israel uber alles song. Maybe the next step for them will be to question WHY, instead of resorting to the “cause we’re jews” canard.

  2. “The world is against the Jews?”. If these monsters think its against them,what would being for them like ?”.
    Jews are born paranoids at war with the universe. They consider even their gentile stooges enemies! Jews are never ,ever satisfied. They own the Wests Money,politicians ,media,culture,and even its identity,and brag about it. But it will never be enough till they get Armegedden!

  3. America was always good to Israel but it was not returned. We lost our standing in the UN, they have lied to cause wars, they gauge our tax dollars, the US media bows on their knees to kiss their ass but keeps America uninformed, they did not warn the public about 911 when they had pre knowledge. They could have stopped it. I am being as fair as I can on that one because a lot say they did it.

  4. To Croeso. The Jews ideology,goes back 5000 years; predating the Khazar Kingdom. A crazy tribe,of trash was adopted by a vicious war “God”, named Yahweh,and he has been creating chaos ever since……as a proud German,who’s nation today is under International Zionist Occupation, and was declared war upon twice,by the Jews British Empire, (1914-1939),while they (British) where not threatend of attacked ,please do not use the beautiful hymn based Deutschlsnd Uber Alles in that manner ! The anthem is referring to German internal unity,and nothing more …..using anti-German analogies,against the Jews are wrong,and merit the user nothing.

  5. I have no sympathy for these pigs. The people of Palestine have suffered for far too long, it needs to end.

  6. Yes the world is againts Israel until the dissapearing of the Apartheid system in Israel , and until we se a real democracy in Israel and until we se an arabic Israeli as prime minister, is that clear…….

  7. I no longer blame Adolf Hitler,jews should just find out the cause rather than complaining.

  8. The REAL JEWS. Are the black people who were slaves and their descendents…we are the ones the hole world hate who were sold into slavery on ships like Deut 28:58 says

  9. This has nothing to do with the Jewish people, but everything to do with the Israel’s government. You can’t wave the “Look What Hitler Did To Us” flag, while doing the same thing to the Palestinians.

  10. I, like so many others, want an end to the oppression of the palistinian people.For years, the news depicted the palistianians as terrorists. Even in churches there is some kind of Devine providence associated with the Israelis. Again, sorry about your luck, and the holocaust, but that gives you no special rights to commit genocide and all the sorrow and misery these people have had to endure. I am one of many that continues to boycott products made in Israel. And trust me when I say this, your the whore of Babylon.

  11. Israel, the angry, unhappy and psychological misfit nation it is, full of hate and contempt for the world and human value, is a country that never gives damn or due considerations to international law and always have contempt for world opinion! Israel looks like a strangely disconnected, self-serving echo-chamber. While the illegal government perceives its hasbara efforts to be helping the nation ride high on a wave of righteousness, the sad reality is that the country is increasingly isolated and adrift, cast away on a wave of its own delusion. Israel the largest threat to world peace…

  12. I wish it was the whole world…Israel, the angry, unhappy and psychological misfit nation it is, full of hate and contempt for the world and human value, is a country that never gives damn or due considerations to international law and always have contempt for world opinion! Israel looks like a strangely disconnected, self-serving echo-chamber. While the illegal government perceives its hasbara efforts to be helping the nation ride high on a wave of righteousness, the sad reality is that the country is increasingly isolated and adrift, cast away on a wave of its own delusion. Israel the largest threat to world peace…

  13. They will forget world opinion settle down to enjoy the great wisdom of their leadership and be more content after the next blood letting in Gaza. Nothing like a little blood to settle these folks down.

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