The 92 year old Rabbi issues a video message in English for Obama in which he tells Obama that it isn’t enough to say you are Israel’s friend – you have to show you are Israel’s friend.
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calling for u.s. to make more war
the god he is talking of that made u.s. great is the jewish-bankers money monopoly
that has bankrupted america and is sending it to hell.
seems like a fresh tape.
worried that hezbollah was able to fire back and were not able to escalate war as the zionist jews usually like to do.
so sad that with all that money and power they have to make tapes like this to goad america into more war, with more lies.
WHEN AMERICANS WILL WAKE UP?????????????????????????????????????????
The Jews want America to be their friends but are they friends to America?. They only take, take and want more, they are never satisfied, that race of criminal psychopaths want more.