Inexperienced students of circumcision have been practicing their skills on the babies of the poorest of Israeli society – Ethiopian and Sudanese families – often claiming to be fully-qualified mohels (Jewish ritual circumcisers,) according to a new investigation.
Well leaving aside the Rabbi Eliyahu Asulin’s vile attitudes to ‘lessers’, actually declaring on camera that the poorer strata of the population are ‘cannon fodder’, the story reminds us of the mysterious importance placed on male genital mutilation by the Chosen Pipple’s rabid Rabbinate. Apparently their Chosenesses have even been pissing in the ear of the CDC – ‘Saving Lives, Protecting Pipple™’ – who … “recently announced CDC guidelines promoting circumcision for all males, and in particular children”. According to Psychology Today…
“The CDC guidelines are based on a sharply criticized 2012 policy statement by the American Academy of Pediatrics. The 2012 statement was condemned by a large group of physicians, medical organizations, and ethicists from European, Scandinavian, and Commonwealth countries as “culturally biased” and “different from [the conclusions] reached by physicians in other parts of the Western world, including Europe, Canada and Australia” (Frisch et al., 2013).”
All part of the trauma-based mind control necessary to keep Chosenites and Goyim alike from straying too far from the reservation I guess. As IAIM reports…
“When it’s inflicted upon females, the civilized world calls it genital mutilation and child abuse. But for males, the medical procedure known as circumcision is still widely performed and accepted (at least in the U.S.), even though science shows that snipping a newborn child’s foreskin can cause permanent brain damage, particularly in the areas of the brain associated with reasoning, perception and emotions.”
Sick Jewish butchers.
For TUTters this is a “nothing new, move along” is almost fitting because there ain’t nuffin’ these mohels won’t do to traumatize anything or anyone they wish. All to please their satanic lord. I am not going to rail against male circumcision; we all know the facts and I have done more than enough work in the past regarding this criminal mutilation and its long term effects on both man and wife. The crime here is dismissing more human beings as animals unfit to be concerned about. Simply because they are brown/black and not chosen in their eyes because they are brown/black.
Gosh. Where is the SPLC when you need them to speak up?