Minister calls for fall of the Assad regime after chemical attack. ‘Assad is Angel of Death to hundreds of thousands of innocent Syrians.’

Israel National News

Housing and Construction Minster Maj. Gen. (res.) Yoav Galant called today for the fall of Assad’s regime in Syria following reports of the chemical attack in the city of Douma.

“Assad is the Angel of Death to hundreds of thousands of innocent Syrians, and there’s no doubt the world will be a better place without Assad.”

However, Galant notes, “Assad’s departure would be useful, but I don’t delude myself that this will bring an end to all problems.”

At least 150 people were killed in the city of Douma, east of Damascus, after the Assad army air force bombed the area, according to media reports in Syria.

According to reports, chemical weapons including Sarin were apparently used in the bombing. Opposition sources report airplanes dropped barrels of chemical materials on the city and its residents.

More than 1,000 civilians have been affected by inhalation of the chemical substance and are suffering from severe suffocation. On Syrian television, a thick cloud of smoke rises from a blind alley.

6 thoughts on “Israeli Minister– 'World would be better place without Assad'”
  1. The UN has stated that it intends for the murderously genocidal Noahide Laws, which will authorize physical extermination of all Christians and Muslims worldwide, as well as the extermination of all members of many other faiths including all Hindus, Buddhists, and Sikhs etc., to become law in every nation worldwide.
    The Jewish-controlled UN created Israel in the first place. The world would be a better place without the UN and Israel.
    At least there would still be a world for all peoples for one thing if Israel and the UN were legally dissolved now with all Jews removed from all positions of power and influence all over the world.

  2. By way of deception…… He’s doing the projection thing that the jews do all the time. It’s very simple. He is the Angel of Death, not Assad.

  3. The Sociopath will always accuse you of doing the very thing that they are guilty of themselves. They do this to deflect the attention from them. Examples of this are: Accusing you of cheating, Accusing you of being dishonest or lying.

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