IDF, police, and Shin Bet invest six hours in searching for serviceman who called to say he was being abducted
ed note–A few things worth considering here–
1. How many other similar instances–past, present and future–are the result of a ‘false flag’ such as this. Recall that it was the ‘kidnapping’ and killing of three Israeli yoots in 2014 that then spawned the Judaic bloodbath known as ‘Operation Protective Edge’ that resulted in thousands of innocent Palestinians in Gaza being slaughtered.
2. Rest assured that our brave member of the IDF–the same terrorist organization that bills itself as ‘the worlds most moral army’–knew full well what kind of hell would be/could be dumped into the lives of innocent Palestinians as a result of his actions, but did not give a rat’s fuzzy ass about it.
And please, no lecturing commentary/emails from people saying that his actions were those of a ‘Zionist’ rather than those of a ‘true Jew’.
This is Judaism and this is what it means to be ‘Jewish’–to feed into your own personal desires and demands to the detriment of others without an ounce of care or concern.
“This is Judaism and this is what it means to be ‘Jewish’–to feed into your own personal desires and demands to the detriment of others without an ounce of care or concern.” yes, totally Amoral, they are a race/nation, not a religion, never were, stole that idea from arayans, calling themselves ‘boston brahmins’ when causing the ‘civil war’