HAARETZ – The arms dealer is charged with exporting U.S.-made warplane parts without a permit and violating American laws barring commerce with the Islamic Republic. In his defense, the man claims all the parts he sold were junk.
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That’s a change. NO false flag this time/
“Eli Cohen”…..? Uuumh what do you expect w a name like that? Maybe he changed it from Cohensky?
In this video interview, more examples of this kind of Israeli arms dealers who are proud to sell deadly weapons even to Israel’s ‘enemies’.
DANGEROUS LIAISON: The Inside Story of the Covert U.S.-Israeli Relationship
Israel does not follow any laws of any country but their own. The U.S. never convicts any Jew of anything unless another Jew is harmed. As long as they are making money, they don’t care about any stinking laws of any nation, even the stupid hogtied U.S.
I just saw that a new social media network can replace Facebook to get rid of censorship. VK.com coming out of Europe.
Someone’s Junk is someone else’s treasure.
If Israel doesn’t care about prosecuting this guy, why should the US?? What has Iran done, besides reject the Rothschild banking cartel?
Gonna play like this;
Case dismissed. Move along. Nothing to see here.
Who said Israel does not have trade with Iran?
All is done in black markets
This is another hasbara lie against Iran to derail the so-called P5+1 nuclear agreement with Iran. It’s as much ridiculous as Israel’s 2009 claim that Iranian president Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was born into an Iranian Jewish family.
Iranian air force doesn’t fly US jets like Israel. Iranian jets are mostly modeled on Russian MIG21 which Iraqi pilots brought to Iran during the 1991 US invasion of Iraq. Iranian produce all military hardware locally.
Since 1979 Islamic Revolution, Iranian commercial airlines needed spare parts for country’s American and German fleet. Early this year, Iranian president Rouhani visited Paris and signed billions dollars contract to buy a fleet of Airbus.
gotta go with no. 7
Talk about kabuki theatre…
Give Iran another black eye, while playing as though the Department of Homoland Security is actually subject to *sovereign US Gov’t* oversight (and not just another Jew-created/controlled nation-wrecking front)… and that DHS will also faithfully PROTECT all those helpless, scared ‘Muricans out there in TV land from the BIG BAD TERRORISTS. Oh yeah — and they’re also actually angry at a Jewish arms dealer for selling “U.S.” hardware to another country (a country which the Jews just happen to be rabidly frothing at the mouths to seize the financial system within, I will add.)
Is the World getting sick of this sh*t yet?????????
This is just more “good-cop/bad-cop” BULLSH*T. And poorly-acted at that. Playing all sides (and parts) possible, as usual. And ANY ‘Murican left that STILL can’t see through these two-bit, pharisaical, rubbish narratives is stupid beyond comprehension.
And I guarantee you: NOTHING WAS EVEN SOLD TO IRAN… this whole story is CRAP..
Do you ‘Muricans ever get sick of being the Jews’ de facto ENFORCEMENT ARM / WORLDWIDE WRECKING BALL? You NEVER get ANYTHING out of it but a bunch of dead soldiers on both sides (and don’t forget all those civilians, too), and farther into THE POOR HOUSE…via yet MORE fraudulent, usurious debt to these parasites. And yet you just bend over and allow it.
You know why America is in ruins? Because of EXACTLY THIS.
You laid down with these vermin — but it was a trap — and now they’re destroying you. And you DO NOTHING TO BETTER THE SITUATION. And as long as you continue on this path, you are DOOMED.
Accept it — YOU WERE HAD. YOU WERE CONNED. Swallow your pride (although you have NOTHING to be proud of), and grow some spines and admit it. Good God, how I loathe cowards.
The World’s on fire and you shitlords go turn on a BALL GAME????