ed note {tony}…Remember, the Jews are Not anti-Arab. They are anti-gentile. If the population of this little experiment on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean were to be transferred to the state of Indiana, she would be at war with the people of Michigan, Illinois, Kentucky, and Ohio……..{her neighbors].

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3 thoughts on “Israeli minister: Criticizing Israel is the new ‘anti-Semitism’”
  1. The Jews always play the HOLO-HOAX card every time some one brings up their crimes against humanity they have perpetrated for more than 7 decades.

  2. Israel’s justice minister, eh? Such a charming gel and, oh, what a powerful sense of justice…

    “We can still witness anti-Semitism today. In fact, the anti-Semitic voices seem to get louder and stronger still,” she said. “We witness anti-Semitic attacks in the heart of Europe. We hear anti-Semitic slanders in European media. We feel anti-Semitic hatred in the continent that should have learned the lesson.”

    Learned the lessson, eh? And what lesson would that be Ayelet? The lesson that all resistance to the Hebraic agenda is pointless? There’s a reputed 109 locations from whence Tribalists have been expelled since AD 250 and still the High Priestess of Talmudic Justice seems to have drawn no conclusions. It is still ONLY and EVER about gentile perfidy and ‘anti-semitism’. NEVER the fault of the poor long-suffering Tribalist. Why, even the American South refused them. And always for the same reason …

    On December 17, 1862, General Ulysses Grant wrote to the Assistant Adjutant General of the US Army … “I have long since believed that in spite of all the vigilance that can be infused into post commanders, the specie regulations of the Treasury Department have been violated, and that mostly by the Jews and other unprincipled traders. So well satisfied have I been of this that I instructed the commanding officer at Columbus to refuse all permits to Jews to come South, and I have frequently had them expelled from the department. …”

    Yes ‘ndeedy doody … that hoary old problem … usury. Seems the love of money is so deeply ingrained in the Tribalist soul, it completely blinds them to their own perfidy. They cannot see. They cannot understand. They will continue to insist on owning the world as long as they continue to control the shell game known as ‘fractional reservationist bankstering’.

  3. When American Gentiles stand in the way of the Zionist killing machine, they will be cut down just as surely as the rock-throwing little boys of Gaza currently are. Rachel Corrie was the first to be murdered on the altar of god’s self-chosen ones.

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