It’s been two and a half years since the last war in Gaza and the Israeli DNA demands another round of bloodshed. And their current jobs – construction minister or education minister – are also boring for those with a mind for it. Encouraging high school students to take advanced math or building new public housing is deadly dull. They need another war, after which they may get the positions they covet.
Doesn’t Bob Dylan live in israel now????????? Where is he ????? Why have we not heard of his righteous anger lately????? Did he just give up??????? Maybe he was just a poser. He lost me as a fan long ago.
@lolathecur Your kidding, Dylan is a self-professed satanist. He admitted striking a deal with satan in CBS 60 miniutes! Search for it.
I thought the sarcstic comment was obvious. I will perform better next time….pinky promise 😉
Fair’s fair! Bob Dylan’s “Masters of War” song-poem was NEVER intended to point the finger of blame at the grandees of the Jews-Only State as such!
If you understand American history at all, it’s quite clear that Mr Zimmerman was directly his withering contempt at warmongers of a more ‘white’ ‘WASPish’ ‘old man’ variety. After all, they were ones herding young men off to South East Asia to kill ‘gooks’ in the jungles of VN, weren’t they? I mean, aren’t warmongers, by definition, ‘old white guys’?
Dylan was definitely ‘on the money’ on this one though … “You’ve thrown the worst fear that can ever be hurled, fear to bring children in to the world.”
Yep, if the demographics of the ‘Zest’ are anything to go by, people have voted with their feet and decided, nup, not worth it. Particularly since women have got better things to do … like chase after elusory ‘Federal Reserve Notes’ on the hamster wheel of success.
Same story in Japan of course. It’s a total mystery to me why the Japanese have lost their appetite for bringing children into the world. Not!
build some sky boxes
for watching the sound and sight show
really impress nfl visitors
with your generosity as a host
dylan is the neighborhood bully
the only time he ever expressed righteous anger
any other time (not involving money) would have been fakery
pretty sure satanism is judaizm